Table of Contents

Glossary (A to L)


Term Description
Absolute alarm threshold Dynamic alarm threshold that is configured as an absolute value representing the delta with the baseline value.
See Configuring dynamic alarm thresholds
Access level The security level required to access a specific parameter. This level is assigned to the parameter in the protocol.
See User rights.
Acquisition network Used in the context of DataMiner Failover. The network where the managed products reside (i.e. the technical network).
See About DMA Failover.
ACU Antenna Control Unit. Device that allows the monitoring and control of an antenna.
ACU Automatic Changeover Unit. Device that monitors the power supply and automatically switches between power sources when necessary.
AE Adaptive Equalizer. Equalizer that automatically adapts its parameters to a signal.
AES3 Standard for the exchange of digital audio signals between professional audio devices. Also known as AES/EBU, as it was jointly developed by the Audio Engineering Society (AES) and European Broadcasting Union (EBU).
Aggregation DataMiner module that uses aggregation rules to calculate statistical information within a DataMiner System.
See Working with aggregation rules.
Aggregation rule Rule that defines which summary statistics should be calculated for a view.
See Working with aggregation rules.
Alarm Notification that a parameter value has crossed a particular threshold, or a parameter has attained a particular value. This notification has a particular severity depending on the alarm template configuration.
See Alarms.
Alarm banner Banner at the top of the DataMiner Cube UI that displays the number of new alarms, the color of the most severe among them, and service impact information.
See Alarm Console settings.
Alarm Console Pane in DataMiner Cube that allows you to view and manage alarms and information events.
See Working with the Alarm Console.
Alarm focus DataMiner functionality that analyzes the short-term history and current behavior of incoming alarms in order to indicate which alarms are unexpected.
See Filtering alarms on alarm focus.
Alarm hysteresis Type of hysteresis where the moment when the severity of an alarm increases is delayed.
See Alarm hysteresis.
Alarm group A group of alarms created by (Automatic) Incident Tracking.
See Automatic Incident Tracking.
Alarm priority Relative importance of an alarm type within the different DataMiner applications.
See Alarm type priority.
Alarm storm Situation where the system is flooded by a large number of alarms.
See Alarm storm protection.
Alarm tab Tab in the Alarm Console in DataMiner Cube or the DataMiner Monitoring app.
Alarm template Template that contains the alarm thresholds for all parameters in a particular protocol.
See About alarm templates.
Alarm template group Combination of different alarm templates into one grouped template.
See Alarm template groups.
Alarm threshold Definition of the value a particular parameter must have to trigger an alarm of a particular level.
See Configuring alarm thresholds.
Alarm tree Series of linked alarm records, reflecting the life cycle of an alarm.
See Alarm linking.
Alerter System tray application that notifies the user of alarms in the DataMiner System.
See Alerter.
Analog parameter Parameter with a value within a predefined range delimited by a minimum and a maximum.
See Discrete, analog and hybrid parameters.
API Application Programming Interface. Software interface that allows two applications to communicate with each other.
Application package Package containing all files necessary to install a particular DataMiner app on an existing DataMiner System.
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Character-encoding standard for electronic communication.
ASI Asynchronous serial interface. Streaming data format that often carries an MPEG transport stream.
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation 1. Standardized notation for data structures.
ASP Active Server Pages. Server-side Microsoft script engine for dynamically generated web pages.
Asset Manager DataMiner module that is used for Inventory & Asset Management.
See Inventory & Asset Management.
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode. Set of network protocols used to transfer data in fixed-size packets.
ATP Acceptance Test Plan. Document describing the required testing in order to determine if a software system meets the criteria for acceptability.
Automation DataMiner module that allows you to create, manage and run scripts to execute tasks automatically.
See Automation.
Average trending Type of trending where average values are kept across a relatively long time period.
See Trending techniques.
AVR Automatic Voltage Regulator. Device that automatically maintains a constant voltage level.


