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Linking a shape to a MULTIPLE SET command

Using a shape data field of type Execute, you can link a shape to a MULTIPLE SET command.

When you link a shape to a MULTIPLE SET command, that command will be executed each time a user clicks that shape.


For an example, see Ziine > Visual Overview Design Examples view > [linking > EXE] page.

Configuring the shape data field

Add a shape data field of type Execute to the shape, and set its value to:

Multiple Set|ViewID|Protocol|ProtocolVersion|ID of write parameter|NewValue|Tooltip|Options|TableRowKey]


In the above-mentioned command, you can use the following option.

  • NoConfirmation: No confirmation box will appear when users click the shape.


Multiple Set||Microsoft Platform|Production|1103|MyNewPassword

When users click the shape, a confirmation box will appear asking them whether they want the MULTIPLE SET command to be executed. If they click Yes, the command will be executed.