Table of Contents

Overview of page and shape options

Using a shape data field of type Options, you can configure a number of page and shape options.

  • Used on page level, it allows you to configure specific page settings.

  • Used on shape level, it allows you to configure specific shape settings.

  • If you specify several options, separate them by means of pipe characters (“|”).

  • The different available options are detailed in the sections below.


For most shape data, it is possible to specify a different separator using the [sep:XY] option. See About using separator characters.


Page-level option

Used in order to highlight DCF connectivity chains configured in a Connectivity.xml file.

See Highlighting connections from a Connectivity.xml chain.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to embed an alarm timeline component.

See Embedding an alarm timeline component.


Shape-level option.

Used with an alarm timeline component in order to display custom text when no timelines are displayed.

See Embedding an alarm timeline component.


Shape-level option.

Used to redirect connections to non-existing interfaces of a parent shape to the center of this parent shape.

See Automatically linking interfaces to subshapes.


Shape-level option.

Used to completely disable a parameter control shape.

See Dynamically disabling a parameter control.


Shape-level option.

See Making a shape use a different index than that of the original row.


Shape-level option.

Used to allow dynamic shape behavior of parameter control shapes.

See Allowing dynamic shape behavior.


Page- and shape-level option.

Can be used as an option on any shape to show it even when some dynamic values have not yet resolved.


Shape-level option.

By default, child shapes of an Element or View shape automatically inherit the shape data of the parent shape. In cases where you want to e.g. link a child shape to another service or element, you can use this option to disable this automatic inheritance.

  • This renders the option NoCopyElementProperty obsolete, since this option does the same thing for Element shapes only.
  • From DataMiner 10.0.0 [CU14]/10.1.0 [CU3]/10.1.6 onwards, this option can also be used for element shapes that are a child of another element shape, to ensure that these do not inherit the service context of the parent if they have no service context of their own. This inheritance does not occur in earlier DataMiner versions.


Page-level option.

When rearranging dynamically positioned shapes in a Visio drawing using drag and drop, by default you have to click the Apply button to save the changes. However, if you add the page-level ArrangeMode=Immediate option, the new position of a shape is saved as soon as you drop that shape onto the page.

See Re-arranging dynamically positioned shapes.


Shape-level option.

If, in a shape, you set a shape data field of type VdxPage to “PageName|Popup” to have a page of a Visio drawing displayed in a pop-up window, then you can use this option to have that pop-up window closed automatically when a shape is clicked inside that pop-up.

See Making a shape display a particular page of the current Visio drawing.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to display a border around embedded webpages.

See BorderVisibility.


Page- and shape-level option.

Used to limit the scope of a session variable to the current card.

See Turning a shape into a control to update a session variable.


Page-level option.

Use this option to keep the page canvas from expanding automatically when the NoAutoScale option has been added.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to automatically close the page containing the shape after the shape’s main action has been executed.

See Optional configuration.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to avoid gaps in the visualization of a service instance.

See Generating the connectivity chain for an SRM service instance.


Page-level option.

Used to draw all connection lines in the background.

See Placing connection lines in the background or in the foreground.


Page-level option.

Used to draw all connection lines in the foreground.

See Placing connection lines in the background or in the foreground.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to display connection properties, or to allow conditional shape manipulation based on connection properties.

See Displaying connection properties and Conditional manipulation of connection shapes.


Page-level option.

Deprecated. Use ActivePathHighlighting instead.

See Highlighting connections from a Connectivity.xml chain.


Page-level option.

Used in order to visualize connectivity using manually drawn lines.

See Using existing lines as connectivity lines.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to turn a shape into a button that looks and behaves like a default DataMiner Cube button, supporting features like hover, etc.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to turn a shape into a Cube-style text block, inheriting the default Cube font and font size.

See Creating a text block control.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to set a custom default alarm level for a shape linked to an alarm filter.

See Linking a shape to an alarm filter.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to hide the connections of a particular element.

See Hiding all connections of an element.


Shape-level option.

Used when retrieving the value of a table parameter using a subscription filter, in order to avoid situations where this value is incorrectly resolved as a parameter ID to subscribe on.

See Retrieving and showing the value of a table parameter using a subscription filter.


Page-level option.

Use this option if you do not want users to be able to zoom in or out.


