Verify No Legacy Reports Dashboards
From DataMiner 10.4.0/10.4.1 onwards, the VerifyNoLegacyReportsDashboards prerequisite check is included in upgrade packages. This check verifies that no legacy reports and legacy dashboards still exist on your DataMiner System before upgrading, as these will no longer work after the upgrade.
From DataMiner 10.4.0 onwards, the legacy Reporter and legacy Dashboards modules are End of Life. These have been replaced by the Dashboards app.
Fixing a failing prerequisite check
If the VerifyNoLegacyReportsDashboards check fails, there are still legacy reports and dashboards on your system.
If you no longer need the legacy Reporter and Dashboards modules, remove any existing legacy reports and legacy dashboards by deleting them in the Reporter and Dashboards modules.
Other DataMiner modules, such as Automation, Scheduler, and Visual Overview, may also make use of these.
If you still rely on certain functionality and want to keep on using the legacy Reporter and Dashboards modules, set the LegacyReportsAndDashboards soft-launch option to true, then run
C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\ConfigureIIS.bat
as Administrator, and restart the DataMiner Agent.