Managing the start window of the desktop app
Below you can find more information on the different options available to manage the start window of the DataMiner Cube desktop app.
Selecting your Cube update track
From DataMiner 10.2.0 [CU3]/10.2.6 onwards, Cube can automatically update to a more recent version than the DataMiner version installed on the server. This way you can use the latest Cube features as soon as they are released without having to wait for a server upgrade.
In the Cube start window, you can select which Cube update track should be used:
Click the cogwheel icon in the lower right corner of the start window.
Select Settings.
In the Settings dialog, select the update track you want to use:
- Release: Use the latest released DataMiner Cube version, so you can enjoy all the latest and greatest features.
- Release (delayed 2 weeks): Wait to use the latest released DataMiner Cube version until 2 weeks after the release date.
For Skyline employees only, two additional tracks are available for development purposes:
- Preview: Use a preview of the latest DataMiner Cube version, even if it has not been released yet.
- Development: Use the latest available development version.
Click Save.
- You can also right-click the tile representing a particular DMS/DMA in the start window and select Connect using to select a specific Cube version to connect to that DMS/DMA with.
- Limitations to the possible Cube versions can be configured in the system settings.
Setting a DMS as the default DMS
To set a DMS as the default DMS to connect to:
Hover the mouse pointer over the tile representing this DMS and click “...” in the top-right corner.
Select Set as default in the pop-up window and click Save.
Changing which DMA in a DMS you connect to
To specify a different DMA in a DMS to connect to:
Hover the mouse pointer over the tile representing this DMS and click “...” in the top-right corner.
Expand the Agent section, select the DMA and click Save.
Connecting to a DMS using arguments
To connect to a DMS using specific arguments:
Hover the mouse pointer over the tile representing this DMS and click “...” in the top-right corner.
Expand the Advanced section, specify the arguments and click Save.
For more information on the possible arguments, see Arguments for DataMiner Cube.
Configuring whether to connect with HTTPS only
From DataMiner 10.2.6/10.3.0 onwards, you can configure whether Cube should connect to a specific DMS using HTTPS only or whether it can fall back to HTTP if HTTPS is not available.
To do so:
Hover the mouse pointer over the tile representing this DMS and click “...” in the top-right corner.
Expand the Advanced section.
In the Transport box, select HTTP or HTTPS or HTTPS only, depending on your preference.
Click Save.
Removing a DMS from the start window
To remove the tile representing a DMS from the start window:
Hover the mouse pointer over the tile representing this DMS and click “...” in the top-right corner.
Click the garbage can icon in the pop-up window.
Sorting tiles in groups
From DataMiner 10.2.0/10.1.3 onwards, you can sort the different tiles in the start window in groups.
If no groups have been created yet, all tiles will be considered to be part of the same group.
To create a new group, drag a tile out of its current group.
To name or rename a group, click above the group and enter the name.
To move a tile to another position or to another group, drag it to its new position.
Filtering the displayed tiles
To filter the tiles in the start window:
Hover the mouse pointer over the looking glass and enter a search string in the search box.
Alternatively, simply start typing a search string, without going to the search box.
When the filter does not yield any results, you can click the “+” button or press ENTER to immediately add the DMS you were looking for.
Making DataMiner Cube start up with windows
To specify whether the DataMiner Cube should start up when Windows is started:
Click the cogwheel icon in the lower right corner of the start window.
Select or clear the option Start with Windows, depending on whether you want Cube to start with Windows or not.
Viewing logging for the start window
To view logging for the DataMiner Cube start window:
Click the cogwheel icon in the lower right corner of the window.
Select View logging.
Managing the software version for the start window
When you connect to a DataMiner server, the correct version of the Cube start window will automatically be downloaded from that server. If an update is installed on the server, that new version of the Cube start window will automatically be used.
The Cube start window also checks the servers you connect to for new software versions. It will also periodically check for a new version. This check is triggered by a task in Windows Task Scheduler, which is created when the Cube start window is installed. The task is created in the DataMiner Cube
folder and is named Update DataMiner Cube_, followed by the user ID.
This scheduled task can be edited to change the interval or time or to completely disable the background updates (by disabling the task). To reset the task to the default settings, simply delete the task and open the Cube start window. The scheduled task will automatically be created again.
Background updates (triggered by the Windows Task Scheduler) for the Cube start window have a phased rollout. This means not all clients will be updated at the same time. Different clients will receive the update over a time period of a few days. However, you can force the start window to update to the latest available version by clicking the cogwheel button in the lower right corner and selecting Check for updates.
Checking the software version of the start window
From DataMiner 10.2.6/10.3.0 onwards, you can check which software version the start window currently uses.
To do so:
Click the cogwheel icon in the lower right corner of the start window.
Select About.
Manually triggering an update of the start window
Do one of the following:
Execute the above-mentioned scheduled task.
Click the cogwheel icon in the lower right corner of the start window, and select Check for updates.