Zooming is disabled by default on any Visual Overview pages that contain an embedded web browser control. However, it can be enabled with the EnableZoom option.


Shape-level option.

By default, DataMiner Cube disposes of embedded web browser controls when you change pages in a Visio drawing. If you want to override this default behavior, add a shape data field of type Options to the shape containing the web browser control, and set its value to DisposeWebBrowserWhenNotSelectedPage=false. As a result, the web browser control will only be disposed of when you close the card.

See DisposeWebBrowserWhenNotSelectedPage.


Shape-level option.

Use this option on the target shape of a drag-and-drop operation, in order to make sure that the shape is not clickable.

See Triggering an action when a shape is dragged onto another shape.


Shape-level option.

Can be added to shapes displaying parameter values. Set this option to true to convert large values to more legible values with a different unit (e.g. to convert 1000 Mb to 1 Gb). The following units are converted out of the box: bytes (B), bits (b), bits per second (bps), bytes per second (Bps) and Kibibytes (kiB). For other units, the dynamic conversion must be defined in the element’s protocol.

From DataMiner 10.3.0/10.2.3 onwards, this feature can instead be enabled by the DynamicUnits soft-launch option, and you can use the DynamicUnits=[true/false] option on a shape to override the default behavior determined by the soft-launch option.


Page-level option.

Use this option to enable dynamic zooming when shapes are positioned dynamically.

See Enabling dynamic zoom on dynamically positioned shapes.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to display a particular text on a shape representing a parameter, when the parameter is not initialized.

See Showing the parameter value in shape text.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to display a pop-up box with more information about connection properties when a connection is clicked.

See Displaying DCF connection property information.


Page- and shape-level option.

Used in order to determine whether DataMiner should indicate if a page or shape is loading.

See Disabling the indication that a page or shape is loading.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to connect views with DCF connections.

See Enabling view connections.


Page-level option.

Use this option to make it possible to zoom in and out on a page.

See EnableZoom.


Page- and shape-level option.

Used in order to limit access to a particular page or shape to users with a particular access level.

See Making a shape or page visible only for a particular access level.


Page-level option.

Used in order to have commands in an Execute field performed each time a card is opened.



Page-level option.

If you want to restrict the size of a particular page of a Visio drawing, you can use the six following options, separated by pipe characters:

  • When the maximum size is reached, the content is centered on the card.
  • When the minimum size is reached, the content is shown in a scroll viewer.
  • When page scrollbars are visible, you can use the mouse wheel to scroll the page. Use CTRL+Scroll to zoom.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to make a series of interconnected shapes to take on a specific color by default.

See Making connections inherit alarm colors.


Page-level option.

Used to make connections inherit the alarm color of the interfaces.

See Making connections inherit alarm colors.


Page-level option.

Used to make connections inherit the alarm color of the elements they connect.

See Making connections inherit alarm colors.


Shape-level option.

Used to fill a shape in a connectivity chain with the highlight color.

See Making connections inherit alarm colors.


Shape-level option.

Used to override the default table loading behavior when dynamically positioning shapes.

See Overriding the default table loading behavior.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to make all [property:...] placeholders refer to properties of the object to which the Visio file is linked.

See Placeholders for variables in shape data values.


Shape-level option.

Use this option if you want [this view], [this service], [this element], [this ViewID], [this ServiceID], [this ElementID], and [this reservationID] placeholders for child shapes to refer to the view, service, element, or reservation specified in their parent shape, instead of the one linked to the entire Visio drawing.

See Placeholders for variables in shape data values.


Shape-level option.

Used to make all [property:...] placeholders refer to properties of the object to which a shape is linked.

See Placeholders for variables in shape data values.


Shape-level option.

Deprecated. Use ForcePropertyFromShape instead.


Shape-level option.

Used in case a child element of a child service is displayed in the Visual Overview of a parent service, in order to display the full alarm state of the child element, instead of only the alarm state of the element parameters included in the child service.


Page-level option.

Used to deny DataMiner access to a particular page of a Visio drawing. When a page is marked as “hidden”, it is not displayed in Visual Overview, and it is not available in the tree view of a card navigation pane. It can, however, still be displayed in (pop-up) windows that are opened as a result of someone clicking a shape to which a shape data field of type VdxPage has been added.

