Table of Contents

Methods (v1)

Overview of the methods (v1)

Method Description
ActivateElement Activates an element.
AddBookingAttachment Adds an attachment file to a booking. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards. For internal use at Skyline only.
AddBookingAttachmentV2 Adds an attachment file to a booking. Available from DataMiner 10.2.0 [CU9]/10.2.12 onwards. For internal use at Skyline only.
AddCommentToAlarm Adds a comment to an alarm.
AddElementToPinned Pins an element in the Recent list.
AddElementToRecent Adds an element to the Recent list.
AddElementToView Adds an element to a specified view.
AddElementsToRecent Adds a number of elements to the Recent list.
AddJobAttachment Adds an attachment to a job. Available from DataMiner 10.0.5 onwards. For internal use at Skyline only.
AddJobAttachmentV2 Adds an attachment to a job. Available from DataMiner 10.2.0 [CU9]/10.2.12 onwards. For internal use at Skyline only.
AddOrUpdateJobsSectionDefinitionField Adds or updates a job section definition field. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
AddServiceToPinned Pins a service in the Recent list.
AddServiceToRecent Adds a service to the Recent list.
AddServicesToRecent Adds a number of services to the Recent list.
AddTicketAttachment Adds an attachment file to a ticket. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards. For internal use at Skyline only.
AddTicketAttachmentV2 Adds an attachment file to a ticket. Available from DataMiner 10.2.0 [CU9]/10.2.12 onwards. For internal use at Skyline only.
AddTicketField Adds a new field to the specified ticket type.
AddTicketType Adds a new ticket type.
AddViewToPinned Pins a view in the Recent list.
AddViewToRecent Adds a view to the Recent list.
AddViewsToRecent Adds a number of views to the Recent list.
AddVisioFile Uploads a Visio file that can be assigned to views and services.
AddVisioFileToProtocol Uploads a Visio file that can be assigned to elements of a particular protocol.
AssignAlarmTemplate Assigns an alarm template to the specified element. Available from DataMiner 10.1.9 onwards.
AssignVisioFileToProtocol Assigns a Visio file to a particular protocol.
AssignVisioFileToService Assigns a Visio file to a particular service.
AssignVisioFileToView Assigns a Visio file to a particular view.
CancelAsyncRequest Cancels an asynchronous request for a specific ticket.
ChangePassword Changes the password of the currently connected user.
ClearRecents Clears the Recent list.
ConnectApp Retrieves the connection ID (GUID) needed to be able to connect to the host.
ConnectAppAndInfo Retrieves the connection string (GUID) needed to be able to connect to the host, together with information about the DataMiner Agent (time, alarm colors, etc.) and the user permissions granted.
ConnectAppAndInfoStep2 For the second step in a two-step authentication process.
ConnectAppAndInfoUsingTicket Retrieves the connection string (GUID) needed to be able to connect to the host, together with information about the DataMiner Agent (time, alarm colors, etc.) and the user permissions granted, by using a DataMiner connection ticket.
ConnectMatrixCrosspoint Connects or disconnects a matrix crosspoint.
ConnectMatrixCrosspointForLabels Connects or disconnects a matrix crosspoint by label.
ContinueAutomationScript Continues an Automation script.
CreateAlarmTemplate Creates a new alarm template. Available from DataMiner 10.1.9 onwards.
CreateElement Creates a new element on the specified DMA.
CreateJob Creates a job. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
CreateJobsDomain Creates a job domain. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
CreateJobsSectionDefinition Creates a job section definition. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
CreateJobTemplate Creates a job template. Available from DataMiner 9.6.6 onwards.
CreateNoteForElement Creates a note for a specified element.
CreateNoteForService Creates a note for a specified service.
CreateNoteForView Creates a note for a specified view.
CreateSLAElement Creates an SLA element.
CreateService Creates a new service on the specified DMA
CreateServiceByApplyingServiceTemplate Creates a service by applying the specified service template
CreateServiceTemplate Creates a new service template on the specified DMA. Available from DataMiner 10.2.1 onwards.
CreateTicket Creates a ticket.
CreateView Creates a new view in the specified parent view.
DeleteAlarmTemplate Deletes the specified alarm template. Available from DataMiner 10.1.9 onwards.
DeleteBookingAttachments Deletes multiple attachment files from a booking. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards.
DeleteElement Deletes the specified element.
DeleteJob Deletes a job. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
DeleteJobAttachments Deletes multiple attachments from a job. Available from DataMiner 10.0.5 onwards.
DeleteJobs Deletes several jobs at the same time. Available from DataMiner 9.6.13 onwards.
