Table of Contents

Searching in DataMiner Cube

To search for an item in the DataMiner System, you can use the search box in the middle of the Cube header bar.

As soon as you click the search box, a list of suggestions is shown below. Initially, this list shows recent items (with any pinned items at the top), but it is updated with search results as soon as you type anything in the box.

Click a suggestion to immediately open the corresponding card, or click Advanced search at the bottom of the list to open a complete list of search results in a side panel. You can also right-click a suggestion in the list to open the same right-click menu as in the Surveyor (see Surveyor right-click menu).

From DataMiner 10.1.11/10.2.0 onwards, you can also search directly in the advanced search pane using the search box at the top. If the pane is pinned to the sidebar, it is always displayed, even if you have not done a search using the search box in the header bar. (see Sidebar).

Please note the following

  • For a quick search, only the following objects can be displayed in the results: elements, services, service children with alias, redundancy groups, SLAs, views and apps, as well as objects of which the ID matches the search string. Hidden elements are not included.

  • If the text you enter in the box consists of less than three characters, an advanced search will only return exact matches.

  • Starting from DataMiner 10.2.12/10.3.0, you can search for a number (e.g "12345") in strings. In previous versions, if you search for a number only, this is always interpreted as a view ID, so that only the view with matching ID is returned.

  • In an advanced search, you can use specific keywords to only search for certain DataMiner items. See Special search options.


    If you want to do an advanced search on a piece of text that is the same as a keyword, place it between double quotation marks. For example, if you search only for the word “Element”, no results will be returned in the advanced search unless this word is placed between quotation marks.

  • By default, both a client-side and a server-side search are done. If you do an advanced search, it can occur that additional results become available from the server-side search after the initial results are displayed in the search pane. You can then view these additional results by clicking the Show more button.


    In the Cube system settings, it is possible to disable the client-side search. To do so:

    • In a system with a Cassandra database or equivalent, go to System Center > Search & Indexing, clear the checkbox next to Enable search indexing on the client and click the Apply button.
    • In a system with a legacy MySQL database, go to System Center > System Settings > Search, clear the checkbox next to Enable search indexing on the client and click the Apply button.

    The setting will take effect as soon as you log off in Cube and then log on again.

    Note that this is a system-wide setting, so it will be applied for all users.

  • In a DataMiner search, you can use any alphanumeric characters as well as the following characters:

    _ - ( ) [ ] { } # & .

    In an advanced search, “*” and “?” will be interpreted as wildcard characters. See Searching with wildcard characters.

  • For more information on which search terms you can enter to find specific DataMiner items, see Searching for specific DataMiner items.

  • Hidden elements are not included in the search results.

Search type filter

If an advanced search returns several kinds of items, it is possible to filter which categories are displayed. To do so, click the All types button in the top-left corner, and select the type you wish to display. For some of these types, an additional filter is displayed when you have selected the type filter.


When server-side results are loaded, the list will be updated when you select a search type from the search type selection box.

Search type Description
Application DataMiner applications, including custom applications and DataMiner tools, such as the Query Executer.
Document DataMiner documents. See Documents.
Element All elements. An additional filter allows you to limit the search to elements that are monitored, in alarm, masked, or in a particular alarm state.
Matrix Matrix elements. An additional filter allows you to limit the search to elements that are monitored, in alarm, masked, or in a particular alarm state.
Parameter All parameters. An additional filter allows you to limit the search to parameters that are or are not trended, or to monitored parameters.
Protocol DataMiner protocols. See Protocols.
Redundancy group DataMiner redundancy groups and redundancy group templates. See About redundancy groups.
Script Automation scripts. See Automation.
Service DataMiner Services and Spectrum Analysis measurement points. An additional filter allows you to limit the search to services that are monitored, in alarm, masked, or in a particular alarm state.
Service template DataMiner service templates. See Service templates.
Settings Cube settings. See User settings
SLA SLA elements. See Business Intelligence.
User User accounts of the DMS. See About DataMiner Security.
User group User groups configured in the DMS. SeeUser groups.
View DataMiner views.
Workspaces DataMiner workspaces. SeeWorking with workspaces.

Searching for specific DataMiner items

To search for an element, enter (part of):

  • an element name

  • a protocol name

  • a protocol version

  • an alarm template name

  • a trend template name

  • an element description

  • a polling IP

  • an alarm severity (e.g. critical, etc.)

  • an element property displayed in Surveyor

  • an element ID, in the format DmaID/ElementID


    Searches on ID only work with exact matches. If client-side search indexing is disabled in System Center, searching by ID is not supported.

To search for a service, enter (part of):

  • a service name

  • a service description

  • a name of a child element or a child service

  • an alarm severity (e.g. critical, etc.)

  • a service property displayed in Surveyor

  • a service ID, in the format DmaID/ServiceID


    Searches on ID only work with exact matches. If client-side search indexing is disabled in System Center, searching by ID is not supported.

To search for a redundancy group, enter (part of):

  • a redundancy group name

  • a redundancy group description

  • a redundancy group ID, in the format DmaID/RedundancyGroupID


    Searches on ID only work with exact matches. If client-side search indexing is disabled in System Center, searching by ID is not supported.

To search for an element parameter (or a matrix label), enter (part of):

  • a display name

  • an element name

  • a protocol name

  • a protocol version

  • a row display key (for columns, only if one of other criteria matches a column parameter)

  • a matrix label

To search for a user, enter (part of):

  • a logon name

  • a full name

To search for a user group, enter (part of):

  • a group name

To search for a view, enter (part of):

  • a view name

  • a view property displayed in Surveyor

To search for a video source, enter (part of):

  • a video source name

To search for a protocol, enter (part of):

  • a protocol name

  • a protocol version

To search for a document, enter (part of):

  • a document title

  • a document description

  • a file name

Special search options

For advanced searches, a number of special search options are available:

  • To do a negative search, i.e. to look for items that do not match a particular search term, put an exclamation mark in front of the search term.

    E.g. !redundancy

  • To look for an exact phrase of several words, surround the phrase by double quotes.

    E.g. “MS Server”

  • The following special keywords can be used in conjunction with a search term, separated from the term with a space.

    If you enter: the search results will contain:
    trend elements that have been assigned trend templates as well as trended parameters
    monitored only elements and parameters that are being monitored
    inalarm only elements and parameters of which the state is not equal to “normal” or “undefined”
    online only users who are currently logged in
    dma only DataMiner Agents
    element only elements
    view only views
    service only services
    servicetemplate only service templates, listed in the search results under “Services”
    settings Cube user settings
    SLA SLA elements
    parameter only parameters
    redundancy only redundancy groups
    user only users
    usergroup only user groups
    protocol only protocols
    document only documents
    critical only elements, services and parameters with the specified alarm severity.

Searching with wildcard characters

You can use the following two wildcard characters:

  • *, which represents 0 or more characters.

  • ?, which represents a single character.

  • The expression must always match the entire string (e.g. “a*” will not match “bar”).
  • The checks are executed using the invariant culture and ignoring case.
  • These characters are not supported for the quick search from the Cube search box, only for the advanced search.


  • Matches ...

    • London-Amplifier-1

    • London-Amplifier-2

  • Does not match ...

    • NewYork-Amplifier-1

    • East-London-Amplifier

  • Matches ...

    • London-Amplifier-1
  • Does not match ...

    • London-Amplifier-22
  • Matches ...

    • London-Amplifier-1

    • NewYork-Amplifier-1