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Adding options to a parameter control

If you used a shape data field of type ParameterControl to turn a shape into a parameter control, then you can use an additional shape data field of type ParameterControlOptions to configure the control settings.


Configuring the shape data field

Add a shape data field of type ParameterControlOptions to the shape, and set its value to:




If certain types of parameters are displayed as a "Lite" parameter, you can use this option to display a checkbox. This is the case for toggle button parameters that represent a boolean value (i.e. 0 and 1) and for hybrid parameters:

  • For a toggle button parameter, the parameter will be displayed as a checkbox in Visual Overview. If the parameter does not yet have a value, the checkbox will be displayed as unchecked.

  • For a hybrid parameter, a checkbox will be displayed in Visual Overview that can be cleared to set the parameter to the exception value, or selected to set the parameter to any normal value.


    The behavior of a hybrid parameter checkbox configured with this option is the opposite as the behavior for hybrid parameter checkboxes in Data Display.

In order to specify this option, set ParameterControlOptions to the following value:


See also:


When you have turned a shape into a table control that displays a direct view table, you can use this option to have the table refreshed at regular intervals.

Shape data field Value
ParameterControlOptions ClientSidePollingInterval:<interval>
For example: To configure a polling interval of 1 minute, specify ClientSidePollingInterval:00:01:00.


When displaying a table parameter in Visio, use this option to specify a client-side row filter.

Use the same syntax as in a filter box (e.g. in the top-right corner of a card).

If, for example, you set ParameterControlOptions to "ClientSideRowFilter:Name:abc", the table will only display rows of which the "Name" column contains "abc".


ClientSideRowFilter supports table column names both with and without a suffix containing the name of the table in parentheses. For example, a column with parameter description "Value (Table1)" will match both the filter Value:5 and Value (Table1):5.


When displaying a table parameter in Visio, use this option to control the width of the table columns.

Set ParameterControlOptions to "ColumnWidths:", followed by a comma-separated list of widths (in pixels).



If you want a column to automatically adjust its width according to its contents, replace the pixel size by a character "a" (referring to "autosize"):

  • The width of an "autosize" column will not be recalculated when cell content changes, nor when the user scrolls the list (in order to avoid flickering). However, it will be recalculated when rows are added or removed.
  • The autosize behavior of a column will be disabled if that column is resized manually. To re-enable the autosize behavior, the user has to double-click the column resize icon.
  • When this option is used, the Save layout option will be unavailable in the table context menu.


When you turn a shape into a parameter control of type "Lite" (see below), you can use the "CustomColors" option to customize the colors of that parameter control.


Color definition Description
text The color of the default text.
text.disabled The color of the text when the value is "not initialized".
text.titlesuffix The color of the table index suffix in the title.
bg.hover The color of the background when hovering the mouse cursor over the control.
bg.hovereditor The color of the background when hovering the mouse cursor over the editor part of the control.
bg.pressededitor As of DataMiner 10.3.9/10.4.0, the color of the background when the left mouse button is pressed within the editor part of the control.
  • If no custom color is defined, the control will take the default color depending on the current Cube theme (white/black).
  • Colors can be specified in one of the following hexadecimal formats: #RRGGBB, #AARRGGBB, RRGGBB, AARRGGBB. Values can be separated with a comma or a semicolon.


See Adding a filter box to a table control.


When you turn a shape into a parameter control of type "Lite", you can use the "CustomTitle" option to specify a custom label.


See also: Lite


When the cells of one or more selected rows are changed in a table update, by default, the values of selection session variables are set again. This behavior can be disabled with the "DisableSetVarOnParameterUpdate" option. If this option is specified, table updates will no longer set any session variables.

For example:

Shape data Value
Element 123/4
ParameterControl 500
ParameterControlOptions DisableSetVarOnParameterUpdate


When displaying a dynamic table on a Visio page using a shape data field of type ParameterControl, it is possible to specify which columns should be displayed as read-only.

