Configuring measurement points
A measurement point is a series of sets that is executed on devices to select an input for a spectrum analyzer device, e.g. to set a switch to the correct position. This way, multiple signals can be measured with one single spectrum analyzer.
See also:
Spectrum Analyzer – About presets and measurement points
The measurement point configuration window
On a spectrum analyzer card, go to the Measurement points tab in the overhead ribbon, and click New measurement point or Edit measurement point to open the measurement point configuration window.
The measurement point configuration window consists of:
A list pane on the left containing all measurement points in the DMS.
A details pane on the right where a selected measurement point can be configured. See Configuring a measurement point.
A number of buttons at the bottom of the list pane:
The Add measurement point button, which can be used to add a new, unconfigured measurement point to the list.
The Delete button, which can be used to delete a selected measurement point.
The Export button, which can be used to export the measurement points to a CSV or TXT file (comma-separated format).
The Import button, which can be used to import measurement points from a CSV or TXT file.
Any measurement points with ID -1 in the import file will be added as new measurement points. The imported measurement points will be shown in the list pane with the label [modified] or [new], and the changes will need to be applied before they are saved.
- If the current trace is hidden, this will be reflected in the measurement point. See Spectrum trace acquisition.
- If no measurement points have been configured yet, the Edit measurement point option will not be available.
Configuring a measurement point
To configure a new or existing measurement point:
Select the measurement point in the list pane of the measurement point configuration window.
At the top of the details pane, next to Name, specify a name for the measurement point.
In the Setup section, select either to set up the measurement point via a parameter set, or via an Automation script, and then select the parameter set or the script in question.
- To configure a parameter set of a matrix parameter, when you have selected the parameter, click the value field. A pop-up box will then appear in which you can select the input and output and indicate whether these should be connected.
- For more information on configuring a measurement point to execute an Automation script, see Making a measurement point execute a script before taking a trace.
Optionally, in the Advanced section:
Specify a Delay for Parameter Set Verification, i.e. set a number of ms that DataMiner should wait before taking a spectrum sweep after setting the measurement point.
Specify a Frequency offset, i.e. shift the trace in frequency.
Select the checkbox next to Invert spectrum in order to flip the trace around the center frequency.
The Frequency offset and Invert spectrum options can be of use when the spectrum analyzer is operating behind frequency downconverters, which apply an offset to the spectrum and sometimes also invert it.
Add an amplitude correction. See Specifying an amplitude correction.
Displaying measurement points
To display a measurement point, in the settings pane, go to Manual > Measurement points, and select the measurement point you want to display. To quickly find a particular measurement point, use the quick filter in the top right corner.
Two additional display options are available in the Measurement points tab:
Visualize measurement points:
Adds the measurement points as services in the same view as the spectrum analyzer element. These services contain the monitored alarm parameters for the measurement point.
- Measurement points have their own specific icon in the Surveyor:
- A service representing a measurement point will only include the spectrum element if there is at least one monitor with at least one parameter that uses this measurement point.
- The default opening behavior of measurement point cards can be configured in the user settings. The cards can either open as a service or as a spectrum analyzer card. The alternative opening behavior can be accessed via the measurement point’s context menu. See Card settings.
- Measurement points have their own specific icon in the Surveyor:
Combined measurement point view:
When this option is enabled, you can display multiple measurement points at once by selecting them in the Manual > Measurement points tab of the settings pane.