Table of Contents

Migrating the general database to a DMS Cassandra cluster

If you choose not to use the recommended Storage as a Service (STaaS) setup but instead have a self-managed storage setup with SQL databases or Cassandra databases per DMA and want to switch to a Cassandra cluster setup, you can use the Cassandra Cluster Migrator for this. In DataMiner versions prior to 10.2.0/10.2.2, a Cassandra to Cassandra Cluster Migrator tool was available; however, we highly recommend that you upgrade to DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU11]/10.4.2 or higher and use the Cassandra Cluster Migrator instead.

The migration can be done while the DMAs are active; however, a DataMiner restart will be required after all data has been migrated.

The Cassandra Cluster Migrator tool (called SLCCMigrator.exe) is available on every DMA running DataMiner version 10.2.0/10.2.2 or higher. You can find it in the folder C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\. However, we highly recommend that you upgrade to DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU11]/10.4.2 or higher to use the tool, as this version includes an improved version of the tool that will prevent possible issues.


From DataMiner 10.3.7/10.3.0 [CU4] onwards, the Cassandra Cluster Migrator tool is able to establish TLS connections towards the databases. To enable this functionality, configure TLS encryption on your OpenSearch database or Elasticsearch database and your Cassandra database, and enable the Cassandra TLS and Elastic TLS options when configuring the Cassandra and OpenSearch/Elasticsearch settings in the migration tool. For OpenSearch, configuring TLS is highly recommended.


  • All DMAs must run DataMiner 10.3.0 [CU11]/10.4.2 or higher.

  • A Cassandra cluster must be available using version 4.0 or higher. For information on how to install Cassandra, see Installing Cassandra on a Linux machine.


    Previously Cassandra 3.11.8 was also supported. This will remain supported for existing installations; however, because of its increased performance, Cassandra 4.0 is required for new Cassandra installations if a database per cluster is used. If you have a Cassandra 3.11.8 database and you have not yet migrated your DataMiner data, we recommend upgrading to Cassandra 4.0 first.

  • Either an OpenSearch cluster should be available (recommended), or an Elasticsearch cluster using version 6.8.0 or higher, but lower than 7.0.

  • The migration will not clear any existing data from the given Cassandra cluster. This means that any data that might conflict with the migrated data should first be deleted manually. We recommend that you make sure the target Cassandra cluster is clean before you proceed with the migration. You can use DevCenter to inspect the data in the cluster and any existing keyspaces and/or tables can be dropped.
  • If there is an existing OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster connected to the DMS, this cluster will be reused and any given input regarding this cluster will be disregarded. In the existing cluster, alarms will be deleted and migrated again from the DMS. Jobs, ticketing, and SRM information will not be migrated, as this is expected to already be present in the OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster. If this is not the case, migrate this data first through DataMiner Cube (see Configuring indexing settings in System Center).

Stages of the migration

During the migration, each DMA will go through the following stages:

State Description
Not initialized The default state of a DMA. It has not been initialized for migration to a Cassandra and OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster.
Initialized The DMA has connected with the given Cassandra and OpenSearch/Elasticsearch clusters and is ready to start data migration.
Migrating The DMA is busy migrating data. Progress can be tracked using the migrator tool.
Finished migrating The DMA has finished migrating and is ready for migration finalization, i.e. ready to switch to the Cassandra and OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster configuration.
Finalized The DMA has been restarted and switched to the Cassandra and OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster configuration.

Once the migration is started, all new data will be sent to both the new and the old database. Writing to both databases will continue until the migration has been finalized. Even in case of a long-running migration, there will not be any gaps in the history data between the start and the end of the migration process.

Running the migration

If your system does not use an indexing database yet or if it already uses an OpenSearch or Elasticsearch cluster connected to the DMS, you can run a regular migration as described below. However, if your system uses an Elasticsearch database installed on a DMA, follow the procedure in the next tab, "Running a migration with bespoke Elasticsearch data".