See Making a shape display a particular page of the current Visio drawing and Conditionally showing or hiding a page of a Visio drawing.


Page-level option.

Used in order to show or hide a Visio page depending on conditions.

See Conditionally showing or hiding a page of a Visio drawing.


Shape-level option.

When shapes are generated representing alarms, use this option in order to not generate shapes for correlated alarms.

See Generating shapes that represent alarms.


Page-level option.

When connectivity has been defined in a drawing, you can use the HideConnectionLines option to hide the connections between the shapes in a connectivity chain.


Shape-level option.

Use this option if you want a shape to be hidden when the element to which it is linked is about to be used in a scheduled Automation script. This way, you can prevent users from changing something to an element that is about to be used in a scheduled Automation script.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to display an animated shape on a highlighted connection.

See Displaying an animated shape on highlighted connections.


Page-level option.

Use this option to highlight a chain when a shape or connection in the chain is clicked. Alternatively, you can also use this option along with the ConnectivityLines option in order to visualize connectivity using manually drawn lines.

See Using existing lines as connectivity lines and Controlling highlighting when using physical connectors.


Page-level option.

Use this option to make sure only shapes are highlighted, and not the connections between them.

See Applying highlighting to shapes only.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to specify the highlight style for DCF connections.

See Customizing the highlight style and Conditional shape highlighting.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to apply conditional highlighting styles to DCF connections.

See Conditionally applying a highlight style.


Shape-level option.

Allows you to configure the behavior of the horizontal scrollbar of a text block control.

See Creating a text block control.


Page- and shape-level option.

Allows you to specify a different hover style for shapes.

See Configuring the hover area of a shape.


Page-level option.

Used in order to ignore the internal structure of elements for path highlighting.

See Ignoring internal connections.


Shape-level option.

Used when linking a shape to a calculation involving multiple parameters, in order to show a calculated value even if not all parameter values are available.

See Linking a shape to a calculation involving multiple parameters.


Shape-level option.

By default, when you right-click a Visio drawing displayed in a shape, the shortcut menu of the Visio drawing containing that shape will appear. If you want a Visio drawing inside a shape to have its own shortcut menu, add a shape data field of type Options to the shape displaying the Visio drawing, and set its value to InlineVisioContextMenuVisible.

See Making a shape display a particular page of the current Visio drawing.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to turn a shape into a tab control that displays all pages of a Visio drawing.

See Turning a shape into a tab control that displays pages of a Visio file.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to turn a shape into a tab control that displays all pages of a Visio drawing.

See Turning a shape into a tab control that displays pages of a Visio file.


Page-level option.

Used in order to draw external connection lines in the background, and internal connection lines in the foreground of a drawing.

See Placing connection lines in the background or in the foreground.


Shape-level option.

Used to link a shape to an interface that is created dynamically based on protocol table data.

See Linking shapes to dynamically created interfaces.


Shape-level option.

Used to assign group names to shapes, so that internal connections are automatically drawn between parent shapes that share the same group name.

See Automatically linking interfaces to subshapes.


Shape-level option.

Used to display connections when some interfaces are missing.

See Displaying connections when some interfaces are missing.


Shape-level option.

Used to link DCF connection properties.

See Linking connection properties.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to configure the interval of an animation on a highlighted connection.

See Displaying an animated shape on highlighted connections.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to configure the speed of an animation on a highlighted connection.

See Displaying an animated shape on highlighted connections.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to only apply certain highlight style properties to DCF connections.

See Applying only certain highlight style properties.


Shape-level option.

Used to link a shape to a spectrum analyzer parameter without displaying a spectrum thumbnail.

See Keeping a shape from turning into a spectrum thumbnail.


Shape-level option.

Determines the maximum number of hops that are displayed when a signal path is automatically generated.

See Generating the DCF signal path of a particular element and interface.


Shape-level option.

Determines the maximum number of parent element shapes in a single column when a signal path is automatically generated.

See Generating the DCF signal path of a particular element and interface.

Shape-level option.

Used to display a Back and Forward button in embedded webpages.

See NavigationUIVisibility.


Shape-level option.

If you specify this option, the shape will not be filled with the current alarm color of the element, view, service, etc. to which it is linked.

