Table of Contents



From 10.4.2/10.5.0 onwards, it is possible to override this setting in a DomDefinition with the ModuleSettingsOverrides property.

This settings object contains the names of the scripts that should be executed after a DomInstance is created, updated, or deleted. If no name is filled in, no script will be executed. From DataMiner version 10.3.10/10.4.0 onwards, it is also possible to define which type of script (entry point) should be executed. In earlier DataMiner versions, only the "ID only" type is supported. From DataMiner 10.5.3/10.6.0 onwards, conditions are supported that allow you to define whether the configured update script should be executed for a DomInstance update.

Property Type Description
OnCreate string Name of the script that will be executed after each DomInstance is created in this module.
OnUpdate string Name of the script that will be executed after each DomInstance is updated in this module.
OnDelete string Name of the script that will be executed after each DomInstance is deleted in this module.
ScriptType OnDomInstanceActionScriptType Type of the script that should be executed. See Script types.
OnUpdateTriggerConditions List<IDomCrudScriptTriggerCondition> Conditions of which one has to be met before the update script is triggered. See Conditions.

Script types

There are currently two types of script, which each have their own unique entry point method:

  1. ID only: Default. Uses the OnDomInstanceCrud entry point method. Gives you access to the CRUD type and the ID of the DomInstance in the script.
  2. Full CRUD meta: Recommended. Uses the OnDomInstanceCrudWithFullMeta entry point method. Gives you access to the CRUD type and the full DomInstance object(s). Available from DataMiner version 10.3.10/10.4.0 onwards.

Prior to DataMiner versions 10.5.0/10.5.2, a "Script started" information event is generated when any of the configured scripts are launched. To reduce the load on the database, this no longer happens from those DataMiner versions onwards.

ID Only type

When the "ID Only" type (IdOnly enum value) is selected, the Automation script needs to contain an entry point method that has the AutomationEntryPoint attribute with argument AutomationEntryPointType.Types.OnDomInstanceCrud. When the CRUD action is executed, this method will be called with the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
engine IEngine The object that can be used to interact with the DataMiner System.
id Guid The ID of the DomInstance that was created, updated, or deleted.
crudType CrudType The type of action that this script was triggered for (Create, Update, Delete). Note that the CrudType type used here resides in the Skyline.DataMiner.Net.History namespace. Make sure to include this in the using statements.
using System;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.History;

public class Script
    public void OnDomInstanceCrud(Engine engine, Guid id, CrudType crudType)
        engine.GenerateInformation($"Script triggered for {crudType} action on DomInstance with ID: {id}");

Full CRUD meta type

When the "Full CRUD meta" type (FullCrudMeta enum value) is selected, the Automation script needs to contain an entry point method that has the AutomationEntryPoint attribute with argument AutomationEntryPointType.Types.OnDomInstanceCrudWithFullMeta. When the CRUD action is executed, this method will be called with the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
engine IEngine The object that can be used to interact with the DataMiner System.
crudMeta DomInstanceCrudMeta The meta object containing all the information on the CRUD action. See below.

This entry point has only one main argument, DomInstanceCrudMeta, which has the following properties:

Property Type Description
CrudType CrudType The type of action that this script was triggered for (Create, Update, Delete). Note that the CrudType type used here resides in the Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.DataMinerObjectModel.General namespace. Make sure to include this in the using statements when you want to compare its values.
CurrentVersion DomInstance A full DomInstance object that represents the version at the point in time when the CRUD action was executed.
PreviousVersion DomInstance A full DomInstance object that represents the previous version when an update action is executed. Will contain "null" for the other actions.
using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.DataMinerObjectModel;

public class Script
    public void OnDomInstanceCrudWithFullMeta(IEngine engine, DomInstanceCrudMeta crudMeta)
        engine.GenerateInformation($"Script triggered for {crudMeta.CrudType} action on DomInstance with name: {crudMeta.CurrentVersion.Name}");

Calculating changes done to a DOM instance in a CRUD script

From DataMiner 10.4.3/10.5.0 onwards, it is possible to calculate the changes done to a DomInstance in a CRUD script using the GetDifferences method on the DomInstanceCrudMeta object.

The GetDifferences method returns an object DomInstanceDifferences. This contains the differences of the DomInstance:

  • DomInstanceDifferences:
    • FieldValues: All changes.
      • Created: Changes where a new value was added.
      • Updated: Changes where a value was updated.
      • Deleted: Changes where a value was removed.


var differences = crudMeta.GetDifferences(); // Generate the differences

var allDifferences = differences.FieldValues; // All value differences (created, updated & deleted values)
var createdDifferences = differences.FieldValues.Created; // Only created values
var updatedDifferences = differences.FieldValues.Updated; // Only updated values
var deletedDifferences = differences.FieldValues.Deleted; // Only deleted values

These all return a FieldValueDifferences object.

