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DataMiner trending allows you to check the behavior of specific parameters by means of graphs. In DataMiner Cube and the DataMiner Monitoring app, you can access these graphs by drilling down on a parameter on an element card. DataMiner Cube also has a dedicated Trending module, and it is possible to embed a trending component in Visual Overview and in a DataMiner dashboard.

The trending UI in DataMiner 10.3.10

With the trending settings in DataMiner Cube, you can customize how graphs are displayed and how you can interact with them.

Based on the available trend data, DataMiner Analytics provides features such as trend predictions, anomaly detection, pattern matching, and relation learning.

Trending is configured using so-called trend templates. For each protocol and protocol version, one or more trend templates can be configured. These determine for which parameters trend information is stored, and which kind of trend information (real-time or average).


For performance reasons, trending should only be activated for a limited number of parameters. Normally, DataMiner administrators will only activate trending for a certain parameter if it makes sense to do so.