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Support plans


DataMiner support plans are technical support services for the DataMiner core platform, connectors, and cloud services. Three support plans are available, providing different levels of support depending on the user's needs and goals.

In addition to Continuity or Evolve, you can subscribe to the Out-of-Business-Hours support add-on.


The Community plan enables access to Skyline's Operations team through the forum (questions section) and unlimited access to technical resources such as the learning materials, tutorials, or code examples. Proactive support services are included in this plan.

While software updates to the DataMiner core software are included, connector updates and access to remote technical support (i.e. Operations team) are charged per hour.

This plan is primarily intended for DataMiner platform users who have free or pay-per-use systems or entry-level subscriptions.


The Continuity plan provides unlimited remote technical support during business hours, software updates and upgrades for the core software and connectors, proactive support services, and guaranteed response and corrective action times.

This is the standard support plan for users with perpetual-use licenses and subscriptions starting from a minimum Monthly Utilization Allowance.


The Evolve plan goes beyond standard support, adds improved response and corrective times, and offers more personalized support as well as strategic guidance from our experts, including:

  • A dedicated appointed support contact.
  • Direct message channel access (available on Microsoft Teams).
  • A dedicated customer success team
  • Quarterly executive reviews.

The Evolve plan goes beyond premium support; it is a partnership between the user and Skyline to leverage DataMiner to its full potential, adopting an agile mindset to support your continuous evolution.

Because its foundation is mutual commitment, the Evolve plan is not sold as a separate commercial product. To upgrade from Continuity to Evolve, an organization must have a DataMiner DevOps team in place, and they must accumulate DevOps Points attesting to that team's engagement and effort.


The number of DevOps Points measured at the end of the calendar year is the number used in the next support renewal to determine the support plan, i.e. Continuity or Evolve.

Minimum requirements

Plan Pay-per-use credits Subscription plan Perpetual-use licenses
Community Included Included -
Continuity - MUA >= 200 DataMiner credits Active Support Services agreement
Evolve - MUA >= 200 DataMiner credits
50,000 DevOps Points
Active Support Services agreement
50,000 DevOps Points

Professional Service Credits

Support plans may include free Professional Service Credits based on the commercial model and the number of licenses or usage. This is a yearly time budget to support and consult your team.

Pay-per-use credits Subscription plan Perpetual-Use Licenses
50 for every 1000 credits 100 < MUA < 200: 100
200 < MUA < 400: 200
MUA >= 400: 400
Only available with Evolve plan

These Professional Service Credits must be used within the contracted year. They will not be carried over to the next year.