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Alarm table


This feature is in preview until DataMiner 10.1.5. If you use the preview version of the feature, its functionality may be different from what is described below. For more information, see Soft-launch options.

Available from DataMiner 10.2.0/10.1.5 onwards. Prior to this, the component is available in soft launch from DataMiner 9.6.8 onwards.

The component displays a list of alarms or information events, which can be filtered in multiple ways.

Alarm table
Alarm table component in DataMiner 10.4.6

To configure the component:

  1. In the Settings tab, configure which type of alarms should be displayed and how:

    • To customize the polling interval for this component, expand the Settings > Websocket settings section, clear the checkbox in this section, and specify the custom polling interval.

    • In the Show box, select whether active alarms, masked alarms, history alarms, alarms in a sliding window or information events should be displayed in the list.

      In case you select history alarms, the start time and end time will also need to be specified. In case you select alarms in a sliding window, the sliding window size and refresh time will need to be configured.


      From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU15]/10.4.0 [CU3]/10.4.6 onwards, the sliding window size and refresh time are limited to a minimum of 1 minute and a maximum of 1 day. You can specify these parameters in minutes, hours, or days. Prior to DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU15]/10.4.0 [CU3]/10.4.6, you have the option to specify the sliding window size and refresh time in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

    • Optionally, specify a filter for the list with the Filters boxes. You can either configure a filter of your own, or select Saved filter to use an existing shared alarm filter from the DMS. If you select to use a Parameter index filter, you can use “?” and “*” as wildcards (see Searching with wildcard characters).

    • Optionally, specify the Default sorting column, Default sorting order and Initial number of alarms to load.

      • If an initial number of alarms to load is specified, no grouping is applied.
      • From DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU15]/10.4.0 [CU3]/10.4.6 onwards, the initial number of alarms to load is limited to a minimum of 1 alarm and a maximum of 100,000 alarms.
    • Below Columns, you can select one or more columns in order to have only those columns displayed in the alarm list. For each column, arrow buttons will be displayed that allow you to customize the column order.

    • In the Group by box, you can select the column by which the alarms or information events should be grouped.

    • Under Match parameter index data filter when, you can fine-tune how a parameter index data filter will be applied. With the default Equals setting, the index will need to match the filter exactly. Select Contains if the index should instead only contain the filter. This only applies to index data filters added from the data pane, not to filters configured in the Settings tab.

  2. Optionally, fine-tune the component layout. In the Component > Layout tab, the following options are available:

    • The default options available for all components. See Customizing the component layout.

    • Expand on hover: If this option is selected, and not all data within the component can be shown in the available space, the component will expand across other components when you hover the mouse pointer over it in order to show as much data as possible.

  3. Optionally, apply a data filter. Element, parameter, index, service and view data can be used as a filter. Various feed components, such as a parameter feed and time range feed, can also be used as a filter. See Applying a data feed.