Checking the SLA compliance
To view more information on SLA compliance, check the section Compliance Info on the Main View page of the SLA element. There you will find the following information:
Possible values:
Compliant: The SLA has never been violated and is currently not being violated.
Breached: The SLA has been violated beyond the acceptable limits, i.e. penalties could be due.
Compliant (Degraded): The SLA has been violated, but not beyond the acceptable limits.
Compliant (Degrading): The SLA is being violated right now, though not beyond the acceptable limits.
Predicted Compliance:
Possible values:
Compliant: The SLA is 100 percent compliant.
Breached: The SLA has been breached.
Jeopardy: If the service keeps on failing at the current ratio, the SLA will be breached by the end of the window.
From version 3.0.0 of the Skyline SLA Definition Basic protocol onwards, the Predicted Compliance has been moved to the Predictions page of the SLA. However, note that predictions will only work if, on the Advanced Configuration page of the SLA, Outages and Predictions have been set to Enabled. These settings can only be modified by users with at least security level 3.
Detailed violation information:
Total and single violation time left, number of violations left.
For more information on how to set these parameters, see Configuring SLA Compliance.