DeleteJobsDomain Deletes a jobs domain. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
DeleteJobsSectionDefinition Deletes a job section definition. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards. No longer supported from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards. Use DeleteJobsSectionDefinitionFromDomain instead.
DeleteJobsSectionDefinitionField Deletes a job section definition field. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
DeleteJobsSectionDefinitionFromDomain Deletes a job section definition from a specific job domain. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
DeleteJobTemplate Deletes a job template. Available from DataMiner 9.6.6 onwards.
DeleteRedundancyGroup Deletes the specified redundancy group
DeleteService Deletes the specified service
DeleteServiceTemplate Deletes the specified service template. Available from DataMiner 10.2.1 onwards.
DeleteTicketAttachments Deletes multiple attachments from a ticket. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards.
DeleteTicketField Deletes a ticket field.
DeleteTicketType Deletes a ticket type.
DeleteView Deletes the specified view.
DeleteVisioFile Deletes a particular Visio file that can be assigned to views and services.
DeleteVisioFileFromProtocol Deletes a particular Visio file that can be assigned to a protocol.
DetachAutomationScript Aborts a running Automation script.
DetachServiceFromServiceTemplate Detaches the specified service from its service template.
DuplicateJobsDomain Duplicates a jobs domain. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards.
DuplicateJobsSectionDefinition Duplicates a section definition from one jobs domain to another. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards.
EditElement Edits the specified element.
EditSLAElement Edits the specified SLA element
EditService Edits the specified service.
EditTicketField Edits a field of the specified ticket type.
EditTicketFieldOrder Changes the order of the fields of a ticket type.
EditTicketType Edits a ticket type.
EditView Edits the specified view.
ExecuteAutomationScript Executes an Automation script.
ExecuteAutomationScriptWithOutput Executes an interactive Automation script and retrieves its output. Available from DataMiner 10.0.5 onwards.
ExecuteGenericAsyncRequest Used in order to have a method executed asynchronously.
ExecuteVisioShapeAction Execute an action on a Visio shape.
GenerateTicketBasedOnAlarm Available from DataMiner 9.6.6 onwards. Generates a ticket based on alarm properties.
GetActiveAlarmCountForElement Retrieves the number of active alarms on an element.
GetActiveAlarmCountForElementV2 Retrieves the number of active alarms on an element along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmCountForService Retrieves the number of active alarms on a service.
GetActiveAlarmCountForServiceV2 Retrieves the number of active alarms on a service along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmCountForView Retrieves the number of active alarms on a view.
GetActiveAlarmCountForViewV2 Retrieves the number of active alarms on a view along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmPagesForElement Retrieves the number of active alarms of an element, grouped by time span (today, yesterday, etc.).
GetActiveAlarmPagesForService Retrieves the number of active alarms of a service, grouped by time span (today, yesterday, etc.).
GetActiveAlarmPagesForView Retrieves the number of active alarms of a view, grouped either by time span (today, yesterday, etc.) or severity (critical, major, etc.).
GetActiveAlarms Retrieves all the active alarms.
GetActiveAlarmsCached Retrieves only active alarms added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetActiveAlarmsCount Counts the number of active alarms.
GetActiveAlarmsCountV2 Retrieves the number of active alarms along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmsForElement Retrieves all the active alarms of a particular element.
GetActiveAlarmsForElementCached Retrieves only active element alarms added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetActiveAlarmsForElementSorted Retrieves a specific number of active element alarms.
GetActiveAlarmsForElementSortedV2 Retrieves a specific number of active element alarms along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmsForElementV2 Retrieves all the active alarms of a particular element along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmsForService Retrieves all the active alarms of a particular service.
GetActiveAlarmsForServiceCached Retrieves only active service alarms added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetActiveAlarmsForServiceSorted Retrieves a specific number of active service alarms.
GetActiveAlarmsForServiceSortedV2 Retrieves a specific number of active service alarms along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmsForServiceV2 Retrieves all the active alarms of a particular service along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmsForView Retrieves all the active alarms of a particular view.
GetActiveAlarmsForViewCached Retrieves only active view alarms added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetActiveAlarmsForViewSorted Retrieves a specific number of active view alarms.
GetActiveAlarmsForViewSortedV2 Retrieves a specific number of active view alarms along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmsForViewV2 Retrieves all active alarms of a particular view along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmsSorted Retrieves a specific number of active alarms with a particular alarm severity.
GetActiveAlarmsSortedV2 Retrieves a specific number of active alarms with a particular alarm severity along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveAlarmsV2 Retrieves all the active alarms along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetActiveTickets Retrieves the active tickets.
GetActiveTicketsV2 Retrieves the active tickets. Use this method instead of GetActiveTickets from DataMiner 10.0.13 onwards.