This option also disables any default alarm blinking behavior on the shape. Blinking conditions specified on the shape itself are not affected. If, for example, you specified a show/hide condition in a shape linked to an element, you can also add the NoAlarmColorFill option to that shape to prevent interference of default alarm blinking with the show/hide functionality.

This option can also be specified on subshapes.


Page-level option.

Use this option if you do not want the Visio drawing to automatically take the size of the card. In the NoAutoScale mode, the zoom factor of the Visio drawing will be set to 100 percent and scrollbars will appear when the size of the card is smaller than the size of the Visio drawing.

It is good practice to use this option on Visio pages that contain controls (parameter controls, SetVar controls, charts, etc.). That way, you can prevent any scaling issues involving those controls.


If this option is added on a page where shapes are positioned dynamically, the page canvas will automatically be expanded so that all dynamically positioned shapes are visible, with an extra margin of 10 pixels. To avoid this default behavior, specify the ClipToBound option. See ClipToBound.


Page-level option.

If you use this option, the Visio page will not be centered on the card. Instead, it will be aligned top-left.


Shape-level option.

Obsolete. Use the AllowInheritance=False option instead.


Shape-level option.

If you want to disable the default right-click menu of a shape, then add a shape data field of type Options to the shape, and set its value to NoDefaultContextMenu.


Shape-level option.

Used on a shape to make sure no text message appears when the shape is dragged.

See Triggering an action when a shape is dragged onto another shape.


Shape-level option.

Used to keep a shape from being duplicated when generating the DCF signal path.

See Generating the DCF signal path of a particular element and interface.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to make a shape in a connectivity chain ignore the highlighting fill style when it is highlighted.

See Ignoring the highlight style.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to make a shape in a connectivity chain ignore the highlighting line style when it is highlighted.

See Ignoring the highlight style.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to make a shape in a connectivity chain ignore the highlighting text style when it is highlighted.

See Ignoring the highlight style.


Page- and shape-level option.

When you are configuring a large number of shapes linked to different elements, but you do not need any element-specific formatting from files like description.xml, informations.xml, or port.xml, you can use the shape option “NonElementProtocol” to enhance the overall performance of the Visio drawing.

This option can be used in shapes linked to elements, parameters, matrices, session variables, parameter summaries, and parameter controls. It can also be used on a page, so that it is applied to all shapes on that page.

  • In case of grouped shapes, this property should only be specified on the main shape, except if you use dynamic placeholders in the subshapes (e.g. [param:...], [property:...], etc.).
  • This option can also be applied system-wide. See Activating the NonElementProtocol option system-wide.
  • You can use this option with a =True or =False suffix, so that it can be easily enabled or disabled.
  • A shape-level NonElementProtocol option will override a page-level NonElementProtocol option, and a page-level NonElementProtocol option will override the system-level NonElementProtocol option in the MaintenanceSettings.xml file.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to disable the automatic subscription filter when using dynamic shape positioning or dynamic shape generation in an EPM environment.

See Disabling the automatic selection filter in an EPM environment and Generating shapes based on table rows.


Shape-level option.

If a shape is linked to an element, a service, a view or a redundancy group, then you can use the OpenInNewCard option to make that element, service, view or redundancy group open in a new card.

See Having the Visio drawing opened in a new card.


Page-level option.

Available from DataMiner 10.2.11/10.3.0 onwards. Allows you to override the name of a Visio page.

You can for example use this to have multiple pages with the same name in DataMiner, as Microsoft Visio itself does not allow the creation of multiple pages with the same name. However, note that components that display Visio page names may then also display these duplicate page names.

  • Always use the actual page name when referring to a particular page in options like e.g. VdxPage, NavigatePage, InlineVdx, etc. Referring to the override name will not work in such cases.
  • This option is not supported for Visio drawings displayed in DataMiner web apps.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to disable rescaling of a shape when dynamic zooming is used.

See Disabling rescaling of a particular shape.


Page- and shape-level option.

Used to limit the scope of a session variable to the current page.

See Turning a shape into a control to update a session variable.


Shape-level option.

Used to position shapes dynamically based on the rotation center of the shape instead of the physical center.

See Positioning shapes based on their rotation point.


Shape-level option.

