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Making a shape display a custom drawing using Path markup

In Visio shapes, you can make custom drawings using WPF Path markup.

Add a shape data field of type Path to a shape, and enter path markup in its value:


For an example, see Ziine > Visual Overview Design Examples view > [data > PATH] page.


See below for more information on the different components of the Path string.

  • data: The Path markup that defines the drawing. For more information on Path markup, see
  • Stroke: The line color (name of color or "#aarrggbb").
  • Fill: The line color (name of color or "#aarrggbb").
  • Strokethickness: The line thickness.
  • Tooltip: The tooltip text.
  • YAxisUp: 0 or 1.
  • bottomLeftX;bottomLeftY;topRightX;topRightY: The coordinates of the lower left and top-right corner of the shape. To be used when using relative positioning.
  • link: The name or the ID of the element or service to jump to when the shape is clicked. When you right-click the shape, you will see the default shortcut menu of that element or service.

Example of a Path string

M 0,10 L 0,7 L 2,6 L 4,9 L 6,12 L 8,11 L 10,9 L 12,8 L 14,14 L 16,6 L 18,11 L 20,5 L 22, 7 L 24,8 L 26,14 L 28,11 L 30,11 L 32,7 L 34,11 L 36,12 L 38,12 L 40,14 L 42,5 L 44,6 L 46, 8 L 48,12 L 50,10 M 200,10 L 202,8 L 204,9 L 206,8 L 208,10 L 210,8 L 212,5 L 214,6 L 216, 7 L 218,9 L 220,12 L 222,6 L 224,6 L 226,13 L 228,14 L 230,8 L 232,14 L 234,11 L 236,13 L 238, 11 L 240,14 L 242,10 L 244,11 L 246,6 L 248,5 L 250,10 M 302,10 L 304,11 L 306,11 L 308,6 L 310, 10 L 312,11 L 314,8 L 316,8 L 318,10 L 320,6 L 322,14 L 324,13 L 326,5 L 328,8 L 330,13 L 332, 12 L 334,8 L 336,13 L 338,13 L 340,9 L 342,7 L 344,12 L 346,13 L 348,8 L 350,10 M 400,10 L 404, 8 L 406,6 L 408,5 L 410,14 L 412,9 L 414,13 L 416,7 L 418,9 L 420,12 L 422,6 L 424,7 L 426, 5 L 428,6 L 430,7 L 432,14 L 434,6 L 436,5 L 438,9 L 440,10 L 442,13 L 444,11 L 446,9 L 448, 9 L 450,10 L 452,14 L 454,8 L 456,14 L 458,5 L 460,9 L 462,6 L 464,11 L 466,13 L 468,8 L 470, 5 L 472,10 L 474,13 L 476,11 L 478,5 L 480,8 L 482,9 L 484,11 L 486,7 L 488,11 L 490,7 L 492, 7 L 494,8 L 496,7 L 498,10 L 500,8;Green;#ff0000;1;noise;true;0;0;500;150;MyElement

Multiple paths in one shape

One shape data field of type Path can contain multiple paths, separated by pipe characters:



M 98,399 L 92,380 91,363 90,349 87,336 335,378 350,392 358,398 99,399 z;white;Black;0; This is a tooltip;false;|M 89,339 L 86,310 85,292 81,259 82,234 91,203 101,187 110, 184 118,189 131,192 147,196 164,199 171,223 179,242 191,254 205,259 218,263 232,268 235, 281 245,302 255,326 264,356 262,377 262,397 96,399 91,375 90,354 Z;white;white;0

Multiple paths fetched from a table

In a shape data field of type Path, you can also refer to a table in which each row contains a path to be drawn:


In the table you can define a pathFormat for the row in the column options of the primary key column. In that path format, you can use [Param:ColPid] to refer to a cell value in a particular column of the row.


<ColumnOption idx="0" pid="111" type="custom" value=""
  options="[Sep:;|]PathFormat=M [Param:114],
    [Param:122] L [Param:116],[Param:124] L [Param:118],
    [Param:126] L [Param:120],[Param:128];DarkGray;
    Start Frequency: [Param:114]&#xA;&#xA;(Click to open);
    true;0;0;500;150;[Param:132]" />

Making subshapes display labels

In subshapes, you can define labels. The text in those shapes will then be replaced by the actual position, based on the path data.

Add a shape data field of type Path and set its value to:


For this label feature to work, you have to specify bottomLeft and topRight coordinates in the path data.

Making subshapes display units of measure

It is possible to have one or more subshapes display units of measure. To do so:

  • In the main shape, add the following components to the WPF Path specified in a shape data field of type Path:

    Component Description
    LabelFactorX Factor with which to multiply the X-axis values (double).
    LabelFactorY Factor with which to multiply the Y-axis values (double).
    UnitX The unit of measure for the X-axis (string).
    UnitY The unit of measure for the Y-axis (string).

    Path syntax:

    Path:data;Stroke;Fill;StrokeThickness;Tooltip;YAxisUp;bottomLeftX; bottomLeftY;topRightX;topRightY;link;LabelFactorX;LabelFactorY; UnitX;UnitY
  • In every subshape that has to contain a unit of measure, add a shape data field of type Path, and set its value to one of the following values:


Enabling horizontal zooming

From DataMiner 9.0.5 onwards, it is possible to enable horizontal zooming on a shape configured to display a custom drawing using path markup.

To do so, add the following option to the shape:

Shape data field Value
Options EnableHorizontalZoom
  • If labels are defined for the path shapes, these will update along with the zoom level.
  • Zooming in on the Visual Overview page is still possible when the mouse pointer is not over the shape.