GetAffectedJobDomains Retrieves all domains a specific section definition is linked to. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards.
GetAffectedTickets Gets the tickets linked to a particular DataMiner resource.
GetAggregationDataTree Retrieves the data of specified aggregation rules.
GetAggregationRules Retrieves the available aggregation rules.
GetAlarmCountForElement Retrieves the number of alarms for every alarm severity for the specified element during the specified timespan.
GetAlarmCountForParameter Retrieves the number of alarms for every alarm severity for a particular parameter during the specified timespan.
GetAlarmCountForService Retrieves the number of alarms for every alarm severity for the specified service during the specified timespan.
GetAlarmDetails Retrieves the alarm details for a specified alarm.
GetAlarmHistory Retrieves one specific alarm, or all alarms in the alarm tree of a specific alarm.
GetAlarmPages Retrieves a number of filtered alarms in pages, grouped by time (default) or severity.
GetAlarmPageUpdates Retrieves alarm page information for a custom selection of alarms that match the given filters.
GetAlarmPageUpdatesV2 Retrieves alarm page information for a custom selection of alarms that match the given filters, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetAlarmPagesV2 Retrieves a number of filtered alarms in pages, grouped by time (default) or severity, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetAlarmPageWithAlarms Retrieves the alarm page details, including limited alarms.
GetAlarmPageWithAlarmsV2 Retrieves the alarm page details, including limited alarms, along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetAlarms Retrieves a number of filtered alarms.
GetAlarmStateForElement Retrieves the current alarm state of an element.
GetAlarmStateForObjects Retrieves the current alarm state of the specified objects.
GetAlarmStateForView Retrieves the current alarm state of a view.
GetAlarmStateForViews Retrieves the current alarm states of a number of views.
GetAlarmStatesForElement Retrieves the relative duration of every alarm severity for the specified element during the specified timespan.
GetAlarmStatesForParameter Retrieves the relative duration of every alarm severity for a particular parameter during the specified timespan.
GetAlarmStatesForService Retrieves the relative duration of every alarm severity for the specified service during the specified timespan.
GetAlarmStateTimelineForElement Retrieves the alarm state timeline for the specified element.
GetAlarmStateTimelineForParameter Retrieves the alarm state timeline for the specified parameter.
GetAlarmStateTimelineForService Retrieves the alarm state timeline for the specified service.
GetAlarmsV2 Retrieves a number of filtered alarms, along with the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetAllItemsForView Retrieves all items (elements, services or redundancy groups) for the specified view.
GetAllRedundancyGroups Retrieves a list of all the redundancy groups.
GetAllRedundancyGroupsSorted Retrieves a specific number of redundancy groups.
GetAllViewsForParent Retrieves all the views for a particular parent view, including their subviews. Available from DataMiner 9.6.3 onwards.
GetAnnotationsLinkForElement Retrieves a link to open the annotations page of an element.
GetAnnotationsLinkForService Retrieves a link to open the annotations page of a service.
GetAnnotationsLinkForView Retrieves a link to open the annotations page of a view.
GetAutomationScript Retrieves an Automation script.
GetAutomationScripts Retrieves all Automation scripts.
GetAvailableAlarmProperties Retrieves the properties that are available for alarm filtering.
GetAvailableVisioFiles Retrieves all the available Visio files that can be assigned to views and services.
GetAvailableVisioFilesForProtocol Retrieves all available Visio files that can be assigned to a particular protocol.
GetBooking Retrieves a booking. Available from DataMiner 10.0.3 onwards.
GetBookingAttachmentNames Retrieve the names of all files attached to a specific booking. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards.
GetBookingManagers Retrieves all booking managers. Available from DataMiner 9.6.8 onwards.
GetBookings Retrieves all bookings matching a filter. Available from DataMiner 10.0.3 onwards.
GetBookingsForJob Retrieves all bookings for a job. Available from DataMiner 9.6.8 onwards.
GetBookingsForJobSection Retrieves all bookings for a job section. Available from DataMiner 9.6.11 onwards.
GetBookingsForService Retrieves all bookings that make use of the specified service. Available from DataMiner 10.0.3 onwards.
GetButtonPanelInfo Retrieves the parameter IDs of the parameters containing information on a button panel.
GetCapacityParametersForResource Retrieves all the capacity parameters for a specific resource. Available from DataMiner 10.0.2 onwards.
GetClientDefaultTimeZone Retrieves the default time zone of the client.
GetCurrentAlarmByRootID Retrieves the current alarm associated with a particular root alarm ID.
GetCurrentAlarmByRootIDV2 Retrieves the current alarm associated with a particular root alarm ID, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetDashboardsForElement Retrieves the dashboards applicable for a specified element.