Term Description
Backup element Element within a redundancy group that is intended to take over from another element in the group in case that element fails.
See Primary elements, backup elements and virtual primary elements.
Backup package Package containing all files necessary to restore a particular DataMiner Agent installation.
Base protocol Standardized protocol that forms a mediation layer on top of device-specific protocols, thereby providing a unified view on similar devices that have a different device-specific protocol. Also known as mediation protocol.
Behavioral anomaly detection DataMiner Analytics feature that detects changes in the behavior of a trend.
See Working with behavioral anomaly detection.
BER Bit Error Rate. The percentage of bits with errors compared to the total bits received in a transmission.
BGP Border Gateway Protocol. Routing protocol used for traffic between autonomous systems over the internet.
Booking Definition of which resources are used, which capacity or capability of the resources is used, and when these are used. Usually called "booking instance" to make the distinction with a "booking definition".
See Service and Resource Management.
Booking definition Blueprint for booking instances that are grouped in a recurring pattern.
See Service and Resource Management.
Booking event Action that is executed as part of a booking instance.
See Service and Resource Management.
Booking instance Definition of which resources are used, which capacity or capability of the resources is used, and when these are used.
See Service and Resource Management.
Booking state Phase in the life cycle of a booking, e.g. confirmed, on-hold, service pre-roll, service active, service post-roll, deleted, etc. Each phase is linked to specific automated actions.
See Service and Resource Management.
Boundary clock Device in a PTP environment that takes the time from a grandmaster clock, recreates it and acts as a clock itself.
See DataMiner PTP app.
BSS Business Support System. Software system used by service providers to run business operations towards their customers.
BUC Block Upconverter. Converter used in the transmission of satellite signals, which converts signals to a higher frequency.
Business Intelligence DataMiner module that is used to track the parameters of a Service Level Agreement or SLA.
See Business Intelligence.


Term Description
Capability Used in the context of DataMiner SRM as the ability of a resource to provide a particular functionality. For example, if a meeting room were available as a resource in the system, a capability of this resource could be that it has a speakerphone.
See Service and Resource Management.
Capacity Used in the context of DataMiner SRM as the measurable availability instances of a resource. For example, if the maximum capacity of a resource is 10 units, no more than 10 units can be scheduled at the same time in the system.
See Service and Resource Management.
Card A window within DataMiner Cube and the DataMiner Monitoring app.
Cassandra Apache Cassandra is an open-source, high-performance, distributed, NoSQL database system designed to handle large amounts of data, which is used as the general database for fully self-hosted DataMiner Systems.
CCA Cloud-Connected Agents. DataMiner Agents connected to
CCAP Converged Cable Access Platform. Platform combining the functionality of a CMTS with that of an edge QAM, providing high-density services to cable subscribers.
CCU Camera Control Unit. Device used to monitor and control camera functions, for example in live video broadcasting.
CDN Content Delivery Network. Network of servers in different locations that work together to allow fast delivery of internet content.
Central database Alternative name for the offload database, especially used for older DataMiner versions.
See Offload database.
Change point Point where the behavior of a parameter trend changes, detected by the DataMiner Analytics software.
See Working with behavioral anomaly detection.
CI/CD Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery/Deployment. A set of practices that ensure small changes are continuously implemented to the software and made available to customers.
CI Type Configuration Item type. Definition of the behavior of elements in network implementation workflows as part of DataMiner IDP. This includes how to discover the device, provision an element, and perform software management, configuration management and more. A CI Type can be unique for a specific protocol or common for multiple element types, such as a product family.
See DataMiner IDP app.
Clear hysteresis Type of hysteresis where the moment when the severity of an alarm decreases is delayed.
See Alarm hysteresis.
CLI Command Line Interface. Interface that allows a user to operate software by entering commands in the form of lines of text.
Cluster Several DMAs integrated into one DataMiner System via an IP network.
CM Cable Modem.
CMDB Configuration Management Database. A database containing information about the hardware and software assets of an organization.
See Inventory & Asset Management.
CMTS Cable Modem Termination System. Piece of equipment used to provide high-speed data services to cable subscribers.
Concurrency Used in the context of DataMiner SRM to indicate the number of times a resource can be used at the same time.
See Service and Resource Management.
Connectivity chain Definition of how interfaces are connected on one or more elements, in the context of the DataMiner Connectivity Framework.
See Defining connectivity chains in XML files. Also used in the context of Root Cause Analysis, as a chain of elements, services or parameters that is configured to make it possible to analyze the distance to the most probable root cause of an alarm.
See Working with the Connectivity Editor.
Connectivity editor Application in DataMiner Cube that allows you to manage topology chains to allow root cause analysis of alarms.
See Working with the Connectivity Editor.
Connector An XML file that allows a DMA to communicate with a data source in the system. Also known as protocol or driver.
See Protocols.
Contributing service In DataMiner SRM, a contributing service is a service that is used by another "main" service. There is no limit to the number of contributing services a service can use. There is also no limit to the number of services that can use one and the same contributing service. The booking schedule of a contributing service can automatically follow the main service schedule (i.e. life cycle locked), or it can function independently (i.e. life cycle unlocked).
See Service and Resource Management.
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture. Standard for communication between systems using different operating systems, programming languages and hardware.
Corporate network Used in the context of DataMiner Failover. The network where the users of the system reside (i.e. the office network).
See About DMA Failover.
Corrective actions Actions to undertake in case an alarm is generated. These can be visualized in the user interface using an information template.
See Creating an information template.
Correlated alarm Alarm generated by the DataMiner Correlation engine, based on a Correlation rule triggered by one or more other alarms.
See Correlated alarms.
Correlation DataMiner module that can gather information about parameter values and alarms, and trigger specific actions, such as generating a new, correlated alarm, based on triggers defined by the user.
See Correlation.
Correlation analyzer Analyzer that can propose a Correlation rule based on the alarms occurring over a period of time.
See Using Correlation analyzers.
Correlation rule Rule defining when DataMiner Correlation should be triggered and what should happen when it is triggered.
See About DataMiner Correlation.
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf. Term used for commercially available products that can easily be installed and made to interoperate with existing system components.
CPE Customer Premises Equipment. In legacy DataMiner versions, this term was used instead of EPM.
CPU Central Processing Unit.
CQL Cassandra Query Language. Query language for the Apache Cassandra database.
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check.
CRUD Create Read Update Delete.
CSV Comma-Separated Values.
CU Cumulative Update. An update of a DataMiner version containing the latest fixes.


Term Description
DAA Distributed Access Architecture. Cable network architecture where headend and network functions are decentralized and virtualized.
DaaS DataMiner as a Service. A cloud-native, fully operational DataMiner System that you can deploy with a single click. DaaS comes with its own Storage as a Service (STaaS) solution.
DAB Digital Audio Broadcasting. Type of audio broadcasting where analog audio is converted to a digital signal.
Dashboard A custom page displaying various information about the monitored system.
See Dashboards app.
Dashboard Gateway DataMiner software that allows users to access dashboards even if they do not have access to DataMiner.
See Dashboard Gateway installation.
Data Display Legacy term referring to the data pages of cards in DataMiner Cube.
DataMiner Agent A piece of hardware running the DataMiner software. Abbreviated as DMA.
DataMiner Analytics Artificial intelligence technology built into DataMiner, which among others provides trend predictions.
See Working with trend predictions.
DataMiner Catalog Central repository for components that can facilitate and accelerate the use of DataMiner, including the complete connector database.
See DataMiner Catalog.
DataMiner Certification Program Program that allows you to test your DataMiner knowledge and skills and prove your expertise with our official certificates.
DataMiner Client An entity communicating with a DataMiner Agent. The term is mostly used to denote a client application that allows users to interact with the DataMiner Agent.
DataMiner Cloud Platform Online platform with information related to the DataMiner software and DataMiner projects. Includes software downloads, release notes, etc. Abbreviated as DCP. See
DataMiner Comparison tool Web application that allows you to compare the values of two string parameters.
See DataMiner Comparison tool.
DataMiner Connectivity Framework Framework used to manage element connectivity, e.g. to configure and visualize signal paths within an infrastructure. Abbreviated as DCF.
See DataMiner Connectivity Framework.
DataMiner Cube The main client application used to connect to a DMA. Exists both as a desktop app and a browser app.
DataMiner Dojo Community website where both people from the Skyline community, and people from the worldwide DataMiner community exchange experiences and knowledge, both about DataMiner and about general hot topics in the ICT, broadband and media industry.
See DataMiner Community.
DataMiner Driver An XML file that allows a DMA to communicate with a data source in the system. Also known as connector or protocol.
See Protocols.
DataMiner ID The unique ID of a DataMiner Agent.
DataMiner Live Data Sharing Service Service included in that allows DataMiner users to share specific live operational data with third parties.
See DataMiner Sharing.
DataMiner package Archive file that contains all the files necessary to make a modification to a DataMiner System, for example to upgrade, downgrade or restore a DataMiner Agent, or to install a DataMiner app or DataMiner protocol.
See DataMiner packages.
DataMiner Project Collaboration Online platform to manage projects and professional services ordered from Skyline, allowing easy and efficient collaboration with Skyline's deploy and create squads. Project Collaboration. Online platform that provides many additional services related to the DataMiner software and DataMiner projects. See
DataMiner System One or more DMAs, integrated into one cluster via an IP network. Abbreviated as DMS.
DataMiner Taskbar Utility System tray application on a DataMiner Agent that can be used to manage the Agent.
See DataMiner Taskbar Utility.
DB Database.
DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite. Broadcasting transmissions where end users receive signals directly from geostationary satellites.
DCF DataMiner Connectivity Framework. Framework used to manage element connectivity, e.g. to configure and visualize signal paths within an infrastructure.
See DataMiner Connectivity Framework.
DCL DataMiner Class Library.
DCP DataMiner Cloud Platform. Online platform with information related to the DataMiner software and DataMiner projects. Includes software downloads, release notes, etc. See
DELT DataMiner Element Location Transparency. DataMiner feature that allows the exporting and importing of packages and the migration of elements across DMAs in a cluster.
DIS DataMiner Integration Studio. Microsoft Visual Studio extension that turns Visual Studio into a DataMiner protocol IDE.
Discovery identifier Identifier used by DataMiner IDP in order to specify how a CI Type can be identified. Consists of a link to a discovery action, a match condition and a value, e.g. "sysDescr contains JUNOS". Multiple discovery identifiers can be combined in a CI Type with AND, OR, and NOT statements.
See CI Types
Discovery profile Definition of the actions to take in order to discover a device as part of DataMiner IDP. Together with the CI Type, this determines which kind of device is being discovered. It contains the definition of the communication protocol and of the information that needs to be polled for comparison against the expected values of the CI Type.
See DataMiner IDP app.
Discrete parameter Parameter with a limited set of predefined values.
See Discrete, analog and hybrid parameters.
Disk Space Watcher DataMiner functionality that monitors the predicted available space on the C: drive of a DataMiner Agent.
DLL Dynamic Link Library. A library containing codes and functions that can be used by multiple applications at the same time.
DMA DataMiner Agent. A physical or virtual compute instance running the DataMiner Agent software on top of a Microsoft Windows operating system. Also called "DataMiner Node".
DMB Digital Multimedia Broadcasting. Technology similar to DVB-H that allows multimedia to be broadcast to mobile devices.
DMP DataMiner Probe. Also known as external DataMiner Agent. A DataMiner Probe has limited capabilities compared to a full DataMiner Agent, and often runs on a small-form-factor computer in remote and unmanned locations with limited communication capacity.
DMS DataMiner System. One or more DMAs integrated into one cluster via an IP network.
DMT DataMiner Test package.
DMZ Perimeter network that protects an organization's internal network from untrusted traffic. This adds an additional layer of security. This is named after the "Demilitarized Zone" between two areas controlled by opposing forces.
DNS Domain Name System. Naming system for translating hostnames to IP addresses and vice versa. The term is also sometimes used to indicate a DNS server, which is a server that provides DNS services.
DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification. Telecommunications standard that allows the combination of high-bandwidth data transfer and existing coaxial cable networks.
DPML DataMiner Protocol Markup Language.
DSL DataMiner Structured Language.
DSL Digital Subscriber Line. Technology used to transmit digital data over telephone lines.
DSNG Digital Satellite News Gathering. A type of electronic news gathering where reporters broadcast from remote locations, typically using an OB (Outside Broadcast) van.
DSP DataMiner Strategic Partner. Third party that supplies DataMiner-related software products and/or professional services.
DTH Direct to Home. Refers to satellite television that is received directly in the consumer's home.
DTR Data Transfer Rules. Set of rules within a service definition in DataMiner SRM that manage the automated assignment of parameter values to the profiles of the virtual functions in the service definition.
See Service and Resource Management
DTT Digital Terrestrial Television. Television service where signals are broadcast by a terrestrial transmitter using radio waves.
Dummy Variable within an Automation script that represents a DataMiner element.
See Script variables.
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting. Set of internationally accepted open standards for digital television. This includes DVB-C (Digital Video Broadcasting - Cable), DVB-H (Digital Video Broadcasting - Handheld), DVB-S (Digital Video Broadcasting - Satellite) and DVB-T (Digital Video Broadcasting - Terrestrial).
DVE Dynamic Virtual Element. An element from which child elements are dynamically generated. The term DVE is used both for the parent and the child elements.
See Dynamic virtual elements.
DxM DataMiner Extension Module. A DataMiner component that can be installed next to an existing DataMiner installation to enable additional functionality. A DxM can be installed and upgraded independently from the DataMiner version and without any downtime of the core DataMiner software. See DataMiner Extension Modules.
Dynamic alarm threshold Alarm threshold that is not based on a fixed value, but defined in comparison with a baseline value.
See Configuring dynamic alarm thresholds.
Dynamic table parameter Parameter that visualizes and manages a large data table (e.g. an SNMP table). Every column in the table is also considered to be a parameter.
See Table parameters.