Add a shape data field of type ParameterControlOptions to the shape, and set its value to "DisableWritePids:", followed by a comma-separated list of parameters to be disabled.

In the following example, the write parameters 1005, 1007, and 1009 have been disabled:



It is possible to override the default double-click action for an embedded table parameter control, so that double-clicking a table cell does not display parameter information, but instead opens a visual overview in an undocked window.

To do so, add the following shape data to the shape with the ParameterControl shape data:

Shape data field Description
ParameterControlOptions Set this field to DoubleClickAction=OpenPage.
LinkOptions The width and height of the undocked window that will be opened when the shape is double-clicked, in the format Width=x|Height=x. See Configuring the size of the window.
VdxPage Set this field to MyPage|Window, where MyPage is a page name of the visual overview of the element containing the table.

For example:

Shape data field Value
Element 17/10
ParameterControl 200
ParameterControlOptions DoubleClickAction=OpenPage
LinkOptions Width=1200|Height=800
VdxPage ContentPage|Window


See Adding a filter box to a table control.


If you specify this option on numeric write parameters, the slider will be removed from the parameter control.


If you specify this option, the index part of table parameters will not be displayed.


If, in the shape data field of type ParameterControl, you have specified a read parameter, then you can add the "IncludeWrite" option to allow users to change the parameter value via the associated write parameter.

If, in the shape data field of type ParameterControl, you have specified a write parameter, there is no need to specify this "IncludeWrite" option.

IncludedPids and TableRowFilter

Using the "IncludedPids" and "TableRowFilter" options in ParameterControlOptions, you can filter out specific columns and rows when ParameterControl refers to a dynamic table.

  • Use the "IncludedPids" option to specify the IDs of the columns to be displayed.
  • Use the "TableRowFilter" option to filter out specific rows. This is a server-side filter that accepts a semicolon-separated list of PID=value pairs. From DataMiner 10.2.0/10.1.3 onwards, fullfilter syntax is supported for this option (see Dynamic table filter syntax).


  • Column filter: Display only the columns with the IDs 111 and 114

  • Row filter: Display only the rows for which column 114 has a value starting with 6 and column 111 has a value starting with "row".

  • Row filter: Display only the rows for which column 106 has a value starting with "sl".
TableRowFilter:42002 in_range 1/5
  • Row filter: Display only rows where parameter 42002 has a value between 1 and 5. For this example, advanced dynamic table filter syntax is used. For more information, see Dynamic table filter syntax.
TableRowFilter:FULLFILTER=(PK == 0) OR (DK == 1)
  • Fullfilter syntax (supported from DataMiner 10.1.3 onwards): Display rows for which the primary key is 0 or the display key is 1.
  • As "TableRowFilter" is a server-side filter, for discrete parameters you should use the raw values instead of the display values in the filter.
  • In the "TableRowFilter" and "IncludedPIDs" options, you can use placeholders like "[Param:...]", "[Var:...]", etc. See Placeholders for variables in shape data values.
  • To specify a client-side filter for a table parameter, use the "ClientSideRowFilter" option instead: ClientSideRowFilter.
  • Strings in table row value filters should be enclosed in single quotes to ensure correct parsing.
  • Note that semicolons are not supported in the fullfilter syntax unless you specify that a different separator than a semicolon applies for the filter (see About using separator characters). E.g. "[sep:;£]TableRowFilter:FULLFILTER=(PK == a;b) OR (DK == 1)"


Parameter controls that display analog parameters can be displayed either as a LED bar or as an oscilloscope. The user can switch between the two display modes via the context menu. Specify "LedBar" in the ParameterControlOptions to make sure the parameter control is initially displayed as a LED bar.


Specify this option if you want to use the "Lite" version of a parameter control. These types of controls occupy less space on the screen as they combine the read and write parameters on a single line.