GetDashboardsForService Retrieves the dashboards applicable for a specified service.
GetDashboardsForView Retrieves the dashboards applicable for a specified view.
GetDataMinerAgentAlarmColors Retrieves the colors for the different alarms on the DataMiner Agent.
GetDataMinerAgentTime Retrieves the current time of the DataMiner Agent.
GetDataMinerAgentTimeUTC Retrieves the current time of the DataMiner Agent (in UTC format).
GetDataMinerAgentTimeZone Retrieves the current time zone of the DataMiner Agent.
GetDataMinerAgentsInfo Retrieves the list of the DMAs in the DMS.
GetDataMinerAgentsLicenseInfo Retrieves license info about all the DMAs in the DMS.
GetDataMinerAgentsStatistics Retrieves statistics for every DMA in the DMS.
GetDataMinerAPIVersion Retrieves the version of the DataMiner Web Service APIs.
GetDataMinerClusterName Retrieves the name of the DataMiner System. Available from DataMiner 10.0.13 onwards.
GetDataMinerCustomerInfo Retrieves the system info for DataMiner.
GetDataMinerOEMInfo Retrieves co-branding version information from the OEM.xml file.
GetDataMinerProviderInfo Retrieves the provider information.
GetDataMinerProviderTheme Retrieves the provider theme and branding information.
GetDocuments Retrieves a list of available (general and protocol) documents. Available from DataMiner 9.6.1 onwards.
GetEditParameter Retrieves all the information necessary to be able to present users with a control that allows them to update a specific parameter.
GetEditParameterTable Retrieves all the information necessary to be able to present users with a control that allows them to update a specific cell of a table parameter.
GetElement Retrieves the data of a particular element.
GetElementAlarmCountForView Retrieves the number of alarms per element for each alarm severity for a particular view. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetElementAlarmStatesForView Retrieves the relative duration of every alarm severity for the elements in a particular view. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetElementByName Retrieves the data of a particular element by name.
GetElementConfiguration Retrieves the configuration of the specified element.
GetElementIndexPageForService Retrieves the first letters of all the elements in a service.
GetElementIndexPageForView Retrieves the first letters of all the elements in a view.
GetElementsForProtocol Retrieves the list of all the elements based on a particular protocol.
GetElementsForService Retrieves the list of all child items (elements and/or services) of a particular service.
GetElementsForServiceCached Retrieves only service child items (elements and/or services) added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetElementsForServiceCount Counts the number of child items (elements and/or services) in a particular service.
GetElementsForServiceSorted Use this method to retrieve a specific number of service child items (elements and/or services).
GetElementsForView Retrieves the list of child items (elements and/or services) in a particular view.
GetElementsForViewCached Retrieves only view child items (elements and/or services) added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetElementsForViewCount Counts the number of child items (elements and/or services) in a particular view.
GetElementsForViewSorted Retrieves a specific number of view child items (elements and/or services).
GetElementsLiteForView Retrieves a list of the elements available for a particular view.
GetElementsLiteForViewSorted Retrieves a list of a specific number of elements available for a particular view.
GetFullService Retrieves the data of a particular service, as well as a list of all its parameters and all its properties.
GetGenericAsyncMultiResponse Retrieves the result for multiple tasks that were sent to the server using the ExecuteGenericAsyncRequest method. Available from DataMiner 9.6.3 onwards.
GetGenericAsyncResponse Retrieves the result of a task that was sent to the server using the ExecuteGenericAsyncRequest method.
GetHistogramSnapshotForTableColumnParameter Retrieves a snapshot of trend data for a specified table column parameter in the form of a histogram.
GetHistogramSnapshotForView Retrieves a snapshot of trend data for a specified protocol parameter in the form of a histogram.
GetHistogramTrendDataForParameter Retrieves a snapshot of trend data for a specified protocol parameter in the form of a histogram.
GetHistoryAlarmsForElement Retrieves the history alarms for a specified element.
GetHistoryAlarmsForParameter Retrieves the history alarms for a specified parameter.
GetHistoryAlarmsForService Retrieves the history alarms for a specified service.
GetHistoryAlarmsForView Retrieves the history alarms for a specified view.
GetHistoryTickets Retrieves the tickets for a specified timespan.
GetHistoryTicketsV2 Retrieves the tickets for a specified timespan. Use this method instead of GetHistoryTickets from DataMiner 10.0.13 onwards.
GetInformationEvents Retrieves the information events for a specified timespan.
GetInformationEventsSorted Retrieves the information events for a specified timespan, sorted according to a particular alarm state, start index, count filter and orderBy.
