Table of Contents

User-Defined API events

The User-Defined API manager will send out an event whenever an ApiToken or ApiDefinition object is created, updated, or deleted.

Event name Description
ApiTokenChangedEventMessage Generated when an ApiToken is created, updated, or deleted.
ApiDefinitionChangedEventMessage Generated when an ApiDefinition is created, updated, or deleted.

These event messages are available from DataMiner 10.4.6/10.5.0 onwards. From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU17]/10.4.0 [CU5]/10.4.8 onwards, Cube will subscribe to these events and update the Automation module and the System Center > User-Defined APIs page with any recent changes.

Filtering CRUD events

When subscribing to event messages, you can use the SubscriptionFilter to only receive the messages matching a specific filter. See the following example.

// In this example, the Connection object is taken from the script's Engine object
var connection = engine.GetUserConnection();

// Create a random set ID that identifies the subscription
var setId = $"ApiTokenSubscription_{Guid.NewGuid()}"

// Create the filter for the ApiToken events; only enabled tokens should match
var filter = ApiTokenExposers.IsDisabled.Equal(false);
var subscriptionFilter = new SubscriptionFilter<ApiTokenChangedEventMessage, ApiToken>(filter);

// Attach a callback when a new event message arrives
connection.OnNewMessage += (sender, args) =>
    // Handle the events

// Subscribe
connection.AddSubscription(setId, subscriptionFilter);