Table of Contents

Chat notifications

This tutorial shows you how you can use the Chat Integration examples to send notifications from your DataMiner System to Microsoft Teams.

Estimated duration: 15 minutes.


See also: Kata #6: Custom ChatOps operator on DataMiner Dojo Video



Step 1: Add the DataMiner app to Microsoft Teams

If you have not yet installed the DataMiner Teams bot, follow the steps below. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

  1. In Microsoft Teams, go to Apps, and search for "DataMiner".

  2. Add the DataMiner app.


For more detailed information, see DataMiner Teams bot installation

Step 2: Deploy the Chat Integration Examples package from the Catalog


To learn more about this package, refer to its README file.

  1. Go to

    ChatIntegration Examples page in Catalog

  2. Click Deploy and choose your target DMS.

  3. Verify that the package has been installed correctly by accessing the scripts in the Automation module in DataMiner Cube.

    ChatIntegration Examples scripts

Step 3: Fetch the private chat for a user and send a notification

  1. In the Automation module, select the Fetch Private Chat Example script, and click Execute.

  2. Specify the email address of the user and click Execute now.

    ChatIntegration Examples Fetch Private Chat

  3. Click Close to exit the Fetch Private Chat Example window.

  4. Verify that an entry has been added in the ChatsExample memory file containing the private chat ID.

    ChatIntegration Examples ChatsExample Memory file

  5. Select the Send Chat Notification Example script, and click Execute.

  6. Select the chat ID, enter the notification you want to send, and click Execute now.

    ChatIntegration Examples Send Chat Notification

  7. Click Close to exit the Send Chat Notification Example window.

  8. Verify that the notification has been received in the DataMiner chat.

Step 4: Configure a Correlation rule triggered by a specific alarm to send the chat notification

  1. Configure a Correlation rule so it will be triggered by a specific alarm and will execute the Send Chat Notification Example script.

    ChatIntegration Examples Correlation Rule

    ChatIntegration Examples Correlation Rule script

  2. Trigger an alarm and verify that the notification is received in a Teams chat.

    ChatIntegration Examples Teams chat


If you are ready for more, continue with the tutorial Adaptive Card notifications with custom buttons. This is a slightly more advanced tutorial where you will learn how to enable powerful two-way interactions using buttons with custom commands.