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Sharing DataMiner data with third parties

There are many ways in which you can make your DataMiner System share information (real-time device readings, fault data, performance data, etc.) with third parties.

DataMiner Sharing

DataMiner Sharing allows you to share live data via For more information, see DataMiner Sharing.

DataMiner Cube

  • Allow the third party to remotely access your DataMiner System through the ports required for DataMiner Cube.

  • Set up and maintain a dedicated user profile for the third party (which devices can be accessed, what kind of actions can be performed, etc.).

DataMiner Monitoring app

  • Allow the third party to remotely access your DataMiner System through the ports required for DataMiner web applications.

  • Use the Monitoring app for mobile access to DataMiner.

  • Set up and maintain a dedicated user profile for the third party (which devices can be accessed, what kind of actions can be performed, etc.).

DataMiner Dashboard Gateway

  • Set up DataMiner Dashboard Gateway on your internet server.

  • Define and configure the necessary dashboards, which should contain all relevant information that you want to share with the third party.

DataMiner Northbound Interfaces

  • Use the DataMiner NBIs to query DataMiner for the information that you want to share with the third party.

  • Create the client application (e.g. web page, mobile phone app, etc.) with which you want to share the information with the third party.

  • Not all DataMiner NBIs are available by default. Optional licenses may be required.

DataMiner Replication

  • Allow the third party to remotely access your DataMiner System through the ports required for DataMiner Cube.

  • Set up and maintain a dedicated user profile for the third party.

  • The third party needs to have a separate DataMiner System onto which the elements can be replicated.


See also: Replicated elements