  1. If there are Failover pairs in the DataMiner System, make sure the currently active Agent in each pair is the top Agent in the Failover configuration screen.

  2. On one of the DMAs in your cluster, go to C:\Skyline DataMiner\Tools\, and run SLCCMigrator.exe.

  3. Initialize all the DMAs in the list using the Initialize all agents button.


    If one or more DMAs fail to be initialized, please contact your Skyline Technical Account Manager to resolve this issue, or refer to the Troubleshooting section below for the solution.

  4. In the pop-up window, enter the Cassandra and OpenSearch/Elasticsearch settings, and click Confirm. The following settings are required:

    • Cassandra settings:

      • Cassandra IP(s): The IPs of the Cassandra cluster nodes. For example:,, or or CC-NODE-01,CC-NODE-02.

      • Keyspace prefix: The prefix for the Cassandra keyspaces. (At most 10 characters.) For example: dms01.

      • Cassandra user: The Cassandra username.

      • Cassandra password: The password for the specified username.

      • Cassandra consistency: The consistency level. For more information, see How is the consistency level configured?

      • Cassandra TLS: Available from DataMiner 10.3.7/10.3.0 [CU4] onwards. Allows you to establish TLS connections towards the databases.

    • OpenSearch/Elasticsearch settings: These are not used in case there already is an OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster connected to your DMS. In that case, you can just fill in dummy data.

      • Elastic IP(s): The IPs of the OpenSearch/Elasticsearch cluster. For example:,, or or or ES-NODE-01,ES-NODE-02.

      • Database prefix: The prefix for the OpenSearch/Elasticsearch indices and aliases. For example: dms.

      • Elastic user: The OpenSearch/Elasticsearch username.

      • Elastic password: The password for the specified username.

      • Elastic TLS: Available from DataMiner 10.3.7/10.3.0 [CU4] onwards. Allows you to establish TLS connections towards the databases. For OpenSearch, configuring this is highly recommended.

  5. Once the DMAs have been initialized, start the migration. You can do this for all DMAs at once with the Start Migration button at the top, or for one DMA at a time by clicking the Details button for that DMA and selecting Migrate all storages.

  6. During the migration, you can monitor the progress in the main window of the tool. You can safely close the tool and open it again later. The migration process will continue even when you close SLCCMigrator.exe.

  7. When the migration has finished, check the main window of SLCCMigrator.exe and make sure there are no errors.

  8. When no errors are reported, click Finalize migration to restart all DMAs.

  • During the migration, you can cancel the migration of one particular data type for one particular DMA. This will not undo any changes made to the Cassandra and OpenSearch/Elasticsearch clusters.
  • If you want to cancel the entire migration process for all DMAs, click Abort migration. This will undo all changes made to the DMAs.
  • When you migrate a DataMiner Failover setup, only the data of the active DMA will be migrated. Once the migration has finished, both DMAs will be restarted.


Any errors that occur during a migration process will be displayed in a pop-up window and stored in a log file.

  • To open the log file of the SLCCMigrator.exe tool, at the top of the main window, click Open log file.

  • To check the migration server logging, go to C:\Skyline DataMiner\Logging and open SLDBConnection.txt.

  • If you encounter issues when you start a migration (e.g. "No connection with DataMiner"), check if there are any NATS issues.

  • If TLS is enabled on the Elasticsearch or OpenSearch nodes and some Agents do not initialize, you can check the connection to the Elasticsearch/OpenSearch nodes as follows:

    1. Open a browser on the DataMiner servers that you want to migrate from

    2. Enter https://[IP address]:9200/ in the browser's address bar, replacing "[IP address]" with your IP address of the nodes.

    If this fails, check if TLS was configured correctly and if the root certificate was correctly installed on the DataMiner server. See TLS configuration for the OpenSearch database or TLS configuration for the Elasticsearch database.