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Creating a rotating button control

In a Visio file, you can draw a rotating button that visualizes and controls a certain parameter.

To create a rotating button (e.g. a volume control), create a circular shape, and link it to the element containing the parameter you want to control, and to the parameter itself.

In the shape data item of type Parameter, specify the Rotate action, and set it to "Range". Also specify the angle range within which the button can be rotated.


Add the following shape data fields to the shape:

  • a shape data field of type Element, set to "219/50537"
  • a shape data field of type Parameter, set to "Parameter 1|ROTATE;range,30-330"
  • a shape data field of type Enabled, set to "false"

For an example, see Ziine > Visual Overview Design Examples view > [controls > CUSTOM] page.