At present, "Lite" versions are only available for the following types of controls: string, password, numeric, discreet, togglebutton, and button.

If you specify this option, you can also add additional options to customize the way the Lite parameter control is displayed:


In a DataMiner protocol, a column can be linked to a Visio session variable, so that session variables are set upon selection of a table row. In that case, when multiple rows are selected, the default separator is a pipe character ("|"). With the "MultipleValueSep" option, you can specify a different separator. To do so, add the separator of your choice after "MultipleValueSep=".

For example, to use a semicolon as separator, specify the following:


For more information on how this is configured in the protocol, refer to the "SelectionSetVar" option in the Developer documentation.


Parameter controls that display analog parameters can be displayed either as a LED bar or as an oscilloscope. The user can switch between the two display modes via the context menu. Specify "Oscilloscope" in the ParameterControlOptions to make sure the parameter control is initially displayed as an oscilloscope.


See Adding a Refresh and/or Sort button to a table control.


If the parameter control is based on a table parameter, and you want the table name to be displayed, add the parameter control option "ShowTableName=true".


In a DataMiner protocol, a column can be linked to a Visio session variable, so that session variables are set upon selection of a table row. In that case, you can use this option on the table parameter control to make sure that only a single row can be selected.


For more information on how this is configured in the protocol, refer to the "SelectionSetVar" option in the Developer documentation.


See Adding a Refresh and/or Sort button to a table control.


See Adding a filter box to a table control.


When you turn a shape into a parameter control of type "Lite", you can use the "TitleFont" option to customize the font of the parameter label.

To do so, specify "TitleFont:", followed by one or more of the following font options (default separator: semicolon):

Option Description
Family= Name of the font (e.g. "Arial")
Size= Pixel size of the font (e.g. "18")
Stretch= "Normal", "Condensed", or "Expanded"
Weight= Weight of the font (e.g. "Bold")
Style= Style of the font (e.g. "Italic", "Oblique")
Underline Text is underlined
BaseLine Text is underlined, but the line is closer to the text than when using "Underline"
StrikeThrough Text has a line drawn through it
Overline Text has a line drawn above it
TextFormattingMode Formatting mode (e.g. "Ideal", "Display")
TextRenderingMode Rendering mode (e.g. "Auto", "Aliased", "Grayscale", "ClearType")


Shape data Value
ParameterControlOptions Lite|TitleFont:Family=Calibri;Size=32;Stretch=Condensed;Weight=Bold;Style=Italic;Underline|ValueFont:Family=Arial;Size=14


In a DataMiner protocol, a column can be linked to a Visio session variable, so that session variables are set upon selection of a table row. In that case, you can use this option on the table parameter control to make sure the linked session variables are monitored, and the selected row is updated.


For more information on how this is configured in the protocol, refer to the "SelectionSetVar" option in the Developer documentation.


When you turn a shape into a parameter control of type "Lite", you can use the "ValueFont" option to customize the font used for the parameter value.

To do so, specify "ValueFont:", followed by one or more of the following font options (default separator: semicolon):

Option Description
Family= Name of the font (e.g. "Arial")
Size= Pixel size of the font (e.g. "18")
Stretch= "Normal", "Condensed", or "Expanded"
Weight= Weight of the font (e.g. "Bold")
Style= Style of the font (e.g. "Italic", "Oblique")
Underline Text is underlined
BaseLine Text is underlined, but the line is closer to the text than when using "Underline"
StrikeThrough Text has a line drawn through it
Overline Text has a line drawn above it
TextFormattingMode Formatting mode (e.g. "Ideal", "Display")
TextRenderingMode Rendering mode (e.g. "Auto", "Aliased", "Grayscale", "ClearType")


Shape data Value
ParameterControlOptions Lite|TitleFont:Family=Calibri;Size=32;Stretch=Condensed;Weight=Bold;Style=Italic;Underline|ValueFont:Family=Arial;Size=14