Term Description
Eb/No Energy per Bit (Eb) to Noise Density (No) ratio. Measure of signal-to-noise ratio for a digital communication system.
Edge QAM Headend or hub device that receives packets of digital video or data. It repacketizes the video or data into an MPEG transport stream and digitally modulates the digital transport stream onto a downstream RF carrier using quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM).
EIGRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol. Advanced routing protocol used to automate routing decisions and configuration in a network.
Elasticsearch Open-source search and analytics engine, which can be used as the DataMiner Indexing database.
See Elasticsearch database.
Element A DataMiner object that usually represents a device monitored by the DataMiner System.
See Elements.
Element Connections DataMiner module used to configure virtual elements. Not to be confused with connections in the context of the DataMiner Connectivity Framework.
See Configuring virtual elements with the Element Connections module.
Element state Indication of whether an element is currently active, paused or stopped.
See Element states.
EMS Element Management System. A system that manages network elements within a telecommunications network, and that typically communicates upward to higher-level network management systems.
eMTA embedded Multimedia Terminal Adapter. Cable modem with telephone capability.
ENG Electronic News Gathering. The process of collecting and reporting news from remote locations outside a studio, by means of electronic video and audio technologies.
Engineered path routing Network routing in the context of DataMiner SRM where the path between the fixed source and destination is determined via automated path routing.
See Service and Resource Management.
Enhanced service A service that has been created using a service protocol. An alarm template and/or trend template can be assigned to such a service.
EPM Experience and Performance Management. Software platform specifically designed to manage very high volumes of devices in cable, telco, terrestrial and satellite environments. Previously known as CPE in legacy DataMiner versions.
EPoC EPON (Ethernet Passive Optical Network) Protocol over Coax. Extension of EPON standards over a hybrid fiber-coaxial (HFC) network.
ERM Enterprise Resource Management. Software that allows an enterprise to manage user access to its network resources efficiently.
ESB Enterprise Service Bus. Messaging bus that supports workflows among interacting software components in a service-oriented architecture.


