Table of Contents

Editing an existing app

This tutorial shows how to edit an existing app.



See also: Kata #3: Build your first low-code app on DataMiner Dojo Video

Step 1: Edit the latest version of your app

The DataMiner Low-Code Apps are available on the DataMiner landing page. To access this page, browse to the IP or hostname of a DMA or to https://[Your DMA]/root, depending on your configuration.

  1. Click the app on the landing page to open it.

  2. To start editing the app, click your user image or initials and select Edit.

    Edit option
    DataMiner Low-Code Apps in DataMiner 10.3.12

    This will open the application editor again, which was used before when creating the application. A new draft version of your app is made, to which you can make the necessary changes.

  3. When you have made all the changes you want, publish the application again to make the latest version available to everyone with the rights to access DataMiner Low-Code Apps.

Step 2: Edit a previous version of your app

Occasionally, there may be a need to edit a previous version of an application. This could for example be to review the previous configuration of the app or to roll back to the previously published version.

  1. Click the app on the landing page to open it.

  2. Click your user image or initials and select Versions.

    Versions option
    DataMiner Low-Code Apps in DataMiner 10.3.12

    This brings up a list of previous versions.

  3. Open the version you want to edit by hovering over it in the list and then clicking the pencil icon.

    Version history
    DataMiner Low-Code Apps in DataMiner 10.3.12

    This will open up the application editor. A new draft version of your app is made based on the version you selected, to which you can make changes in the same way as when you edit the latest version.

Next tutorial

Now that you know how to edit an app, you can start adding more pages to the app.

Learning paths

This tutorial is part of the following learning path: