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Configuring dashboard components


This information is applicable to the DMS Dashboards module, which is being retired as of DataMiner version 10.4.x. See DataMiner functionality evolution and retirement. We recommend using the Dashboards app instead.

To configure the components of a dashboard, you must first access the dashboard editor. This can be done in two ways:

  • After creating or editing a dashboard, click Save & Start Configuring Components, or

  • Simply click an existing dashboard in the Dashboards app.

In the dashboard editor, click Actions in the top-right corner to access the various configuration options:

Add/Remove Components

  1. Go to Actions > Add/Remove Components.

  2. Select a category from the list underneath Add/Remove Components to choose components from.

  3. Select one of the available components for the selected category. For more information about the available components, see Dashboard components.

  4. Add the component to a zone of your dashboard, either with the Add to selection box and the Add button below the list, or by dragging the component to the zone.

    The component will show a thumbnail of the result, as well as some information regarding the configuration.


    Once a component has been added to a particular zone of the dashboard, you can still drag and drop it to a different zone.

  5. Click the Configure button underneath a component to start configuring it.


You can also click the downward arrow to the right of a component header to access the following options:

  • Delete: removes the component from the dashboard.
  • Duplicate: duplicates the component on the dashboard.
  • Edit: allows you to configure the component.
  • View Info: opens a pop-up window with some more details about the component.

Configure Components

  1. Go to Actions > Configure Components and select a component, or click the Configure button for one of the components.

  2. In the Feed section of the configuration panel, choose what data the component will display. Depending on the type of component you have added, you will be able to choose a particular fixed input or configure a feed.

    To configure a feed:

    1. Either select an existing feed in the Feed selection box, or click New.

    2. Click Edit to edit the feed. You will have the same options for editing as in the Feeds editor. See Feeds.

    3. Click Save Feed to apply the changes you have made.

    4. Depending on the component type and the feed, you may then be able to select a particular element, parameter, service, etc. corresponding to the feed.

  3. In the Options section, determine how the information should be visualized in the component. The available options depend on the type of component you chose. Some options return for most components:

    • Fixed width: specify a number of pixels to which the width of the component will be fixed.

    • Title: change the title to have a different title shown above the component while it is being edited.

    • Display title: select to always show the component title on the dashboard.

    • Display border: select to put a border around the component.

    • Background image: click the ... button to choose a background image for the component.

    • Background mode: use the drop-down list to choose how the background image will be displayed.

    • Text color: click the ... button to determine the text color of the component.

    • Under Extra CSS, more advanced customizations can be applied. E.g.: border:1px solid red;

  4. Click Apply to save your changes.


To see a preview of your dashboard at this point, click Preview dashboard below the list of configuration options. The preview will open in a different window.


  1. Go to Actions > Feeds to access the Feeds editor.

  2. Click the pencil icon next to an existing feed in the top selection box, or click Add new feed to configure a new feed.

  3. Enter a name for the feed

  4. Determine either a User selection or a Fixed selection.

    • Possible selections for User selection are: Aggregation rule, Data display page, DataMiner Agent, Element, Linked dashboard, Nothing (fixed feed), Parameter, Protocol, Redundancy group, Service, View, Visual overview page.

    • Possible selections for Fixed selection are: Alarm, DataMiner Agent, Element, None, Parameter, Protocol, Redundancy group, Service, View.

    • When you choose a fixed selection, different drop-down lists will appear underneath depending on your choice.

    • A user selection determines the type of input a user has to provide. If you for instance choose "Element" for the user selection, the user will have to specify an element. A fixed selection acts as a selection filter. If you for instance specify a particular protocol for the fixed selection, the user will only be able to specify items that use this protocol.
    • For a trend parameter component, if you configure a feed with a table parameter, there are two possibilities regarding the table index. You can either select a unique name in the drop-down list, or select Other value in the list, and then enter a value. If you enter a value, you can use an asterisk ("*") as a wildcard.
  5. If necessary, in order to further limit the feed selection, you can enter a mask for the element name. To do so, click Advanced and enter a mask next to Element mask. In this mask you can use placeholders like [this service] and [param:dmaid/eid:pid:dispidx].


    An element mask can for instance be useful in a dashboard that is linked to a Service state LED component, as it will make it easier for the system to link any feeds that have "Element" configured as User selection.

  6. Click Save Settings to save the feed.

  • In the Feeds editor, you can delete feeds that are not in use by clicking the red x next to the feed.
  • In a dashboard where a user must select a feed, in the feed selection panel, it is possible to save a particular feed as default.


Go to Actions > Settings to access the general dashboard settings.

You can configure several options here:

  • To make the dashboard pop up in a smaller window, select Pop up as mini-dashboard and enter a width and height for the mini-dashboard.

  • Click the ... button under Background image to choose a background image for the dashboard.

  • Choose a Background mode to determine how the background image will be displayed

  • Click the ... button under Text color to determine the text color of the dashboard.

  • Under Extra CSS, more advanced customizations can be applied. E.g.: border:1px solid red;