Term Description
Failover DataMiner setup where a DataMiner Agent is teamed up with a dedicated backup DMA.
See Failover.
FCAPS ISO Telecommunications Management Network framework for network management. This abbreviation stands for Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance and Security. The ISO model defines network management tasks into these five categories.
FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing. Multiplexing technique that uses different frequencies to combine multiple streams of data for transmission over a communications medium.
FDS Functional Design Specification. Document describing the functions that a software system or component must perform.
Feature Release The Feature Release of DataMiner is the upgrade track of the DataMiner software introducing new features on a regular basis. This upgrade track is fully supported in a production environment, but typically only used when a specific new feature is needed. This upgrade track has time-limited support for cumulative updates, as it is required to follow the track of the consecutive upgrades in order to get all the improvements. In other words, following this fast track implies following those upgrades in order to have an updated system.
First-party DataMiner Connector DataMiner connector developed by Skyline Communications.
Fixed path routing Network routing in the context of DataMiner SRM where the functions required in the path are statically defined in the service definition.
See Service and Resource Management.
FTA Free-To-Air. Radio and TV services that are broadcast without encryption, allowing anyone with the appropriate equipment to receive the signal and listen or view the content free of charge.
FTP File Transfer Protocol. Standard network protocol used for the transfer of files between a client and a server.
FTTx Fiber To The x. Broadband network architecture where optical fiber is used up to a certain point in the network. For example, FTTdp (Fiber To The Distribution Point) uses fiber up to a junction box close to the customer's premises, whereas FTTH (Fiber To The Home) uses fiber all the way up to the customer's premises.
Function DVE Alternative name for "virtual function".
See Service and Resource Management.
Function hysteresis Functionality of DataMiner SRM that keeps virtual function resources from being disabled if they will be used again soon.
See Advanced SRM settings.
Function XML XML file containing a virtual function definition.
See Service and Resource Management.


