Class Engine
- Namespace
- Skyline.DataMiner.Automation
- Assembly
- SLManagedAutomation.dll
Allows interaction with the DataMiner System from a C# code block of an Automation script.
public class Engine : IEngine
- Inheritance
- Implements
- Extension Methods
- InstanceId
Gets the instance ID.
- IsInteractive
Gets a value indicating whether an interactive client is available for the script.
- ProfileManager
Gets the Profile Manager.
- TicketingGateway
Gets the Ticketing Gateway.
- Timeout
Gets or sets the timeout for the current C# code block.
- TriggeredByName
Gets the name of the user who triggered the script.
- UserCookie
Gets the user cookie.
- UserDisplayName
Gets the displayed name of the user who is executing the script.
- UserLoginName
Gets the login name of the user who is executing the script.
- AcknowledgeAlarm(AlarmTreeID, string)
Acknowledges the specified alarm tree using the provided comment message.
- AcknowledgeAlarm(int, int, int, string)
Acknowledges the specified alarm tree using the provided comment message.
- AcknowledgeAlarm(int, int, string)
Acknowledges the specified alarm tree using the provided comment message.
- AddError(string)
Adds an error message to the Automation script, which will eventually cause the script to fail.
- AddOrUpdateScriptOutput(string, string)
Adds a key to the script output if it has not yet been added.
- AddScriptOutput(string, string)
Adds a key and value to the dictionary that will be passed to the parent script.
- ClearScriptOutput(string)
Removes the entry with the specified key from the script output.
- ClearScriptResult()
Clears the script output.
- CreateExtraDummy(int, int)
Adds an additional dummy to the Automation script.
- CreateExtraDummy(int, int, string)
Adds an additional dummy to the Automation script.
- Dispose()
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
- ExitFail(string)
Aborts the Automation script, and indicates that it has failed.
- ExitSuccess(string)
Aborts the Automation script, but does not indicate that it has failed.
- FindElement(int, int)
Retrieves the element with the specified DataMiner Agent ID/element ID.
- FindElement(string)
Retrieves the element with the specified name.
- FindElementByKey(string)
Retrieves the element with the specified key.
- FindElements(ElementFilter)
Retrieves all elements matching the specified filter.
- FindElementsByName(string)
Retrieves all elements of which the name matches the specified name filter.
- FindElementsByProtocol(string)
Retrieves all elements executing the specified protocol.
- FindElementsByProtocol(string, string)
Retrieves all elements sharing the specified protocol and protocol version.
- FindElementsInView(int)
Retrieves all elements in the specified view.
- FindElementsInView(int, string, string)
Retrieves all elements executing the specified protocol in the specified view.
- FindElementsInView(string)
Retrieves all elements in the specified view.
- FindElementsInView(string, string, string)
Retrieves all elements executing the specified protocol in the specified view.
- FindInteractiveClient(string, int)
Asks input from a user.
- FindInteractiveClient(string, int, string)
Asks input from a user.
- FindInteractiveClient(string, int, string, AutomationScriptAttachOptions)
Asks input from a user.
- FindRedundancyGroup(int, int)
Retrieves the redundancy group with the specified DMA ID and group ID.
- FindRedundancyGroup(string)
Retrieves the redundancy group with the specified name.
- FindRedundancyGroupByKey(string)
Retrieves the redundancy group with the specified key.
- FindRedundancyGroups(RedundancyGroupFilter)
Retrieves all redundancy groups matching the specified filter.
- FindRedundancyGroupsByName(string)
Retrieves all redundancy groups of which the name matches the specified name mask.
- FindRedundancyGroupsInView(int)
Retrieves all redundancy groups in the specified view.
- FindRedundancyGroupsInView(string)
Retrieves all redundancy groups in the specified view.
- FindService(int, int)
Retrieves the service with the specified ID.
- FindService(string)
Retrieves the service with the specified name.
- FindServiceByKey(string)
Retrieves the service with the specified key.
- FindServiceTemplate(int, int)
Retrieves the service template with the specified DataMiner Agent ID and service template ID.
- FindServiceTemplates(ServiceFilter)
Retrieves the service templates matching the specified service filter.
- FindServices(ServiceFilter)
Retrieves all services matching the specified filter.
- FindServicesByName(string)
Retrieves all services of which the name matches the specified name filter.
- FindServicesInView(int)
Retrieves all services in the view with the specified ID.
- FindServicesInView(string)
Retrieves all services in the view with the specified name.
