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Making a shape filter Alarm Console tabs when clicked

If you add a shape data field of type AlarmFilter to a shape, clicking the shape will cause Alarm Console tabs of type Active alarms linked to cards only to show alarms that match the alarm filter specified in the field value.


For an example, see Ziine > Visual Overview Design Examples view > [linking > ALARM] page.

Configuring the shape data field

Add a shape data field of type AlarmFilter to the shape, and enter an alarm filter as the value, using the same syntax as in the Alarm Console quick filter.

You can for instance use the following syntax:

  • alarmid:DMAID/AlarmID (e.g. alarmid:420/1570635).
  • alarmdescription:Description (e.g. alarmdescription:Test)
  • alarmtype:Type (e.g. alarmtype:Acknowledged)
  • category:CategoryName (e.g. category:Configuration)
  • comment:CommentText (e.g. comment:This is a comment)
  • componentinfo:ComponentInfo (e.g. componentinfo:This is the info of the component)
  • correctiveaction:CorrectiveAction (correctiveaction:This is the corrective action)
  • datamineragent:DMAName (e.g. datamineragent:SLC-H48-G01)
  • datamineragent:DMAID (e.g. datamineragent:420)
  • element:ElementName (element:Paris)
  • element:DMAID/ElementID (e.g. datamineragent:420)
  • elementtype:Type (e.g. elementtype:DVE)
  • virtualfunction:FunctionName (e.g. virtualfunction:RT_DCF_DVE_Encoder.Encoder.1)
  • virtualfunction:DMAID/FunctionID (e.g. virtualfunction:420/502)
  • virtualfunctionimpact:Impact (e.g. virtualfunctionimpact:1)
  • interface:InterfaceName (e.g. interface:inout01)
  • interfaceimpact:Impact (e.g. interfaceimpact:1)
  • keypoint:KeyPoint (e.g. keypoint:This is the key point)
  • offlineimpact:Impact (e.g. offlineimpact:No Impact)
  • owner:Username (e.g. owner:Skyline2/Michael)
  • parameterdescription:DMAID/ElementID/ParameterID (e.g. parameterdescription:420/50119/1)
  • parameterdescription:ProtocolName:Version/ParameterID (e.g. parameterdescription:MyTestProtocol:
  • protocol:ProtocolName:Version (e.g. protocol:MyTestProtocol:Production)
  • rcalevel:RCALevel (e.g. rcalevel:0.0.0)
  • service:ServiceName (e.g. service:Paris)
  • service:DMAID/ServiceID (e.g. service:49/1)
  • serviceimpact:Impact (e.g. serviceimpact:1)
  • severity:SeverityLevel (e.g. severity:Critical)
  • severityrange:Range (e.g. severityrange:High)
  • source:Source (e.g. source:DataMiner System)
  • status:Status (e.g. status:Cleared)
  • userstatus:UserStatus (e.g. userstatus:Acknowledged)
  • value:ParameterValue (e.g. value:69.5)
  • view:ViewName (e.g. view:Root View)
  • view:ViewID (e.g. view:-1)
  • viewimpact:Impact (e.g. viewimpact:1)
  • For an alarm property: Alarm:PropertyName:PropertyValue (e.g. Alarm.System Type:CMC )
  • For an element property: Element:PropertyName:PropertyValue (e.g. Element.Latitude:90)
  • For a service property: Service:PropertyName:PropertyValue (e.g. Service.Status:Running)
  • For a view property: View:PropertyName:PropertyValue (e.g. View.Location:Izegem)
  • For a predefined alarm filter, specify the filter name. However, note that this is only supported for public alarm filters.

Using dynamic values in the AlarmFilter shape data value is supported from DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU19]/10.4.0 [CU7]/10.4.10 onwards.

Examples of alarm filters

  • To filter out all alarms and information events containing the word "BBC World":

    BBC World
  • To filter out all critical alarms:

  • To filter out all alarms and information events of which the Value column contains "50":

  • To filter out all alarms with a service impact less than 2:

    "Service Impact"<2
  • To filter out alarms based on a dynamic value stored in the session variable myAlarmFilterVariable:


    This example dynamically applies the filter based on the current value stored in the myAlarmFilterVariable. This dynamic value allows you to change the filter without needing to edit it directly. Dynamic values are supported from DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU19]/10.4.0 [CU7]/10.4.10 onwards.


See also: Using quick filters


In some cases, it is possible to use placeholders in the filter condition:

  • In EPM environments, the filter condition can contain the [servicefilter] and [servicefiltername] placeholder.
  • If a Service Overview Manager element is used, the filter condition can contain the placeholder [ServiceFilterIdx].