Term Description DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) protocol standard for local loops shorter than 500 m, with performance targets between 150 Mbit/s and 1 Gbit/s.
General database Dedicated database for a DataMiner Agent, which contains among others alarm and trend information. If you do not use Storage as a Service but host the DataMiner storage databases yourself, typically this will be a Cassandra cluster.
Global constant Fixed variable used in spectrum scripts.
See Using global constants.
GOTS Government Off-The-Shelf. Term used for off-the shelf products that are created and owned by a government agency.
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus. IEEE-488 interface used to connect sensors and programmable instruments to a computer or to other instruments.
GQI Generic Query Interface. A special type of data feed for DataMiner Dashboards and Low-Code Apps. See Generic Query Interface (GQI).
Grandmaster clock Device from which the time is retrieved in a PTP environment.
See DataMiner PTP app.


Term Description
Hamburger button Button consisting of three horizontal lines, which opens a menu. Used for example in the top-right corner of a card in DataMiner Cube.
HDR High Dynamic Range imaging. Technique used in imaging and video to display a greater dynamic range of luminosity than with standard techniques.
Heatmap Graphical representation of data with values represented as colors.
HFC Hybrid Fiber-Coaxial. Network combining optical fiber and coaxial cable.
HFR High frame rate. Technology where video or film is displayed with a higher number of frames per second than the standard frame rate.
Hidden element An element that is not displayed in the DataMiner UI by default, typically used to pass information from physical devices to a virtual element.
See Hidden elements.
Histogram A bar graph showing the frequency distribution of parameter values.
See Viewing trend information in a histogram.
HMS Hybrid Management Sub-Layer. Set of specifications that support the design and implementation of inter-operable management systems for evolving HFC cable networks.
HPA High Power Amplifier. Non-linear device that amplifies a small signal to a significant level.
HTML HyperText Markup Language. Standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser.
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Application-layer protocol for flexible interaction with network-based hypertext information systems
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. HTTP extension used for secure communication in a network.
Hybrid parameter Parameter with a value within a predefined range delimited by a minimum and a maximum, or an exceptional, discrete value.
See Discrete, analog and hybrid parameters.
Hysteresis DataMiner functionality that allows you to delay the moment when an alarm is cleared or when the severity of an alarm increases.
See Alarm hysteresis.