GetInformationEventsSortedV2 Retrieves the information events for a specified timespan, sorted according to a particular alarm state, start index, count filter and orderBy, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetInformationEventsV2 Retrieves the information events for a specified timespan, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetJob Retrieves a specific job by ID. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetJobAttachmentNames Retrieve the names of all files attached to a specific job. Available from DataMiner 10.0.5 onwards.
GetJobFieldOptions Retrieves the drop-down options of a job field. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetJobs Retrieves all jobs. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetJobsDomain Retrieves a jobs domain. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
GetJobsDomains Retrieve all available job domains. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
GetJobsHistory Retrieves the history of a job. Available from DataMiner 10.0.11 onwards.
GetJobsSectionDefinition Retrieves a job section definition. Can only be used in case there is only one job domain. Otherwise, use GetJobsSectionDefinitionV2. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetJobsSectionDefinitions Retrieves all job section definitions. Can only be used in case there is only one job domain. Otherwise, use GetJobsSectionDefinitionsV2. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetJobsSectionDefinitionV2 Retrieves a job section definition. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
GetJobsSectionDefinitionsV2 Retrieves all job section definitions. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
GetJobSuggestions Retrieves job suggestions. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetJobTemplate Retrieves a job template. Can only be used in case there is only one job domain. Otherwise, use GetJobTemplateV2. Available from DataMiner 9.6.6 onwards.
GetJobTemplates Retrieves all job templates. Can only be used in case there is only one job domain. Otherwise, use GetJobTemplatesV2. Available from DataMiner 9.6.6 onwards.
GetJobTemplateV2 Retrieves a job template from a domain. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
GetJobTemplatesV2 Retrieves all job templates from a domain. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
GetMapConfigs Retrieves the available map configurations. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetMaskedAlarms Retrieves the list of all the masked alarms.
GetMaskedAlarmsCached Retrieves only masked alarms added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetMaskedAlarmsForElement Retrieves the list of all the masked alarms of a particular element.
GetMaskedAlarmsForElementCached Retrieves only masked element alarms added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetMaskedAlarmsForElementSorted Retrieves a specific number of masked element alarms.
GetMaskedAlarmsForElementSortedV2 Retrieves a specific number of masked element alarms, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetMaskedAlarmsForElementV2 Retrieves the list of all the masked alarms of a particular element, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetMaskedAlarmsForService Retrieves the list of all the masked alarms of a particular service.
GetMaskedAlarmsForServiceCached Retrieves only masked service alarms added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetMaskedAlarmsForServiceSorted Retrieves a specific number of masked service alarms.
GetMaskedAlarmsForServiceSortedV2 Retrieves a specific number of masked service alarms, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetMaskedAlarmsForServiceV2 Retrieves the list of all the masked alarms of a particular service, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetMaskedAlarmsForView Retrieves the list of all the masked alarms of a particular view.
GetMaskedAlarmsForViewCached Retrieves only masked view alarms added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetMaskedAlarmsForViewSorted Retrieves a specific number of masked view alarms.
GetMaskedAlarmsForViewSortedV2 Retrieves a specific number of masked view alarms, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetMaskedAlarmsForViewV2 Retrieves the list of all the masked alarms of a particular view, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetMaskedAlarmsSorted Retrieves a specific number of masked alarms with a particular alarm severity.
GetMaskedAlarmsSortedV2 Retrieves a specific number of masked alarms with a particular alarm severity, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetMaskedAlarmsV2 Retrieves the list of all the masked alarms, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetMatrixConnections Retrieves the connected crosspoints of a matrix parameter.
GetMatrixInputsForOutput Retrieves the connected inputs of a matrix output.
GetMatrixInputsForOutputLabel Retrieves the connected inputs of a matrix output by label.
GetMatrixOutputsForInput Retrieves the connected outputs of a matrix input.
GetMatrixOutputsForInputLabel Retrieves the connected outputs of a matrix input by label.
GetMeasurementPoints Retrieves information about measurement points.
GetMemoryFiles Retrieves all available memory files.
GetMonitoredParametersForElement Retrieves all the monitored parameters for a specified element.
GetMonitoredParametersForService Retrieves all the monitored parameters for all elements of a specified service.
GetNearby Retrieves all the nearby elements and services based on latitude and longitude.
GetNotesForElement Retrieves the notes for a particular element.
GetNotesForService Retrieves the notes for a particular service.
GetNotesForView Retrieves the notes for a particular view.
GetPagesForElement Retrieves all the Data Display pages of a particular element.
GetPagesForElementCached Retrieves the Data Display pages of a particular element added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetPagesForElementSorted Retrieves a specific number of Data Display pages of a particular element.
GetPagesForProtocol Retrieves all the pages for a particular protocol.