- GenerateInformation(string)
Generates an information message with the specified text.
- GetAlarmProperty(AlarmID, string)
Retrieves the value of the specified custom alarm property.
- GetAlarmProperty(int, int, int, string)
Retrieves the value of the specified custom alarm property.
- GetAlarmProperty(int, int, string)
Retrieves the value of the specified custom alarm property.
- GetDummy(int)
Retrieves an object representing one of the script dummies.
- GetDummy(string)
Retrieves an object representing one of the script dummies.
- GetMemory(int)
Retrieves an object representing one of the script’s memory files. Through this object, data can be read from or written into the memory file.
- GetMemory(string)
Retrieves an object representing one of the script’s memory files. Through this object, data can be read from or written into the memory file.
- GetScriptOutput(string)
Returns the script output of the specified key.
- GetScriptParam(int)
Retrieves an object representing a script parameter. Through this object, its value can be retrieved.
- GetScriptParam(string)
Retrieves an object representing a script parameter. Through this object, its value can be retrieved.
- GetScriptResult()
Returns a copy of the script output of the current script and, if the InheritScriptOutput option is set to “true”, the child scripts.
- GetUserConnection()
Retrieves a connection representing the user that executed the Automation script.
- HideUI()
Hides a custom-made dialog box of an interactive Automation script.
- KeepAlive()
Resets the timeout timer, extending the time the Automation script is allowed to execute. The time can be specified via the Timeout property.
- LoadDoubleValue(string)
Retrieves a double value from a global script variable.
- LoadStringValue(string)
Retrieves a string value from a global script variable.
- LoadValue(string)
Retrieves a value from a global script variable.
- Log(string)
Adds an entry in the SLAutomation.txt log file.
- Log(string, LogType, int)
Adds an entry in the SLAutomation.txt log file.
- Log(string, LogType, int, string)
Adds an entry in the SLAutomation.txt log file.
- PrepareMailReport(string)
Returns a MailReportOptions object, which you can use to configure and launch an email report.
- PrepareSubScript(string)
Returns a SubScriptOptions object, which you can use to configure and launch a subscript.
- RunClientProgram(string)
Launches an application on the client in an interactive script.
- RunClientProgram(string, bool)
Launches an application on the client in an interactive script.
- RunClientProgram(string, string)
Launches an application on the client in an interactive script.
- RunClientProgram(string, string, bool)
Launches an application on the client in an interactive script.
- SaveValue(string, double)
Saves a value to a global script variable. This value can then be reused elsewhere in the same script.
- SaveValue(string, string)
Saves a value to a global script variable. This value can then be reused elsewhere in the same script.
- SendEmail(EmailOptions)
Sends an email message.
- SendEmail(string, string, string)
Sends an email message.
- SendPager(PagerOptions)
Sends a pager message.
- SendPager(string, string)
Sends a pager message.
- SendReport(MailReportOptions)
Sends an email report.
- SendSLNetMessage(DMSMessage)
Sends the specified message to the SLNet process.
- SendSLNetMessages(DMSMessage[])
Sends the specified messages to the SLNet process.
- SendSLNetSingleResponseMessage(DMSMessage)
Sends the specified message to the SLNet process.
- SendSms(SmsOptions)
Sends a text message (SMS).
- SendSms(string, string)
Sends a text message (SMS).
- SetAlarmProperties(AlarmTreeID, string[], string[])
Sets the specified custom alarm properties to the specified values.
- SetAlarmProperties(int, int, int, string[], string[])
Sets the specified custom alarm properties to the specified values.
- SetAlarmProperties(int, int, string[], string[])
Sets the specified custom alarm properties to the specified values.
- SetAlarmProperty(AlarmTreeID, string, string)
Updates a custom alarm property.
- SetAlarmProperty(int, int, int, string, string)
Updates a custom alarm property.
- SetAlarmProperty(int, int, string, string)
Updates a custom alarm property.
- SetFlag(RunTimeFlags)
Allows setting RunTimeFlags at runtime.
- ShowProgress(string)
Displays a progress message during the execution of an interactive Automation script.
- ShowUI(UIBuilder)
Displays a custom-made dialog box of an interactive Automation script.
- ShowUI(string)
Displays a custom-made dialog box of an interactive Automation script.
- ShowUI(string, bool)
Displays a custom-made dialog box of an interactive Automation script.
- Sleep(int)
Causes the Automation script to pause for the specified amount of time (in milliseconds).
- UnSetFlag(RunTimeFlags)
Clears the specified run-time flag.