On these FieldValueDifferences, you can apply different methods to further filter the results:

Method Type Description
OfType(<CrudType>) FieldValueDifferences Returns the differences with a certain CrudType (Create, Update or Delete).
OfFieldDescriptor(<FieldDescriptorID>) FieldValueDifferences Returns the differences on a certain FieldDescriptor.
OfSectionDefinition(<SectionDefinitionID>) FieldValueDifferences Returns the differences within a certain SectionDefinition.
Get() List<FieldValueDifference> Returns the differences as a list of FieldValueDifference objects, considering the filter methods.

These methods can be chained to create specific conditions to get your desired differences. In most situations, the Get() method should be applied at the end, to get a list of FieldValueDifference objects and use the properties it contains.


// Getting all created values of a certain SectionDefinition:
var differences = crudMeta.GetDifferences().FieldValues.OfType(CrudType.Create).OfSectionDefinition(SectionDefinitionId).Get();

// Getting all updated values of a certain SectionDefinition:
var differences = crudMeta.GetDifferences().FieldValues.OfSectionDefinition(SectionDefinitionId).OfType(CrudType.Update).Get();

// Getting all updated values on a certain FieldDescriptor:
var differences = crudMeta.GetDifferences().FieldValues.Updated.OfFieldDescriptor(FieldDescriptorId).Get();

// Getting all deleted values on a certain FieldDescriptor:
var differences = crudMeta.GetDifferences().FieldValues.OfFieldDescriptor(FieldDescriptorId).OfType(CrudType.Delete).Get();

This FieldValueDifferences object contains a list of FieldValueDifference objects. These objects have some properties:

Property Type Description
Type CrudType The CrudType of the changed FieldValue (Create, Update or Delete).
ValueBefore IValueWrapper The value of the FieldValue before the change.
ValueAfter IValueWrapper The value of the FieldValue after the change.
FieldDescriptorId FieldDescriptorID The FieldDescriptor ID of the changed FieldValue.
SectionId SectionID The ID of the Section that this changed FieldValue is part of.
SectionDefinitionId SectionDefinitionID The SectionDefinitionID of the changed FieldValue.

This example script generates an information event stating the differences whenever a DomInstance is created, updated, or deleted:

using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.DataMinerObjectModel;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.DataMinerObjectModel.General;

namespace Example
    public class Script
        public void OnDomInstanceCrudWithFullMeta(IEngine engine, DomInstanceCrudMeta crudMeta)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendLine($"CRUD script triggered by the '{crudMeta.CrudType}' action on DomInstance with name '{crudMeta.CurrentVersion.Name}'. Changes:");
            var differences = crudMeta.GetDifferences().FieldValues.Get();
            foreach (var difference in differences)
                var crudType = "";
                switch (difference.Type)
                    case CrudType.Create:
                        crudType = "CREATED";
                    case CrudType.Update:
                        crudType = "UPDATED";
                    case CrudType.Delete:
                        crudType = "DELETED";
                sb.AppendLine($"{crudType}: ID: '{difference.FieldDescriptorId.Id}', Change: '{difference.ValueBefore}' -> '{difference.ValueAfter}'");



From DataMiner 10.5.3/10.6.0 onwards, conditions can be used to prevent the update script from being triggered for each and every DomInstance update. This allows you to make a solution more efficient as no unnecessary script triggers are executed. These conditions can be configured by instantiating one of the supported condition classes and adding it to the OnUpdateTriggerConditions collection property on the ExecuteScriptOnDomInstanceActionSettings. The conditions are evaluated using a logical 'OR', meaning that only one condition needs to be true for the script to trigger.


When you configure conditions, the update script will no longer be triggered when a status transition is done. A status-related condition to define a trigger based on a specific status is currently not available.


This condition type allows you to check whether a FieldValue for a given FieldDescriptor has been added, updated, or removed. It also supports multiple sections, meaning the condition will be met if:

  • A new FieldValue is added in a new or existing Section.
  • An existing FieldValue is deleted from a deleted or existing Section.

To use this condition, define the ID of the FieldDescriptor by passing it to the condition's constructor.


var licensePlate = new FieldDescriptorID(Guid.Parse("81915fe0-8f55-4ad1-8da5-3b703f9e7842"));
var insuranceId = new FieldDescriptorID(Guid.Parse("7cd4366c-983c-46d2-aa92-e0308a3102e5"));

moduleSettings.DomManagerSettings.ScriptSettings.OnUpdateTriggerConditions = new List<IDomCrudScriptTriggerCondition>
   new FieldValueUpdatedTriggerCondition(licensePlate),
   new FieldValueUpdatedTriggerCondition(insuranceId)