Term Description
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service. Cloud-based service that provides a basic computing infrastructure.
IaC Infrastructure as Code
IAM Inventory & Asset Management. DataMiner module that establishes a link between a DMS and a CMDB.
See Inventory & Asset Management.
IAS Interactive Automation script. A DataMiner Automation script that is designed to require user interaction.
See Building interactive Automation scripts with C#.
IDE Integrated Development Environment. Software application that provides comprehensive facilities for software development.
IDP Infrastructure Discovery Provisioning. DataMiner Standard Application that allows you to automatically discover, provision and manage the devices in your network.
See DataMiner IDP app.
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force. Organization developing and promoting open internet standards.
Import package Package based on an export from DataMiner, which can contain, elements, services, views, properties, protocols, Automation scripts, etc.
See Exporting and importing packages on a DMA.
Indexing Engine Dedicated indexing database used to index information from the DataMiner System to allow rapid information retrieval. Required for certain DataMiner features, e.g. GQI. See About databases
Inform message An SNMP notification sent by an SNMP agent to an SNMP manager informing the latter that an alarm event occurred on a particular element. Unlike for an SNMP trap, for an inform message the SNMP manager needs to acknowledge receipt.
See SNMP managers.
Information event A message in the Alarm Console intended to inform DataMiner users without raising an alarm.
See Information event.
Information template A template that is used to override specific parameter data defined in a protocol without making any changes to the protocol itself.
See Information templates.
Input attenuation Adjusting of the signal strength at the input of a spectrum analyzer to improve measuring accuracy.
See Changing the spectrum analyzer settings.
IntelliSense Intelligent code completion, available within DataMiner when configuring C# code in Automation scripts.
See IntelliSense.
Inventory & Asset Management DataMiner module that establishes a link between a DMS and a CMDB. Commonly abbreviated as IAM.
See Inventory & Asset Management.
IP Internet Protocol.
IPDR Internet Protocol Detail Record. Standardized interface that enables the collection and redistribution of data on service usage and other activities in an IP ecosystem.
IRD Integrated Receiver/Decoder. Electronic device used to receive and then convert radio frequency signals.
ISO International Organization for Standardization.


Term Description
Job A description of one or more things that need to be planned in a service provider network, which can be linked to a booking.
See Job Manager.
Job Manager DataMiner application that allows you to create and manage jobs. Commonly referred to as the "Jobs app".
See Job Manager.
Job template A job configuration that is already partly filled in, so that only a few fields still need to be completed to have a fully configured job.
See Working with job templates.
JSON JavaScript Object Notation. Syntax for storing and exchanging data.


Term Description
Key point The exact location in a signal chain where an error has occurred. E.g. "Encoding", "Decoding", "Reception", etc.
See Creating an information template and Adding a violation filter.
KML Keyhole Markup Language. XML notation used in map browsers such as Google Maps.
KPI Key Performance Indicator. Performance measurement that indicates how well something is performing.
KQI Key Quality Indicator. Measurement that indicates how well something meets quality criteria.


Term Description
LAN Local Area Network. Network connecting devices within a limited area.
Latch level The previous highest alarm severity level of a DataMiner object.
See Special icon settings.
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Cross-platform protocol used for directory services authentication.
Level shift Change in the behavior of a trend, detected by DataMiner Analytics, where the value shifts upwards or downwards and then stays at that level.
See Working with behavioral anomaly detection
LINQ Language Integrated Query.
See Language Integrated Query
List view UI component consisting of a dynamic, filterable list of elements, services or bookings. This component is part of the Bookings and Services apps and can also be embedded in Visual Overview.
See Creating a list view.
Lite mode A mode in DataMiner Cube that displays parameters in a customizable, more compact way.
See Working with Lite parameters.
LNA Low-Noise Amplifier. Electronic device that amplifies a very low-power signal without significantly degrading its signal-to-noise ratio.
LNB Low-Noise Block downconverter. Device mounted on a satellite dish that receives radio signals from a satellite and converts them to signals that are sent to an indoor receiver via a cable.
Local database Alternative name for the general database, especially used for older DataMiner versions. This is a dedicated database for one DataMiner Agent, which contains among others alarm and trend information. By default, a Cassandra database is used. A MySQL database is also supported. MSSQL is only supported prior to DataMiner 10.3.0.
Log level Degree of detail at which information is logged. The higher the log level, the more information is included in the log file.
Logger table Table that is not stored in memory, but directly in the database.
LSO Life cycle Service Orchestration. In the context of DataMiner SRM, this is the service life cycle behavior defined in the service definition. Transitions in the service life cycle are executed by the DataMiner Automation scripts that are referred to in the service definition.

M to Z

See Glossary (M to Z).