Table of Contents

Troubleshooting: Alarm Console


This page is currently still being developed. The content is not yet optimized and may not yet be fully accurate.


flowchart TD
    %% Define styles %%
    linkStyle default stroke:#cccccc
    classDef classTerminal fill:#1e5179,stroke:#1e5179,color:#ffffff,stroke-width:0px;
    classDef classDecision fill:#4baeea,stroke:#4baeea,color:#ffffff,stroke-width:0px;
    classDef classExternalRef fill:#9ddaf5,stroke:#9ddaf5,color:#1E5179,stroke-width:0px;
    classDef classActionClickable fill:#999999,stroke:#999999,color:#ffffff,stroke-width:0px;
    classDef classAction fill:#dddddd,stroke:#dddddd,color:#1E5179,stroke-width:0px;
    classDef classSolution fill:#58595b,stroke:#58595b,color:#ffffff,stroke-width:0px;
    %% Define blocks %%
    START([Alarm Console])
    dberror([Database Error])
    InfoEvent([Information Event])
    %% Connect blocks %%
    START --- Error
    Error --- Rte
    Error --- dberror
    START --- Notice
    START --- InfoEvent
    START --- TimeOut
    START --- Alarms
    %% Define hyperlinks %%
    click Rte "/user-guide/Troubleshooting/Troubleshooting_Flowcharts/Troubleshooting_Identify_Per_Module/Alarm_Console/Troubleshooting_Run_Time_Errors.html"
    %% Apply styles to blocks %%
    class START classTerminal;
    class Rte,dberror,Notice,InfoEvent,TimeOut,Alarms classExternalRef;
    class Error classActionClickable;
Flow item Description
Error Referenced by white cross in red circle.
Signifies a significant problem.
Notice Referenced by a black exclamation mark in a yellow triangle.
Signifies a potential problem or misconfiguration requiring attention.
Information Event Indicates user activity at a certain time.
Significance depends on the type of activity.
Timeout The device is not reachable or there is a problem with communication.
Alarms If you have a problem with alarms, follow this path.


Issue Plan of attack
Protocol Thread RTE Check Protocol thread run-time errors: use cases

Database Error

Issue Plan of attack
Failed to Initialize Database tables DMA cannot reach database
Refer to Database Flowchart
The Service Manager is licensed, but no Elasticsearch database is active on the system. Therefore, Resource Manager and Service Manager will not initialize. Elasticsearch has not been installed - verify with Skyline if an Elasticsearch setup is required and install Elasticsearch if necessary.


Issue Plan of attack
Alarm history exceeded 100 alarms. It is advised to revise your alarm threshold definitions. 1. Preferably: stop toggling of alarm per parameter.
2. If not possible, change AlarmsPerParameter.

Information Event

Issue Plan of attack
Automation script failed Check the exception


Issue Plan of attack
SNMPv1,v2 Element in timeout Refer to SLSNMPManager flowchart


Issue Plan of attack
Alarms delayed Refer to SLElement Flowchart