Managing Visio files linked to protocols
In DataMiner, each protocol has one or more Visio files linked to it. It is possible to change the Visio files linked to a protocol, so that each element based on that particular protocol displays the Visual Overview you have determined.
For elements that have been created by a parent element, it may not be possible to change what Visio file is used, except with an Administrator account or via the parent element.
Switching between different Visio files
Switching between Visio files for elements
In the Protocols & Templates module, for each protocol, any Visio files linked to it are displayed under Visio files in the second column. There can be several different Visio files listed in this section:
Default Visio files shipped with the DataMiner software, called General default.
Protocol-specific Visio files included in certain protocol packages, called Protocol default.
Custom Visio files assigned to a protocol by a user, called Custom.
In the Protocols & Templates module, the currently used Visio file for the protocol is marked with a check icon.
To set a different Visio file as the active file for a particular protocol:
Right-click the Visual Overview.
In the context menu, select Set as active [protocol name] protocol Visio file and then select Custom, Protocol Default or General Default, depending on which of the configured Visio files you wish to use.
From DataMiner 10.0.11 onwards, it is also possible to assign a Visio file to one element only, without affecting the Visio files available for the protocol. For more information, see Set as active Visio file.
Switching between Visio files for services or views
To set a different Visio file as the active file for a particular service or view:
Right-click the Visual Overview and select Set as active Visio file > Existing.
Select the Visio file that should be used as the active file. If the file is not displayed in the dialog box, click Other file to browse to its location.
Next to Page, select which page should be displayed by default.
Optionally, select Force default page selection to always show this page by default.
See also: Visual overview page priority
Click OK to close the dialog box.
The option to switch to a different Visio file is also available from an element, service or view card’s header bar menu. See Card header bar menu.
Assigning a custom Visio file to a protocol
In the Protocols & Templates module, you can upload a custom-made Visio file to assign it to a protocol.
Go to Apps > Protocols & Templates.
Select the protocol to which you want to assign a Visio file under Protocols.
Under Visio Files, right-click General default and select Upload custom Visio file.
In the Open dialog box, select the desired Visio file (extension: .vdx or .vsdx), and click Open.
- It is not possible to upload Visio files of which the file name contains more than one “%” sign.
- Under Protocols, protocols to which a Visio file has been assigned are marked by a small Visio icon.
You can also upload a Visio file to a specific element instead of to a protocol. See Set as active Visio file.
Removing a Microsoft Visio file assigned to a protocol
If you no longer want a custom Visio file to be linked to a protocol, you can sever the link between the protocol and the Visio file.
Go to Apps > Protocols & Templates.
Under Protocols, right-click the protocol and select Remove Visio file.
In the confirmation box, click Yes.