Connecting to data sources using a DaaS system
To connect to data sources so that you can see their information in DataMiner, you need to create DataMiner elements.
However, if you are using a DaaS system, by default you will only be able to access data sources that can be accessed from over the internet.
If this is not sufficient, contact to set up a site-to-site VPN connection. Skyline will enable an Azure VPN Gateway in the virtual network of your DaaS environment. This will establish a secured connection between your DaaS system and your self-hosted network (which can be on-premises or hosted by the cloud provider of your choice).
In order to create a connection, you will have to configure a supported VPN device. On Azure, a Generation 1 VpnGw1 gateway SKU will be used. By default, the IKEv2 protocol will be used.
These are the default encryption and authentication combinations:
For Phase 1:
- AES256 and SHA1
- 3DES and SHA1
- AES256 and SHA256
For Phase 2:
- AES256 and SHA1
- 3DES and SHA1
- AES256 and SHA256
If you would prefer a custom policy, contact