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In the Dashboards app, this feature is currently still in preview. For more information, see Soft-launch options. However, it is fully available in the DataMiner Low-Code Apps.

In the Dashboards app, this component is available in soft launch, if the soft-launch option ReportsAndDashboardsButton is enabled. In the DataMiner Low-Code Apps, it is available by default.

Button component in DataMiner 10.4.6

To configure the component:

  1. In the Component > Settings tab, click the configuration icon next to On click and select the action(s) you want the button to execute. See Configuring low-code app events.

  2. Fine-tune the component layout. In the Component > Layout tab, the following options are available:

    • The default options available for all components. See Customizing the component layout.

    • Label: Determines which text is displayed on the button.

    • Icon: Allows you to select an icon to be displayed next to the label.


From DataMiner 10.2.5/10.3.0 onwards, the output of an (interactive) Automation script can be used as a feed for other components, for example in a GQI query.