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Problem with booking automation and function DVE deactivation

Affected versions

SRM setups using a DataMiner version prior to 10.3.0/10.3.2.


From DataMiner 10.3.0/10.3.2 onwards (RN 34856), the Capacity property is no longer initialized on new resources. However, if you use a 10.3.0/10.3.2 Cube version while the server uses an older DataMiner version, this can cause deactivating function DVEs to happen with large delays. This in turn can cause delays to booking automation in general (i.e. event scripts and starting/stopping of bookings).


Upgrade to DataMiner 10.3.0/10.3.2 or higher.


The following workarounds are possible:

  • Create new resources with a script that does not set the Capacity property to null. Adjust any resources with a null Capacity property by assigning the capacity in a script.
  • Increase the ActiveFunctionResourceThreshold setting so the deactivation of function DVEs is not triggered. You can change this setting without a DMA restart. (See Advanced SRM settings.)
  • Force DataMiner Cube to use the same version as the server. (See Selecting your Cube update track.)

Issue description

When a DataMiner Cube version of 10.3.0/10.3.2 or higher is used with an older server version, SRM event scripts and starting and stopping of bookings can take a long time. Also, function DVEs that should have been deactivated appear to remain active.