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Linking a shape to the alarm state of a Data Display page

If you have linked a shape to an element, that shape can be set to indicate the current alarm state of a particular Data Display page of that element.


For an example, see Ziine > Visual Overview Design Examples view > [linking > ALARM] page.

Configuring the shape data field

Add a shape data field of type DataDisplayPage to the shape, and set its value to the name of a Data Display page.

For example, if you specify the following shape data, the shape will have the color of the current alarm state of the "Audio" page of the element named "IRD 01".

Shape data field Value
Element IRD 01
DataDisplayPage Audio
  • The displayed alarm level corresponds to the alarm level of the full Data Display page and does not consider service context.
  • We recommend using the shape data field of type DataDisplayPage judiciously, as it creates a subscription on all parameters of the page.