Table of Contents


In the <ParametersSourceInfo> tag, specify the parameters from which to retrieve the necessary data in order to draw the layer’s objects, which can be either markers or lines.

  • In the type attribute, specify the type of DataMiner items from which to retrieve the parameter values: elements or services.

  • If the type attribute is set to “services”, also specify an alias attribute or elementDataVar attribute, setting it to the element in the service that has the location data. E.g. <ParametersSourceInfo type="services" alias="locationelement">.


    Up to DataMiner version 9.0.3, DataMiner automatically displayed an unspecified element from the service on the map. From DataMiner 9.0.3 onwards, you must specify an element from the service in the configuration instead, and the location coordinates of that element are used to display the service on the map.

    This means that for maps created prior to this version, which use ParametersSourceInfo with services, it may be necessary to make some changes to the configuration. Specifically, to make pop-up balloons display parameter values for elements in the service, instead of <Detail> tags of type “parameter”, <Detail> tags of type “parameter_elementalias” or “property_elementalias” must be used. See PopupDetails and Example of a layer retrieving its data from service parameters and using pop-up balloons (DataMiner 9.0.3 onwards).


    See also: elementDataVar

  • If the style attribute is set to “markers” (i.e. the default setting), the layer will display markers, each positioned at a location specified by one pair of latitude/longitude values.

  • If the style attribute is set to “lines”, the layer will display lines, each connecting two pairs of latitude/longitude values. Each line will be displayed as a geodesic, a segment of a “great circle” representing the shortest distance between two points on the surface of the Earth.

ParametersSourceInfo subTags

Inside the <ParametersSourceInfo> tag, you can place the following tags.


The parameter IDs containing the latitude and longitude values.

  • If the style attribute is set to “markers”, only one pair of latitude/longitude values has to be specified in the <LatitudePID> and <LongitudePID> tags. In that case, the <LatitudePID2> and <LongitudePID2> tags will not be used and can therefore be omitted.

  • If the style attribute is set to “lines”, two pairs of latitude/longitude values have to be specified: one pair in the <LatitudePID> and <LongitudePID> tags, and another pair in the <LatitudePID2> and <LongitudePID2> tags.


In this optional tag, you can specify the ID of the parameter containing a marker image ID.

If, for a specific marker, this parameter contains an image ID corresponding to a particular MarkerImage ID, then the marker will be displayed on the map using that specific marker image. If, however, no marker image can be found of which the ID matches the image ID that was retrieved, then the marker will be displayed using the first marker image defined in the <MarkerImages> tag.


In this tag, specify a view ID if you want to narrow down the number of views from which to retrieve the necessary parameter values.

  • In the id attribute, specify the ID of the view.

  • In the includeSubViews attribute, specify whether or not to include the underlying subviews. Default: false


In this tag, specify the name of a protocol if you want the layer data only to be retrieved from parameters of elements based on that specific protocol.


In this optional tag, you can specify one or more filters in <ParameterFilter> tags.

Use the following syntax:

  • There must be a space before and after the operator. Possible operators: == (equal to) and != (not equal to)
  • In a parameter filter, you can use placeholders referring to variables declared in the <ParametersSourceInfo> tag. The [DMA_USERNAME] placeholder, however, is a general placeholder that does not need to be declared. At runtime, it will be replaced by the name of the current user.

Passing ParametersSourceInfo data along in the map’s URL

The element, service and view filter can be passed along as a parameter in the map’s URL.


If you want to have an element placed on a map using location coordinates stored in another element, add an elementDataVar attribute to the <ParametersSourceInfo> tag, and set its value to “elementdata”.

Then assign the name of the element containing the coordinates to the elementdata variable in the map’s URL (with a “d” prefix”):



  • The “location element” specified in the element variable will supply:

  • The “data element” specified in the elementdata variable will supply:

    • the element name

    • the alarm color

    • the MarkerSelectionPID (i.e. the parameter containing the marker image ID)

  • The parameter filter will be applied on the “data element”.


It is possible to specify this attribute in the <PropertiesSourceInfo> tag instead. See Passing PropertiesSourceInfo data along in the map’s URL.


If, in the <ParametersSourceInfo> tag, you add an elementVar attribute with value “myElement” (referring to an element using the syntax “DMAID/ElementID” or “NameOfElement”), then you can use a map URL like one of the following instead (notice the “d” in front of the parameter name!):



Similar to the elementVar attribute, you can also use the serviceVar attribute to pass a service name or service ID along in the map’s URL. To do so, add a serviceVar attribute with value “myService”, referring to a service using the syntax “DMAID/ServiceID” or “NameOfService”.


<ParametersSourceInfo type="services" serviceVar="MyService"

You can then use a map URL like the following:



If, in the <ParametersSourceInfo> tag, you add a <ViewFilter> tag with an idVars attribute set to “myView” (referring to a view either by ID or by name), then you can pass the view as a parameter in the map’s URL in the following manner (notice the “d” in front of the parameter name!):


In the value of an idVars attribute, you can specify several parameters separated by semicolons (”;”).


Example of a layer retrieving its data from element parameters

<Layer sourceType="parameters" refresh="20000" autoFit="true" visible="false" allowToggle="true"  name="element parameters" toggleGroup="Elements">
  <ParametersSourceInfo type="elements">
    <ProtocolFilter>[DVE Child] Concept Stress</ProtocolFilter>
    <ViewFilter idVar="NewView" includeSubViews="true" />
    <Detail name="customparametervalue" type="parameter" pid="102" />
    <MarkerImage id="default" url="images/icons/SATIP2_2.png" width="20" height="36" anchor="10,36"/>

Example of a layer retrieving its data from service parameters (prior to DataMiner version 9.0.3)

<Layer sourceType="parameters" refresh="20000" autoFit="true" visible="false" allowToggle="true"  name="service parameters" toggleGroup="Services">
  <ParametersSourceInfo type="services">
    <ViewFilter id="5" includeSubViews="true" />

Example of a layer retrieving its data from service parameters and using pop-up balloons (DataMiner 9.0.3 onwards)

<Layer sourceType="parameters" refresh="20000" autoFit="false" visible="false" allowToggle="true"  name="Service parameters iDirect">
  <ParametersSourceInfo type="services" alias="locationelement">
      <p>username: [username]</p>
      <p>latitude: [latitude]</p>
      <p>longitude: [longitude]</p>
    <Detail name="username" type="parameter_elementalias" alias="locationelement" pid="2002" />
    <Detail name="latitude" type="parameter_elementalias" alias="locationelement" pid="2007" />
    <Detail name="longitude" type="parameter_elementalias" alias="locationelement" pid="2008" />

Example of a layer retrieving line data from element parameters

<Layer sourceType="parameters" refresh="20000" autoFit="true" visible="false" allowToggle="true" name="element line parameters" toggleGroup="Elements">
  <ParametersSourceInfo type="elements" style="lines">
    <ProtocolFilter>[DVE Child] Concept Stress</ProtocolFilter>
    <ViewFilter id="5" includeSubViews="true" />

Example of a ParametersSourceInfo tag containing parameter filters

<ParametersSourceInfo type="elements" filterVars="vessel">
  <ViewFilter id="5" includeSubViews="true" />
    <ParameterFilter>value=110 != 0</ParameterFilter>
    <ParameterFilter>value=111 == [vessel]</ParameterFilter>