Table of Contents


Item Format Description
Name String The name of the service template.
Description String The description of the service template.
KeepCopiesOnReApply Boolean Determines whether copies of the services are kept when the service template is reapplied.
RcaChainDefinition Array of DMARcaChain The different items in the RCA chain for the generated services: FirstValue and SecondValue (specified as integers).
Definition.AutoExecuteOnElementAdd Boolean Determines whether the service template is automatically applied when a new element is added in the DMS.
Definition.CreateSLA Boolean Determines whether an SLA is created for the services generated with the service template.
Definition.RequireConfirmation Boolean Determines whether the user has to confirm before the service template is applied.
Definition.GlobalConditions Array of DMAServiceTemplateGlobalCondition Array of conditions, each consisting of a type (None, Equals, WildCard or ContainsRow) and two values. These conditions determine when elements can be combined in a service. They can for instance specify that part of the element names must be equal to a specific value.
Definition.PreRequiredData Array of DMAServiceTemplateRequiredData Extra information used in the service template to create services. This information is required before elements are assigned (e.g. data used to limit elements according to a user-specified condition).
Definition.RequiredData Array of DMAServiceTemplateRequiredData Extra information used in the service template to create services.
Definition.AdvancedRequestOrder String The custom order in which child elements and input data should be selected when the service is generated, if any. For more information, refer to the DataMiner User Guide.
Definition.AutoGenerateName DMASTString The template for the name of the generated services.
Definition.GenerateDescription DMASTString The template for the description of the generated services.
Groups Array of DMAServiceInfoGroupDefinition Arrays defining different groups of child elements for generated services.
ExcludeTriggers Array of DMAServiceInfoTriggerCombination The triggers determining whether the service child is excluded. These DMATriggerCombination objects consists of the following fields:
- TriggerID: The ID of the trigger.
- CombinationType: A combination type such as "And", "Not", etc.
IncludeTriggers Array of DMAServiceInfoTriggerCombination The triggers determining whether the service child is included. These DMATriggerCombination objects consists of the following fields:
- TriggerID: The ID of the trigger.
- CombinationType: A combination type such as "And", "Not", etc.
NotUsedTriggers Array of DMAServiceInfoTriggerCombination The triggers determining whether the service child is used. These DMATriggerCombination objects consists of the following fields:
- TriggerID: The ID of the trigger.
- CombinationType: A combination type such as "And", "Not", etc.
Triggers Array of DMAServiceTemplateConfigurationTrigger The different triggers used in the service template, for instance to determine whether a service child is excluded. The triggers listed in this array are referred to by ID in the different trigger combinations.
ServiceElementInfo.AlarmTemplate String The alarm template used for the generated services.
ServiceElementInfo.ProtocolTemplate String The service protocol used for the generated services.
ServiceElementInfo.ProtocolVersion String The service protocol version used for the generated services.
ServiceElementInfo.TrendTemplate String The trend template used for the generated services.
ServiceParams Array of DMAServiceParams The child elements of the generated services.
VisioInfo.DefaultPage Integer The default page of the Visio drawing used for the generated services.
VisioInfo.Name.Template String The template for the name of the Visio drawing used for the generated services. Placeholders in this template are in the format {0}, {1}, etc. and refer to the placeholders in the next field. See DMASTString.
VisioInfo.Name.Placeholders Array of DMASTPlaceholder The placeholders used in the template, e.g. [data:Data Item Name] or [element:1:title]. See DMASTString.