When linking a Visio shape to all child items of a view or service (using “[auto]” in a shape data field of type Element), you can use this option to specify that a particular shape should only be used to represent items of which the specified property has the specified value. This can be an element property, a service property, or a view property.


Shape-level option.

Used when connection properties are configured to be displayed, in order to place the property shapes on top of interface/connection intersections.

See Displaying connection properties.


Shape-level option.

When linking a Visio shape to all child items of a view or service (using “[auto]” in a shape data field of type Element), use this option if a particular shape should only be used to represent elements based on the specified protocol.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to extend the shortcut menu of a container shape with shortcut menu items from its child shapes.

See Extending a container shape shortcut menu with child shape shortcut menu items.


Shape-level option.

Used in order to add a refresh button to an embedded webpage.

See RefreshButtonVisibility.


Shape-level option.

Used to dynamically link an element to a shape based on DCF connection info.

See Linking a shape to an element based on DCF connections.


Shape-level option.

Used to subscribe to internal connections when dynamic positioning is used.

See Subscribing to internal connections when using dynamic positioning.



Used in order to disable a shape's default hyperlink behavior, so that it can be selected instead.

See Making shapes selectable.


Shape-level option.

Used to disable path highlighting when a connection line is clicked.

See Disabling path highlighting when a connection line is clicked.


Page-level option.

Makes the text of a "Selectable" shape get copied to a session variable when that shape is clicked.

See Making a selectable shape get copied to a session variable.


Shape-level option.

Use this option if you want a shape to be shown when the element to which it is linked, is about to be used in a scheduled Automation script. This way, you can for example visually warn users not to change anything to an element that is about to be used in a scheduled Automation script.


Shape-level option.

Used to always pass an authentication ticket to an embedded webpage, regardless of the content of the URL.

See SingleSignOn.


Shape-level option.

Used to make DataMiner ignore a parent shape when determining the element on which a command should be executed.

See Making subshapes execute parameter sets or Automation scripts on the element linked to the parent shape.


Shape-level option.

By default, when an asterisk ("*") is used in shape data to refer to an element, view, or service, the asterisk is replaced with the first element ID, view ID, or service ID that is found, starting from the current shape. If you want the asterisk character to be resolved starting from the parent shape instead, add the StartResolvingFromParent option to the shape that has to retrieve the element, view, or service reference.


If no element or service reference can be found in either of the parent shapes, the element or service to which the Visio file is assigned will be used to resolve the asterisk.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to draw connection lines using a pathing algorithm.

See Using a pathing algorithm to display connection lines.


Shape-level option.

Use this option to configure an alternative style for tab controls.

See Turning a shape into a tab control that displays pages of a Visio file.


Shape-level option.

See Dynamically selecting shape templates for dynamically positioned shapes.


Shape-level option.

Allows you to embed an Internet Explorer web browser control. However, note that this browser is deprecated and using this option is therefore not recommended.

See UseIE.


Shape-level option.

Allows you to embed a Chromium web browser control.

See UseChrome.


Shape-level option.

Available from DataMiner 10.1.11/10.2.0 onwards. Allows you to embed an Edge web browser control.

See UseEdge.


Shape-level option.

Use this option if you want to pass on the user credentials of the current user to a web page displayed inside a shape.

See UseLoginCredentials.


This feature only works when you have logged on to DataMiner Cube explicitly using Basic Authentication (i.e. with a username and a password). It will not work when you have logged on with your Windows user credentials.


Shape-level option.

Available from DataMiner 10.2.0/10.1.10 onwards. See Linking a shape to a resource.


Shape-level option.

Allows you to configure the behavior of the vertical scrollbar of a text block control.

See Creating a text block control.


Page-level option.

Used to make a page of Visio drawing visible depending on a property or parameter.

See Depending on the current value of a parameter or a property.


Page- and shape-level option.

Used to limit the scope of a session variable to the current card.

See Indicating the scope of the variable.


Page-level option.

Use this option if you want to link the colors in a Visio drawing to the colors used in the DataMiner Cube theme.

To do so, you have to specify three colors on page level:

  • The foreground color

  • The background color

  • The accent color



If you specify the value above, in a theme with a light background, black text and shapes will be displayed on a white background, while in a theme with a dark background, the colors will be reversed. In other words, all items in the drawing that use the colors specified in the option will be assigned the theme color.