Item | Format | Description |
Name | String | The name of the service template. |
Description | String | The description of the service template. |
KeepCopiesOnReApply | Boolean | Determines whether copies of the services are kept when the service template is reapplied. |
RcaChainDefinition | Array of DMARcaChain | The different items in the RCA chain for the generated services: FirstValue and SecondValue (specified as integers). |
Definition.AutoExecuteOnElementAdd | Boolean | Determines whether the service template is automatically applied when a new element is added in the DMS. |
Definition.CreateSLA | Boolean | Determines whether an SLA is created for the services generated with the service template. |
Definition.RequireConfirmation | Boolean | Determines whether the user has to confirm before the service template is applied. |
Definition.GlobalConditions | Array of DMAServiceTemplateGlobalCondition | Array of conditions, each consisting of a type (None, Equals, WildCard or ContainsRow) and two values. These conditions determine when elements can be combined in a service. They can for instance specify that part of the element names must be equal to a specific value. |
Definition.PreRequiredData | Array of DMAServiceTemplateRequiredData | Extra information used in the service template to create services. This information is required before elements are assigned (e.g. data used to limit elements according to a user-specified condition). |
Definition.RequiredData | Array of DMAServiceTemplateRequiredData | Extra information used in the service template to create services. |
Definition.AdvancedRequestOrder | String | The custom order in which child elements and input data should be selected when the service is generated, if any. For more information, refer to the DataMiner User Guide. |
Definition.AutoGenerateName | DMASTString | The template for the name of the generated services. |
Definition.GenerateDescription | DMASTString | The template for the description of the generated services. |
Groups | Array of DMAServiceInfoGroupDefinition | Arrays defining different groups of child elements for generated services. |
ExcludeTriggers | Array of DMAServiceInfoTriggerCombination | The triggers determining whether the service child is excluded. These DMATriggerCombination objects consists of the following fields: - TriggerID: The ID of the trigger. - CombinationType: A combination type such as "And", "Not", etc. |
IncludeTriggers | Array of DMAServiceInfoTriggerCombination | The triggers determining whether the service child is included. These DMATriggerCombination objects consists of the following fields: - TriggerID: The ID of the trigger. - CombinationType: A combination type such as "And", "Not", etc. |
NotUsedTriggers | Array of DMAServiceInfoTriggerCombination | The triggers determining whether the service child is used. These DMATriggerCombination objects consists of the following fields: - TriggerID: The ID of the trigger. - CombinationType: A combination type such as "And", "Not", etc. |
Triggers | Array of DMAServiceTemplateConfigurationTrigger | The different triggers used in the service template, for instance to determine whether a service child is excluded. The triggers listed in this array are referred to by ID in the different trigger combinations. |
ServiceElementInfo.AlarmTemplate | String | The alarm template used for the generated services. |
ServiceElementInfo.ProtocolTemplate | String | The service protocol used for the generated services. |
ServiceElementInfo.ProtocolVersion | String | The service protocol version used for the generated services. |
ServiceElementInfo.TrendTemplate | String | The trend template used for the generated services. |
ServiceParams | Array of DMAServiceParams | The child elements of the generated services. |
VisioInfo.DefaultPage | Integer | The default page of the Visio drawing used for the generated services. |
VisioInfo.Name.Template | String | The template for the name of the Visio drawing used for the generated services. Placeholders in this template are in the format {0}, {1}, etc. and refer to the placeholders in the next field. See DMASTString. |
VisioInfo.Name.Placeholders | Array of DMASTPlaceholder | The placeholders used in the template, e.g. [data:Data Item Name] or [element:1:title]. See DMASTString. |