Table of Contents

Creating APIs and tokens in code

Instead of creating API definitions and tokens in Cube, you can also create them in code, using the ApiDefinition and ApiToken classes available in the SLNetTypes.dll. This can for example be useful if an API setup needs to be deployed in the install script of an application package.


The create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) actions on tokens and definitions can be done in code using the UserDefinableApiHelper. This class accepts a message callback and will construct the required SLNet messages to create, read, update, and delete these objects.

using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.UserDefinableApis;

public class Script
    public void Run(Engine engine)
        // Create the helper
        var helper = new UserDefinableApiHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages);

Creating a token

To create an API token, instantiate a new instance of the ApiToken class.

You will need to provide a name and a secret. The secret can be generated using the ApiTokenSecretGenerator helper class.

The token can then be passed to the Create method of the helper. Make sure to output the generated secret somewhere so this can be used to trigger the APIs.

using System.IO;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.UserDefinableApis;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.UserDefinableApis.Actions;

namespace UserDefinableApiScripts.CreateToken
    public class Script
        public void Run(Engine engine)
            // Setup the helper
            var helper = new UserDefinableApiHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages);

            // Define the token
            var token = new ApiToken()
                Name = "Test Token A",
                Secret = ApiTokenSecretGenerator.GenerateSecret()

            // Write the secret to an accessible location on the server so we can use it when we want to trigger and API
            File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Token.txt", token.Secret);

            // Create the token
            token = helper.ApiTokens.Create(token);

If the secret for the token is pre-determined and has to be set during creation, make sure that these hard-coded values are not part of code that is publicly available (e.g. on GitHub).


For more information on the token configuration, see ApiToken object.

Creating an API definition

To create an API definition, instantiate a new instance of the ApiDefinition class.

You will need to provide a route, action type, and action meta alongside a collection of the token IDs that have access to this API.

The definition can then be passed to the Create method of the helper.

// Define the API
var definition = new ApiDefinition()
    Name = "Test API One",
    Description = "This is the first test API",
    Route = "test-apis/one",
    ActionType = ActionType.AutomationScript,
    ActionMeta = new AutomationScriptActionMeta()
        InputType = InputType.RawBody,
        ScriptName = "MyApiAutomationScript"
    SecuritySettings = new SecuritySettings()
        AllowedTokens = { token.ID }

// Create the definition

For more information on the API definition configuration, see ApiDefinition object.

Doing other CRUD actions

Using the helper, you can also read, update, and delete these objects.

Below, you can find examples for an API token. For a definition, you can do this in the same way.

using System.Linq;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.UserDefinableApis;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.SLDataGateway;

namespace UserDefinableApiScripts.CrudActions
    public class Script
        public void Run(Engine engine)
            // Setup the helper
            var helper = new UserDefinableApiHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages);

            // Get the token by name
            var tokenFilter = ApiTokenExposers.Name.Equal("Test Token A");
            var token = helper.ApiTokens.Read(tokenFilter).FirstOrDefault();
            if (token == null)
                engine.ExitFail("The token was not found.");

            // Update the name
            token.Name = "Updated Test Token A";
            token = helper.ApiTokens.Update(token);

            // Delete the token

Handling failed CRUD actions

When something goes wrong during the CRUD actions, or when the data that was passed to a helper method was not fully valid, errors can be returned.

Errors that result from the validation logic will cause a CrudFailedException to be thrown. Other, more unexpected errors will most likely throw another type of exception. Because of this, we recommend catching these exceptions as shown in the example below.

using System;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.UserDefinableApis;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.ManagerStore;

namespace UserDefinableApiScripts.Exceptions
    public class Script
        public void Run(Engine engine)
            // Setup the helper
            var helper = new UserDefinableApiHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages);

            // Try to create the token
                var token = CreateToken(helper);
            catch (CrudFailedException ce)
                engine.ExitFail($"A CrudFailedException was thrown: {ce.TraceData}");
            catch (Exception e)
                engine.ExitFail($"An unexpected exception occurred: {e}");

        public ApiToken CreateToken(UserDefinableApiHelper helper)
            var token = new ApiToken("Test Token") { Secret = string.Empty };
            return helper.ApiTokens.Create(token);

In this example, the token creation will fail because an empty string was assigned as the secret. When this script is run via Cube, a pop-up message and information event will contain a human-readable version of the validation error. In this case, the InvalidSecret error is returned alongside the ID of the invalid token.

A CrudFailedException was thrown: TraceData: (amount = 1)
  - ErrorData: (amount = 1)
      - ErrorReason: InvalidSecret, Id: ApiTokenId[60e5a541-cc35-4f3d-a1c6-c0506fc698e0],

These validation errors are contained in the TraceData property of the CrudFailedException. It has multiple collections, but the ErrorData is the most important. This collection can contain instances like ApiTokenError or ApiDefinitionError. Each of these then contains a reason and some additional metadata depending on that reason. For more information on the kind of errors you can expect, refer to ApiDefinition errors and ApiToken errors.

You can also prevent the CrudFailedException from being thrown and instead check for errors in the TraceData yourself. To do so, set the ThrowExceptionsOnErrorData properties to false for all helper components. Then, after a CRUD action, call the GetTraceDataLastCall() method on the respective helper component. You can then either check the error collection or use the existing HasSucceeded() method to see whether the TraceData contains errors.

using Skyline.DataMiner.Automation;
using Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Apps.UserDefinableApis;

namespace UserDefinableApiScripts.NoExceptions
    public class Script
        public void Run(Engine engine)
            // Setup the helper
            var helper = new UserDefinableApiHelper(engine.SendSLNetMessages)
                ApiTokens = { ThrowExceptionsOnErrorData = false },
                ApiDefinitions = { ThrowExceptionsOnErrorData = false }

            // Try to create the token
            var token = new ApiToken("Test Token") { Secret = string.Empty };
            token = helper.ApiTokens.Create(token);

            // Check the TraceData
            var traceData = helper.ApiTokens.GetTraceDataLastCall();
            if (!traceData.HasSucceeded())
                engine.ExitFail($"The token creation failed with errors: {traceData}");