GetPagesForProtocolSorted Retrieves a specific number of pages for a particular protocol.
GetPagesForServiceElement Retrieves the Data Display pages of a specified element that is included in a specified service.
GetPagesForServiceElementV2 Retrieves the Data Display pages of a specified element that is included in a specified service, as well as the alarm cache status. Available from DataMiner 10.0.7 onwards.
GetPagesForServiceSorted Retrieves a specific number of pages for the specified service.
GetParameter Retrieves the data of a particular parameter.
GetParameterByName Retrieves the data of a particular parameter by name.
GetParameterForService Retrieves the specified parameter for a service.
GetParameterForServiceWithDynamicUnits Retrieves the specified parameter for a service, with dynamic units. Available from DataMiner 10.0.11 onwards.
GetParameterInfo Retrieves the general information for the specified parameter.
GetParameters Retrieves a number of element parameters by ID and name.
GetParametersByPageForElement Retrieves the data of all the parameters on a particular Data Display page of an element.
GetParametersByPageForElementCached Retrieves the data of the parameters on a particular Data Display page of an element added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetParametersByPageForElementSorted Retrieves a specific number of parameters on a particular Data Display page of an element.
GetParametersByPageForServiceElement Retrieves all the included parameters in the specified service for a specified service page.
GetParametersForCPEChain Retrieves the parameters of a particular chain of a CPE element.
GetParametersForElement Retrieves the data of all the parameters of a particular element.
GetParametersForElementFiltered Retrieves the filtered parameters for a particular element. Available from DataMiner 9.6.7 onwards.
GetParametersForElementSorted Retrieves a specific number of element parameters.
GetParametersForProtocol Retrieves the data of all the parameters of a particular protocol.
GetParametersForProtocolFiltered Retrieves the parameters from a particular protocol that match the specified filter.
GetParametersForProtocolSorted Retrieves a specific number of parameters for a particular protocol.
GetParametersForService Retrieves the parameters of a particular service.
GetParametersForServiceSorted Retrieves a specific number of parameters for a particular service.
GetParametersSorted Retrieves a specific number of element parameters by ID and name.
GetParameterWithDynamicUnits Retrieves the data of a particular parameter, with dynamic units.
GetPinned Retrieves the list of all the pinned items in the Recent list.
GetPropertiesForElement Retrieves all the properties for a particular element.
GetPropertiesForService Retrieves all the properties for a particular service.
GetPropertiesForView Retrieves all the properties for a particular view.
GetProtocolInfoForElement Retrieves protocol information for a particular element.
GetProtocolsForView Retrieves a list of all the protocols in a particular view.
GetRecent Retrieves the list of all the items in the Recent list.
GetRedundancyGroup Retrieves the data of a particular redundancy group.
GetRedundancyGroupsForView Retrieves the redundancy groups for a particular view.
GetRedundancyGroupsLiteForView Retrieves basic information on the redundancy groups in a particular view.
GetRegionalSettings Retrieves the regional settings.
GetResource Retrieves a resource.
GetResourceCapacityTrend Retrieves data points and info over time for a specific capacity and resource. Available from DataMiner 10.0.2 onwards.
GetResources Retrieves the resources in the DMS.
GetSLAElementConfiguration Retrieves the configuration for a particular SLA element.
GetScatterDataForElements Retrieves the necessary data to generate a scatter chart for an array of elements.
GetScatterDataForServices Retrieves the necessary data to generate a scatter chart for an array of services.
GetSearchItems Retrieves views, elements and services based on a search query.
GetSecurityInfo Retrieves the permissions granted to the current user account.
GetService Retrieves the data of a particular service.
GetServiceAlarmCountForView Retrieves the number of alarms per service for each alarm severity for a particular view. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetServiceAlarmStatesForView Retrieves the relative duration of every alarm severity for the services under a particular view. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetServiceByName Retrieves the data of a particular service by name.
GetServiceConfiguration Retrieves the configuration of a particular service.
GetServiceDefinition Retrieves a specific service definition. Available from DataMiner 10.0.2 onwards.
GetServiceDefinitions Retrieves all available service definitions. Available from DataMiner 10.0.2 onwards.
GetServiceParameters Retrieves the list of all the parameters of a particular service.
GetServicesForFilter Retrieves a list of services matching a property filter. Available from DataMiner 10.0.12 onwards.
GetServicesForServiceTemplate Retrieves all the services attached to a particular service template.
GetServicesForServiceTemplateSorted Retrieves a specific number of services attached to a particular service template.
GetServicesForView Retrieves the data of the services in a particular view.
GetServicesForViewSorted Retrieves a specific number of services in a particular view.
