Table of Contents

Linking a shape to an element parameter

When you have linked a shape to an element using a shape data field of type Element, you can use an additional shape data field of type Parameter to link that shape to a particular parameter of that element.

  • When you have linked a shape to an enhanced service using a shape data field of type Element, you can use an additional shape data field of type Parameter to link that shape to a particular parameter of the service.
  • If you link a shape to a spectrum analyzer parameter, by default, the shape will be turned into a spectrum analyzer thumbnail.
  • In a Visio file linked to a protocol, a shape linked to a parameter will always be shown, even if that parameter has no value. A shape linked to a parameter will only be hidden if a show/hide condition dictates that it should be hidden.

Basic shape data field configuration

Add a shape data field of type Parameter to the shape.

  • For a simple parameter or matrix parameter, set the value of the shape data field to:


    For information on the possible options, refer to Options for shapes linked to parameters. It is also possible not to specify any options.

  • For a table parameter, set the value of the shape data field to:


    Regarding this configuration:

    • Table rows can be referenced either by primary key or by display key.

    • TableRowKey can contain wildcards ("*" or "?") and/or placeholders.

    • For information on the possible options, refer to Options for shapes linked to parameters. It is also possible not to specify any options.

    • When using a variable table row, replace the colon by a comma.

      When specifying a fixed table row, you have to separate the parameter ID and the table row by means of a colon (":"). However, when specifying a table row containing a wildcard or when specifying a table row by means of a [param] or [property] placeholder, use a comma (",") as separator instead.


  • For a spectrum analyzer parameter, set the value of the shape data field to:


    It is also possible to embed a full Spectrum Analysis component in Visio. See Embedding a Spectrum Analysis component

    Regarding this configuration:

    • A shape linked to a spectrum analyzer parameter will by default be turned into a spectrum analyzer thumbnail. However, it is possible to configure an option to prevent this, so that the shape only serves as a link to the spectrum analyzer. See Keeping a shape from turning into a spectrum thumbnail.

    • MonitorRef can be either the monitor name or the monitor ID. The monitor name can contain * and ? wildcards. In that case, the first matching monitor for the element will be used.

    • ScriptVariable refers to a variable of type trace that is used in the script of the specified monitor.

    • If the monitor specifies only a single measurement point, the measurement point ID can be set to -1. The required measurement point will then be selected automatically.

    • In Cube, the spectrum thumbnail can only display one reference trace from the preset.

    • Only public presets can be used.

    • For information on the spectrum options, refer to SpectrumOptions.

    • When referring to a spectrum analyzer parameter, you can use variable placeholders. For example:

      64001|[Var:monitor]|[Var:buffer]|-1|Carrier CSG_200_000000001037 - NIT_06_R L Rx (public)|DisplayTime
    • From DataMiner 10.2.0/10.1.8 onwards, you can have the spectrum thumbnail show the trace from a specific moment in the past, based on the recorded trending for a parameter in a spectrum monitor. To do so, as the parameter ID, specify the ID of the spectrum monitor trace parameter (which is always in the range 50000 - 59999). You can find this ID in the file SpectrumMonitors.xml in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner. Then configure the HistoryMode shape data in the same manner as to display the history alarm state of a parameter. See Linking a shape to a history alarm.


      The trended trace record from right before the specified time will be displayed. For this purpose, the trended traces are queried with the following steps until a trace record is found, or the maximum search extent has been reached: 1 hour – 3 hours – 12 hours – 24 hours – 48 hours (maximum).

Showing the parameter value in shape text

The value of the parameter will appear on the shape only if you add shape text that contains a "*" character. This character will then be replaced by the current value of the parameter.

To add text to a shape, just double-click the shape, and enter the text.


If the shape text contains a "*" character, this character will not be replaced by the current parameter value if a dynamic behavior option like SHOW, HIDE, ROTATE, FLIPX, or FLIPY has been added to the shape data field of type Parameter. A shape linked to a parameter can either display the parameter value or behave dynamically based on that same parameter value.

