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DataMiner Extension Modules (DxMs)

A DataMiner Extension Module (DxM) is a service that can be installed, upgraded, and uninstalled without the need to reboot the DataMiner Agent. These modules will expand the core DataMiner software with additional features and capabilities. In most cases, DxMs will be backwards-compatible with all supported core DataMiner versions. However, this may not be possible in some cases, and then a minimum core DataMiner version will be indicated.

Some DxMs are considered core modules created using the DxM technology. These are known as "DcMs" (DataMiner Core Modules). DcMs are treated differently from DxMs during upgrades and are part of the DataMiner installer starting from DataMiner 10.3.7. While DxMs are only updated if they have already been installed, DcMs will always be installed or updated with an upgrade.

DxMs depend on a minimum version of the core software. This is indicated in the Admin app. When you install updates, the latest compatible update will be automatically selected.


For ease of installation, DxMs may be packaged together in a pack, such as the Cloud Pack. These packs allow users to install several DxMs at once.

Available DcMs


The APIGateway module is the endpoint for the gRPC communication with a DataMiner Agent.

From DataMiner 10.4.0/10.4.2 onwards, DataMiner modules can register with APIGateway. All modules registered with APIGateway are displayed under https://[Your DMA]/APIGateway/api/version, showing the following properties:

  • Name
  • Version
  • Endpoint on which they can be accessed via APIGateway (proxy modules only)


The ArtifactDeployer module is responsible for allowing users to deploy different DataMiner artifacts towards their system. An example of a feature that uses this module is the deployment of connectors from within the Catalog.

This DxM is included in DataMiner upgrade packages from DataMiner 10.3.7/10.4.0 onwards.


The CoreGateway module is responsible for translating requests from other modules into requests towards the DataMiner System. This ensures backwards compatibility with different DataMiner versions.

This DxM is included in DataMiner upgrade packages from DataMiner 10.3.7/10.4.0 onwards.


The FieldControl module is responsible for handling incoming requests from For example, such a request could come from the DataMiner Teams Bot when a user asks it to retrieve the alarms from the system.

This DxM is included in DataMiner upgrade packages from DataMiner 10.3.7/10.4.0 onwards.


The GQI module is responsible for handling GQI queries. See GQI DxM.

A preview version of this DxM is included in DataMiner upgrade packages from DataMiner 10.5.2/10.5.0 onwards and web-only upgrade packages from 10.5.2 onwards. From DataMiner 10.5.0 [CU1]/10.5.4 onwards, the DxM is fully supported.


The Orchestrator module is responsible for management and upgrades of DxMs through the Admin app.

This DxM is included in DataMiner upgrade packages from DataMiner 10.3.7/10.4.0 onwards.


The StorageModule DcM is responsible for the storage of element configuration data.


The SupportAssistant module is responsible for features allowing Skyline Communications to provide better and faster support.

This DxM is included in DataMiner upgrade packages from DataMiner 10.3.7/10.4.0 onwards.

From version 1.3.1 of the DataMiner SupportAssistant module onwards, this DxM also takes care of offloading reports and notifications generated by SLWatchDog to to improve the maintenance and support experience.


The UserDefinableApiEndpoint module is responsible for handling API triggers for DataMiner User-Defined APIs. See DataMiner UserDefinableApiEndpoint DxM.

Available DxMs


The CloudGateway module is responsible for connecting a DataMiner System to It manages the identity towards and ensures a secure connection.


The CloudFeed module is responsible for offloading data towards This setting can be controlled in the Admin app. Among the data that is offloaded are alarm events, change point events, SRM events, element configuration events, and feedback events.

From CloudFeed version 1.4.0 onwards, the minimum required DataMiner version is DataMiner 10.4.10.

From DataMiner 10.5.0/10.5.1 onwards, DataMiner upgrade packages by default include the latest version of the CloudFeed module. If a newer version of the CloudFeed module is available but you prefer not to install an upgrade package, you can install a newer version separately via the Admin app.


See Data Aggregator.


The ModelHost module is responsible for allowing users to retrieve parameter relationship data on DataMiner Agents that are connected to and have been configured to offload alarm and change point events to the cloud.

The ModelHost DxM is not included in the Cloud Pack and must be deployed separately.


The CommunicationGateway module makes it possible for connectors or scripts running in the DataMiner environment to communicate with devices that require a gRPC connection.

At present, we support the gNMI service, but more services and RPC connections may be added.

This DxM exists in tandem with service-specific middleware that facilitates the NATS communication to the DxM. However, not all middleware require the CommunicationGateway to establish a connection with the device. The DxM is primarily used to bridge the gap between different .NET versions. This is because gRPC requires .NET 5 or higher for full functionality, while SLScripting still runs on .NET 4.6.2.


See also: OpenConfig Middleware