GetServicesLiteForView Retrieves basic information on all the services in a particular view.
GetServiceTemplate Retrieves an existing service template. Available from DataMiner 10.2.1 onwards.
GetSnmpManagers Retrieves information on the SNMP Managers in the DMS.
GetSpectrumBuffersByMonitorId Retrieves the spectrum buffers for a particular spectrum monitor.
GetSpectrumMonitors Retrieves all available monitors for a particular spectrum element.
GetSpectrumParameters Retrieves all available parameters for a particular spectrum element.
GetSpectrumPresets Retrieves a list of available shared and private presets for a spectrum analyzer.
GetStateForElement Retrieves the current state of a particular element.
GetTableForParameter Retrieves all the rows from a table parameter.
GetTableForParameterCached Retrieves the rows from a table parameter added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetTableForParameterFiltered Retrieves the rows of a table parameter that match the specified table row filters.
GetTableForParameterSorted Retrieves a specific number of rows from a table parameter.
GetTableForParameterV2 Retrieves all rows for a table parameter in the form of a DmaParameterTable object.
GetTableRowForParameter Retrieves one specific row of a particular table parameter.
GetThirdPartyNotices Retrieves any third-party notices.
GetTicket Retrieves a ticket.
GetTicketAttachmentNames Retrieves the names of all files attached to a specific ticket. Available from DataMiner 10.0.10 onwards.
GetTicketFields Retrieves the custom fields of a particular ticket type.
GetTicketType Retrieves the ticket type for the ticket with the specified ID.
GetTicketTypes Retrieves the available ticket types.
GetTicketV2 Retrieves the specified ticket. Use this method instead of GetTicket from DataMiner 10.0.13 onwards.
GetTopologyChainsForCPE Retrieves the topology chains for a particular CPE element.
GetTopologyFieldsForCPEChain Retrieves the topology fields of a particular chain of a CPE element.
GetTrendDataCustomTimespanForParameter Retrieves the trend data for a particular parameter within a custom time range.
GetTrendDataForParameter Retrieves the trend data of a particular parameter (deprecated, use GetTrendDataSimplifiedForParameter instead).
GetTrendDataForParameterByName Retrieves the trend data of a particular parameter by name.
GetTrendDataForTableParameter Retrieves the trend data for a parameter by primary key within a custom timespan. Available from DataMiner 9.6.1 onwards.
GetTrendDataForTableParameterV2 Retrieves the trend data for a parameter by primary key within a custom timespan. Allows you to select if real-time data should be retrieved. Available from DataMiner 9.6.12 onwards.
GetTrendDataSimplifiedForParameter Retrieves the trend data of a particular parameter.
GetTrendStatisticsForParameter Retrieves the trend statistics for the specified parameter.
GetTrendStatisticsForService Retrieves the trend statistics for the specified service.
GetUserGroups Retrieves the user groups containing the current user.
GetUsers Retrieves a list of the users configured on the DMA.
GetValuesForCPETopologyField Retrieves the values for a particular topology field of a CPE element.
GetValuesForCPETopologyFieldSorted Retrieves the possible values of a particular topology field of a CPE element, sorted according to their position.
GetValuesForCPETopologyFieldV2 Retrieves the values for a particular topology field of a CPE element by page. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
GetView Retrieves the data of a particular view.
GetViewByName Retrieves the data of a particular view by name.
GetViewsForParent Retrieves all the views in a particular parent view.
GetViewsForParentCached Retrieves the views in a particular parent view added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetViewsForParentCount Counts the number of views in a particular parent view.
GetViewsForParentSorted Retrieves a specific number of subviews from a particular view.
GetViewsTreeForElement Retrieves the view hierarchy of a particular element.
GetViewsTreeForView Retrieves the view hierarchy of a particular view.
GetViewTree Retrieves the view hierarchy starting from the specified parent view.
GetVisioForCPE Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular CPE element as an image of a specified size.
GetVisioForElement Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular element as an interactive image of a specified size.
GetVisioForElementCached Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular element as an interactive image of a specified size, added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetVisioForService Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular service as an interactive image of a specified size.
GetVisioForServiceCached Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular service as an interactive image of a specified size, added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetVisioForView Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular view as an interactive image of a specified size.
GetVisioForViewCached Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular view as an interactive image of a specified size, added or changed since a particular point in time.
GetVisioPagesForCPE Retrieves a list of the pages of the Visio file linked to a particular CPE element.
GetVisioPagesForElement Retrieves a list of the pages of the Visio file linked to a particular element.
GetVisioPagesForService Retrieves a list of the pages of the Visio file linked to a particular service.
GetVisioPagesForView Retrieves a list of the pages of the Visio file linked to a particular view.