Placeholders in the shape text

Within the text in the shape, which is added by double-clicking the shape in Visio, certain placeholders can be used to display information about the parameter.

Placeholder for parameter description

To make a shape display the parameter description of a parameter it is linked to, use the following placeholder in the shape text. You can combine this with other shape text, for instance with the parameter value as described above.


For table parameters, the display index is added to the parameter description, similar to the way such parameters are displayed in the Alarm Console.

Placeholder for parameter baseline value

To make a shape display the normalized value of a parameter it is linked to, use the following placeholder in the shape text:


Retrieving and showing the value of a table parameter using a subscription filter

When there are two related tables, and you link a shape to a column parameter of the first table, you can make the shape display the value of a particular row of this column parameter, depending on the value in the linked row of the other table. This is done by specifying a subscription filter on the second table.

This can be done in two ways:

  • In addition to specifying the Element and Parameter shape data fields to link the shape to the first table parameter, also specify a Subscriptionfilter shape data field, with the value "value=[PID]==[filter value]".

    For example, in the configuration below, the column parameters 1005 and 2002 are located in two related tables. The dynamic placeholder in the data field of type Parameter will be replaced by the value in column 1005 on the row of which the value in the linked row in column 2002 matches the condition specified in the subscription filter. This value will then be displayed on the shape.

    Shape data field Value
    Element 1/1
    Parameter [param:1/1,1005,]
    SubscriptionFilter value=2002 == 1
  • When you use the configuration with the [param:] placeholder illustrated above, it can occur that the placeholder is resolved to an integer that equals the ID of a parameter, so that a subscription is made on that parameter, which can lead to a different parameter value being shown. As such, as an alternative, you can use a similar configuration that does not use this placeholder, and makes use of a ParameterSubscriptionFilter shape data field instead of a SubscriptionFilter shape data field. For example:

    Shape data field Value
    Element 1/1
    Parameter 101
    ParameterSubscriptionFilter value=202 == 1

    As an alternative way to keep a shape from incorrectly subscribing to a parameter if the first of these configurations is used, you can also add an Options shape data field and set it to DisableParameterSubscription.

Displaying history values for parameters

From DataMiner 10.1.10/10.2.0 onwards, it is possible to make an element shape in Visual Overview show the parameter values for a specific point in the past. This time and date can optionally be selected using another Visual Overview component.

To retrieve the value, DataMiner will use the trend record stored for the selected time. To know whether real-time or average trending should be retrieved, the latest trending configuration will be taken into consideration. If both types of trending are available, by default real-time trending will be used.

Configure the shape data as follows:

  1. Add a shape data field of type HistoryMode to the element shape or page, depending on whether you want to show only this shape in history mode, or all element shapes on the page.

  2. Set the value of the shape data field as follows:

    State=[On/Off]|TimeStamp=[datetime value]|Options

    Refer to the table below for the value syntax:

    Value Explanation
    State Can be "On" or "Off". On means history mode is active, Off means the current parameter values are shown instead. You can use a placeholder to change this value dynamically.
    TimeStamp The date and time for which the parameter value should be displayed. You can use a placeholder to change this value dynamically.
    NoDataValue= This option allows you to specify the text that should be displayed in case no trending is available. If this option is not specified, the default value "N/A" is displayed.
    TrendDataType This option allows you to determine which kind of trend data should be used, if available: Realtime (default), Average or RealtimeAndAverage.
    AverageTrendDataIndication This option allows you to specify a prefix to the parameter value in case it represents an average value. By default, no prefix is shown.

    For example:

    Shape data field Value
    HistoryMode State=On|TimeStamp=[var:myTime]|NoDataValue=<No data available>|Average|AverageTrendDataIndication=[AVG]
  3. If you want to use a SetVar shape to set the history mode date and time, use the SetVarOptions shape data on that shape, and set the value to Control= DateTime. Optionally, you can also add DateTimeCulture= followed by Current or Invariant. The latter is the default value.

