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With the upcoming DataMiner Swarming functionality, you will be able to switch objects, such as elements or services, from one DataMiner Agent to another Agent in that cluster.

The primary goal of Swarming is to eliminate downtime resulting from maintenance activities and provide a more polished user experience.

In its initial version, Swarming will introduce the following capabilities:

  • As a DataMiner System Admin, you will be able to apply maintenance (e.g. Windows updates) on a live cluster, Agent by Agent.
  • As a DataMiner System Admin, you will be able to easily extend your system with an extra node and move functionalities from existing nodes to new nodes, so you can rebalance your cluster.
  • DataMiner Systems will recover from failing nodes by moving activities hosted on that node to the remaining nodes.

In a later iteration, DataMiner System Admins will also be able to do rolling DataMiner software updates on live clusters, with limited downtime of specific functionality.

  • The above capabilities will be possible with limited downtime and as long as there is spare capacity. Initial versions will have limitations: some DataMiner functionality may not be included yet.
  • Swarming will not be available in DataMiner Systems with a storage per DMA setup (Cassandra or MySQL).
  • Swarming will not be available in DataMiner Systems with Failover.

DataMiner Swarming is expected to be released in soft launch in Q3 2024. This soft-launch release will be limited to basic elements, i.e. Swarming will not yet be supported for DVE parent or child elements, virtual functions, spectrum analyzer elements, element managers or EPM elements, derived elements or elements in a redundancy group, built-in elements that are not visible to the user, and service elements.

The first release outside of soft launch is currently scheduled for Q4 2024. This release will still have some limitations as to which DataMiner components will support Swarming. More information will follow soon, so check back for updates frequently.