GetVisioThumbnailForElement Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular element as a static image of a specified size.
GetVisioThumbnailForService Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular service as a static image of a specified size.
GetVisioThumbnailForView Retrieves a specific page of the Visio file linked to a particular view as a static image of a specified size.
IsConnectionAlive Checks whether the connection is intact.
IsFeatureAvailable Checks whether the specified feature is available.
IsGenericAsyncResponseAvailable Checks whether the server has finished executing a task that was sent to it using the ExecuteGenericAsyncRequest method. See ExecuteGenericAsyncRequest.
LoadSpectrumPreset Use this method to load a specific preset for a spectrum analyzer.
LogOut Use this method to log out.
MaskAlarm Masks an alarm for a certain period of time.
MaskElement Masks an element for a certain period of time.
PauseElement Pauses an element.
ReapplyService Updates a particular service that is attached to a service template.
ReconnectAppAndInfo Uses a cookie to retrieve the connection string (GUID) needed to be able to connect to the host, together with information about the DataMiner Agent (time, alarm colors, etc.) and the user permissions granted.
ReleaseOwnershipAlarm Releases ownership of an alarm.
RemoveElementFromPinned Unpins an element in the Recent list.
RemoveElementFromView Removes an element from a specified view.
RemoveNoteFromElement Removes a specific note from a specified element.
RemoveNoteFromService Removes a specific note from a specified service.
RemoveNoteFromView Removes a specific note from a specified view.
RemoveServiceFromPinned Unpins a service in the Recent list.
RemoveTicket Removes a specific ticket.
RemoveTickets Removes multiple tickets.
RemoveTicketV2 Removes a specific ticket. Use this method instead of RemoveTicket from DataMiner 10.0.13 onwards.
RemoveViewFromPinned Unpins a view in the Recent list.
ReorderPinned Reorders a number of pinned items in the Recent list.
RequestLoginAsTicket Requests a logon ticket that can then be added to e.g. a DataMiner Maps URL.
RestartElement Restarts an element.
SaveJobsSectionDomainConfig Saves the configuration of a job section domain. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards. From DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards, replaced by UpdateDomainSectionDefinitionConfiguration.
SaveSpectrumPreset Saves a specified spectrum analyzer preset.
SetMeasurementPoints Sets the measurement point cycle of a spectrum analyzer.
SetParameter Updates a particular parameter.
SetParameterRow Updates a particular parameter row.
SetPropertyValue Changes the value of a property of a specified object (i.e. a view, service or element).
SetRedundancyGroupMaintenance Sets a redundancy group element either in maintenance or out of maintenance.
SetRedundancyGroupMode Changes the redundancy mode of a redundancy group.
SetSpectrumParameter Sets a particular spectrum parameter.
StopElement Stops an element.
SwitchRedundancyGroup Switches to another element within a redundancy group.
TakeOwnershipAlarm Allows you to take ownership of an alarm.
TestElementDeviceConnectivity Tests a connection to a device.
ToggleMatrixCrosspoint Allows you to toggle a matrix crosspoint.
ToggleMatrixCrosspointForLabels Allows you to toggle a matrix crosspoint by specifying the input and output labels.
TriggerSnmpResyncActiveAlarms Triggers a resend of the active alarms to an SNMP Manager.
TryConnectAndInfo Retrieves the connection string using the configured authentication method, together with information about the DataMiner Agent (time, alarm colors, etc.) and the user permissions granted.
UnhideJobSectionDefinition Makes a job section definition visible. Available from DataMiner 9.6.7 onwards.
UnhideJobSectionDefinitionField Makes a job section definition field visible. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
UnmaskAlarm Unmasks an alarm.
UnmaskElement Unmasks an element.
UpdateAlarmTemplate Updates a specific alarm template. Available from DataMiner 10.1.9 onwards.
UpdateDomainSectionDefinitionConfiguration Updates all client info of section definitions in a domain.
UpdateJob Updates a specific job. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
UpdateJobsDomain Updates a specific job domain. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
UpdateJobsSectionDefinition Updates a specific job section definition. Available from DataMiner 9.6.4 onwards.
UpdateJobsSectionDefinitionFieldOrder Updates the field order of a section definition. Available from DataMiner 10.0.9 onwards.
UpdateJobTemplate Updates a job template. Available from DataMiner 9.6.6 onwards.
UpdateNoteForElement Updates a specific note for an element.
UpdateNoteForService Updates a specific note for a service.
UpdateNoteForView Updates a specific note for a view.
UpdateServiceTemplate Updates an existing service template. Available from DataMiner 10.2.1 onwards.
UpdateTicket Updates a specific ticket.