    For example:

    Shape data field Value
    SetVar myTime
    SetVarOptions Control=DateTime|DateTimeCulture=Current
  • To make element shapes display the average value, minimum value, or maximum value of a parameter they are linked to, you can use the placeholders [average value], [minimum value], and [maximum value] in the shape text. These placeholders will only show values for history parameter values based on average trend data.
  • For an example, see Ziine > Visual Overview Design Examples view > [Linking > Objects] page > History mode toggle button.

Options for shapes linked to parameters

In shapes linked to parameters, several options can be specified within the Parameter shape data field:

However, there are also options that should be specified in a separate Options shape data field:

Making a parameter shape show the parameter alarm state

In the value of the Parameter shape data field, add the "|ALARM" option. The shape will take the color of the parameter’s current alarm state.


If you do not specify this "|ALARM" option, the shape will take the color of the element’s current alarm state.

Making a parameter subshape show an element’s alarm color

If, in a shape linked to an element, you want to have a subshape that has the current alarm color of the element, add a shape data field of type Parameter to the subshape and set its value to "*|ALARM". That way, the subshape will show the worst alarm state of all parameters of that element, which is equal to the alarm state of the element.

Conditional shape manipulation actions

Conditional shape manipulation actions can be specified within the value of the Parameter shape data field. See Basic conditional shape manipulation actions.


If the value refers to a spectrum analyzer parameter, you can use the following spectrum options in the Parameter shape data field (referred to as "SpectrumOptions" in Basic shape data field configuration), separated by semicolons (";").

Option Description
DisplayLabels Displays the X/Y-axis labels on the spectrum image.
DisplayMarkers Displays the markers from the selected preset.
DisplayThresholds Displays the thresholds from the selected preset.
DisplayTime Displays the time of the spectrum trace.

Keeping a shape from turning into a spectrum thumbnail

When a shape is linked to a spectrum analyzer parameter, as described above, by default a spectrum thumbnail is displayed. However, it is possible to keep this image from being displayed, so that the shape is only used as a link to the spectrum analyzer.

To do so, add a shape data field of type Options to the shape, and set its value to "LinkingOnly".

Shape Data field Value
Parameter ParameterID|MonitorRef|BufferName|MeasurementPointID|PresetName|SpectrumOptions
Options LinkingOnly

Showing a parameter value for non-initialized parameters

In shapes that display a parameter value, you can have empty, non-initialized parameter values replaced by custom text.

To do so, add a shape data field of type Options to the shape displaying a parameter value, and set its value to "EmptyValue=", followed by the text to be displayed.

EmptyValue=Value to be displayed

Customizing the way a parameter value is displayed

The following options can be used (separated by a pipe character) to customize how a parameter value is displayed on a shape linked to a parameter:

Options Description
Decimals=X Replace X by the desired decimal count of the parameter value. For example, if you specify Decimals=2, two digits will be displayed to the right of the decimal point.
Hideunit If this option is specified, the unit of measure of the parameter value will not be displayed.

For example:

Shape data field Value
Element 123/25
Parameter 401
Options Decimals=3|HideUnit

Ensuring the shape text value is not cleared upon a subscription change

From DataMiner 10.1.0 [CU1]/10.1.4 onwards, when a dynamic part of a Parameter shape data field changes, the value from the previous parameter subscription is cleared from the shape text. A new value will only be filled in if the ID of the parameter is valid and a new subscription is made. As such, if the ID of the parameter shape data is not a valid number, the value will remain cleared.

However, it is possible to revert to legacy behavior, where the old value continues to be displayed. To do so, add the following option:

Shape data field Value
Options ClearValueOnSubscriptionChange=False

Examples of shapes linked to parameters


The shape is linked to parameter 350 of the element specified in the shape data field of type Element.


The shape is linked to parameter 350 of the element specified in the shape data field of type Element. The extra "HIDE" option will make the shape disappear if the value of the parameter drops below 6.


The shape is linked to parameter 350 of the element specified in the shape data field of type Element. The extra "HIDE" option will make the shape disappear if the value of the parameter is equal to the value of the element property named "MyHideProp".